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Chet Baker - Broken Wing


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This recently came to my attention.

Does anyone have the CD Broken Wing by Chet Baker in the Jazz In Paris series? AMG claims the piece 'Black Eyes' is by Wayne Shorter. The sound bites do not sound like any Wayne piece I know. Could this be an unrecorded piece that Wayne gave to Chet, like the four he gave to Lee Morgan ('Edda' etc.)? Do the liner notes say anything?



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Neither Baker nor the composition are listed in the index of the paperback. This does not guarantee 100% that they are not mentioned in the text, but I don't remember anything.

I did not include the piece in the appendix since I knew nothing about it. It may be an ommission, or AMG could be wrong. They say Cat Stevens' 'Lady D'arbanville' is by Wayne... One day I hope to sit down with Wayne and clarify some things. I'm sure the appendix is incomplete.

Does the CD credit Wayne?


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I agree that this doesn't really have the feel of a Wayne Shorter composition. It sounds like fairly generic sunny and bright Bossa Nova, although Chet does a good job with it.

"Black Eyes" is also the literal translation of the Russian song, "Ochi Chernye," you know, the one that Boris Badenov always used to sing. :) But that is a different song. Several jazz versions exist as "Dark Eyes," including one by Diz.

Edited by John L
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'Ochi Chernye' is also the song that is played every time you open the music box in Shop Around The Corner, but I digress...

Wayne sent me a PM through organissimo last night confirming that he did not write this piece, so that's that.


Edited by bertrand
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this is a beatiful bossaesque Shorter composition that Baker played a lot around 1978 in his late years. I have Broken Wing and it's one of my standout moments from that album. it's actually called Beautiful black eyes on Broken Wing and also appears on a very good Baker live date from that time, Live at Nick's, though that's hardly surprising since that one was recorded only weeks before Broken Wing, and also in Paris and with nearly the same band. on that album it's simply credited as Black Eyes (or maybe it was the other way round, i can't remember and can't check the discs right now).

what i don't know is if Shorter ever recorded that composition himself. i suspect it must have been written sometime in the late Seventies in the time he did those brazilian albums and his collaboration with Milton Nascimiento. but that's just a guess.

i have only heard the Baker versions, and believe me, it is a very beautiful, laidback tune with great Phil Markowitz piano solos on both mentioned versions.

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this is a beatiful bossaesque Shorter composition that Baker played a lot around 1978 in his late years. I have Broken Wing and it's one of my standout moments from that album. it's actually called Beautiful black eyes on Broken Wing and also appears on a very good Baker live date from that time, Live at Nick's, though that's hardly surprising since that one was recorded only weeks before Broken Wing, and also in Paris and with nearly the same band. on that album it's simply credited as Black Eyes (or maybe it was the other way round, i can't remember and can't check the discs right now).

what i don't know is if Shorter ever recorded that composition himself. i suspect it must have been written sometime in the late Seventies in the time he did those brazilian albums and his collaboration with Milton Nascimiento. but that's just a guess.

i have only heard the Baker versions, and believe me, it is a very beautiful, laidback tune with great Phil Markowitz piano solos on both mentioned versions.

Wayne sent me a PM through organissimo last night confirming that he did not write this piece, so that's that.


Hmmm....it would seem that we have conflicting stories here. :unsure:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmmm....it would seem that we have conflicting stories here. :unsure:

sorry, this was a quick answer one day i was on a quick browse through the board. i hadn't read the full thread. and i'm really surprised by this piece of information.

the track is attributed to Shorter, Wayne Shorter, on every album i've seen it recorded on. on Broken Wing Alan Trecinet even mentions it as a Shorter tune in the liner notes.

but if it wasn't actually written by Shorter i'd like to know who then wrote that nice piece of music. and who's been collecting royalties for it :blink::D

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