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Ideas for standards for a guitar/bass/drums trio in a church service

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Hey, I just booked the next concert in the Jazz & Beyond concert series I started at my church back in January '07 (we just had our 10th(!) concert last night). It looks like the guitar/bass/drums trio that I've booked for our next concert in September (14th), is going to play in the church service itself on Sept. 7th (in part to promote the concert).

The subject of the service (sermon topic) is "Freedom of Belief". Some background about what that means in this particular church -- it's a dogmatically open Unitarian Universalist church, with members of every stripe (lots of Humanists, many secular humanists), some theists, a few polytheists, a smattering of Buddhists, some Wiccan and/or Pagan-like beliefs, a TON of agnostics, and a fair number atheists too.

I'm looking for suggestions of tunes that a well versed group of pros can play without much rehearsal (their schedules are crazy between now and early-September (when the service is), and getting them all together in the same room other than for gigs is half impossible). Tunes that vaguely fit the service topic (particularly based on the title of the tune, since they'll all be performed instrumentally). So, the lyrics don't matter so much, as long as the song-title printed in the program seems to fit the service topic (in some loose way).

I'll break out my Real Book later tonight, but I wanted to see what the board could come up with. Lots of great ideas here, I'm sure.

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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OK, finally digging out my Real Book...

All The Things You Are -- No, the original lyrics don't work one bit, but repurposing the title does (and nobody knows the lyrics).

Freedom Jazz Dance (Harris) -- "Freedom" is right in the name of the service topic - a good fit.

Inner Urge (Henderson) -- another title that fits very decently with the topic.

My Favorite Things -- probably a stretch. The title's a decent fit, but in this case, everybody knows the lyrics. Still, our minister could like the fit great, who knows.

My Ship -- title could be taking as a nod to individuality. Could work.

Passion Dance (Tyner) -- another title with sort of a nod to individuality, and I know this tune is in the band's book too (a plus).

Peace (Silver) -- doesn't exactly fit the service topic, but a great tune, and certainly a decent fit in any church setting.

Seven Steps To Heaven -- Ha!! Might be great in an ironic way, in a church where almost nobody believes in a traditional 'church' definition of Heaven. (The minister could make light of this too. He might even like it enough to make it the feature in the offertory, right before the sermon.)

They Can't Take That Away From Me -- a little over the top, in terms of dramatic song titles, but maybe. Maybe right after the sermon.

Any more?? I've just got one of those handed down Real Books probably from 30 years ago. I have no idea what the tunes are included in the more modern (legal) Real Books, or other of the most common modern fake books. Could be lots I'm overlooking. Is there an index online somewhere, of song-titles?? I'll start googling.

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Contemplation (Tyner) -- off The Real McCoy -- is a possibility too.

Passion Dance is a lock -- the band already plays it.

And I'm hoping "Seven Steps" gets the green light. The irony there is perfect!!!

They'll probably play three tunes in the service itself, plus one right before, and another one right after. Open for more ideas...

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