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Tell Us Your Cell Phone Ring Tone

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If I had a cell phone that I could change the ringer on (and I don't - I've got a much older one - with no plans to upgrade), I'd try to find some way to program it to do Zappa's "The Black Page".

Though I suppose it'd be a bitch to get it to do N-tuplets --- like 5-tuplets, and 7-tuplets --- let alone a triplet where each 1/3 of the subdivision is further subdivided into 5, 7, and 9 tuplets (respectively).

Either that, or some Ornette tune -- they do have microtonal settings (notes), right????


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I was playing in a concert Friday night and someone's cell went off REALLY LOUDLY right in the middle of a solo. I immediately used it as a motive in my solo, and the audience was cracking up. I think they appreciated that more than anything "thoughtful" I might have been trying to play. :rolleyes: I remember hearing that someone had done this at a gig (I think it was Wynton) so I must have had that in the back of my mind.

EDIT: Because of course it is my ultimate goal to emulate Wynton........ :unsure:

Edited by Free For All
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I was playing in a concert Friday night and someone's cell went off REALLY LOUDLY right in the middle of a solo. I immediately used it as a motive in my solo, and the audience was cracking up. I think they appreciated that more than anything "thoughtful" I might have been trying to play.  :rolleyes:I remember hearing that someone had done this at a gig (I think it was Wynton) so I must have had that in the back of my mind.

EDIT: Because of course it is my ultimate goal to emulate Wynton........ :unsure:

Don't know about Wynton doing it (but it wouldn't suprise me if he did either), but the first time I ever heard about this kinda thing - was a report by that Kansas City Star jazz guy, who said he heard KC's own Roger Wilder do it on a gig at the Blue Room.

So, chalk it up to you wanting to emulate Roger -- who we both know is way cooler than Wynton. B)

(...so is that guy at The Star too. ;) )

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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