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The Sopranos


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Definitely a better episode this week. But still...

The flashback with Chrissy telling Tony about the Feds was 100% unneccessary, especially considering what happened is pretty much exactly what you would expect. Although I did like bringing back Adriana's mom, but you would think if her daughter was dead and the FBI came to her house she might have tried a little harder to put pressure on Tony or Carmela for answers.

The lady friend made the obsevrvation that nothing seems to happen on screen or even during the show. You always find out what happens (i.e. Chris's new girl and marriage) afterwards. And then they fast forward between shows, or especially betweens seasons. Its quite a weird, and often annoying, way to go about things.

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Sopranos slid into the abyss of canoli-colored stronzo. What a shame... :tdown


It's definitely not The Sopranos of old and as I've said before - they're treading water.

BUT..............I keep watching and the hour still goes by too quickly.

As proof of my treading water theory: The most interesting plot development was in the previews. It looks like Johnny Sac is going to sing, and when he does - that's when we're going to get Sopranos we've been waiting for.

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Sopranos slid into the abyss of canoli-colored stronzo. What a shame... :tdown


This season has been a complete joke.

This last episode had it's moments. Tony and Christopher stealing the wine from the bikers was a good one.

But the fight between Bobby and Paulie over a ride accident was ridiculous.

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It's too late in the game for me, I'll be watching till the show ends production, but wtf?!

These guys are starting to look more and more like cartoon characters.

What's up with Phil Leotardo talking trash about Johnny Sack in public for 3 episodes? Either p&*ss or get off the pot already...

I almost wished for Artie Bucco to go postal on some fruit & vegetable supply driver, to get things going a bit...


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Someone please tell me what the "Camela guided tour of Paris" was all about.

I know Chase is married to a French woman, but did he want a free vacation to Paris so bad he needed to devote half of an episode as a travel infomercial? :rolleyes:

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last episode:

Tony is shot dead by Carmella after she catches him in bed with the real estate agent; Anthony Junior takes over the gang after a power struggle in which he kills Syl, Paulie, and Imperioli in hand-to-hand-combat; Anthony Junior than goes to bed with Carmella in a Greek-Oedipul finale; Vito isn't really dead, but living in Provincetown in the Witness Protection Program with Jim Nabors (who used to have a piece of the Rock); Bobby gets shot at the Jones Beach toll booth; the shrink marries Uncle Junior.

Sorry to ruin it, but I got a look at the script -

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last episode:

Tony is shot dead by Carmella after she catches him in bed with the real estate agent; Anthony Junior takes over the gang after a power struggle in which he kills Syl, Paulie, and Imperioli in hand-to-hand-combat; Anthony Junior than goes to bed with Carmella in a Greek-Oedipul finale; Vito isn't really dead, but living in Provincetown in the Witness Protection Program with Jim Nabors (who used to have a piece of the Rock); Bobby gets shot at the Jones Beach toll booth; the shrink marries Uncle Junior.

Sorry to ruin it, but I got a look at the script -

That was the phony script left out for everyone to find. What really happens is that A.J. dies by being shoved into a cement mixer by co-workers tired of his bad attitude; Imperioli dies of a heroin overdose; Paulie dies of cancer; Bobby dies by being electrocuted while standing in water while playing with his trains; Uncle Junior dies from neglect by the institution's staff; Tony and Phil argue over Vito's death and shoot each other to death in a parking lot; Carmella, Meadow and Syl are then assassinated by the New York family in retaliation for Phil's death; and Janice takes over the family--she's the boss at the end. The last scene shows Janice in the shrink's office, discussing the same issues with the shrink that Tony always discussed with the shrink.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A better episode but still not very good.

Too much time spent on a not very interesting story line of Christopher, his new girlfriend, both worrying about Tony, and the drugs. Plus any time spent on the always annoying A.J. is a waste.

Tell me again why Tony still goes to the shrink?

The one thing I am curious about is to see what happens with Phil (does he survive?) and Tony, although at this point I'm not expecting much of a finish.

Until next year......

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I gotta say, this was an extraordinarily boring season. I mean, thats the finale? Nothing happened. Nothing.

Hopefully they are just setting us up for the final episodes. But right now everything is just boring loose ends and no interest in the characters. Its about as boring as the first 3 or 4 seasons were excting.

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The Sopranos sucked this year. A lot of time on nothing...NOTHING!!!! I mean, Christopher and his drug relapse...again?!! Who give's a rat's ass. Carmella??...Desperate Housewives without the entertainment value. A.J. is boring me to tears. Bring Meadow back and at least take off her shirt. The therapy...why is it even in the script anymore? Damn it, they couldn't even make the killings interesting this year.

8 final episodes could never wrap up all the boring crap they've delivered this season. Perhaps N.J. will get nuked in the final episode, that's the only way they could tie every boring story together with a nice finale bow.

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I thought the pacing was terrible this season. It takes three episodes for Tony to make it out of the hospital, but the last episode moves through many months. Why couldn't they developed the story line with Christopher's girlfriend while everything was going on with Vito? :huh:

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