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Jury duty sucks ass...

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Same here, Catesta. I've been summoned a few times (like, everytime I vote in an election!) and I excuse myself based on the fact that I am in sales and have no salary. I don't have a company that will pay me my day's wage for missing the day. No socialism in my occupation. It's raw capitalism baby! :g

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I always liked Homer Simpson's advice on how to beat jury duty:

"The trick is to say that you're prejudiced against all races."

I've only been called once in my life. I reported to the courthouse in Boston, MA. like a good citizen. I brought my walkman and a good book (Marcel Proust, "A La Recherche du Temps Perdu"). I sat around reading, listening to "Relaxin' With The Miles Davis Quintet" and other tapes. At about 1pm I was told that they had selected all of the jurors for the day, and that I could go home. I was prepared to sit there until 5! At the time, Mass had this wonderful rule called "one day/one trial". It meant that if you were not selected the first day, you were off the hook for the next five years. That's what I call civic duty!

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Only called once - sat around all morning, ate lunch downtown (3 hour lunch break!!!), and never was picked. Just had to call in the next day, and found out I was off the hook for the rest of the week.

Actually, I think I'd like to actually be on a jury sometime. Not for some huge, many-month-long case, but something about a week long. Might be interesting...

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Only called once - sat around all morning, ate lunch downtown (3 hour lunch break!!!), and never was picked.  Just had to call in the next day, and found out I was off the hook for the rest of the week.

Actually, I think I'd like to actually be on a jury sometime.  Not for some huge, many-month-long case, but something about a week long.  Might be interesting...

See, Jim? Like I said last night, you need to change your whole shit! :P

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I was called in for jury duty a few months ago. When I found out I had to go in, I was pretty pissed off.

I have to say, once I went in and did it, I ended up kind of enjoying it.

I didn't get stuck on a trial or anything. I was called into a courtroom as part of a jury pool. It was fun watching the judge and the attorneys do the jury selection. I was impressed by the judge. He asked very astute questions and really seemed to get the truth out of people. It was a personal injury case, so if I would have had to serve, it would have only been for a week or so.

It was nice being away from the office and seeing something different.

Fortunately here in California, if you get called in, and you aren't seated on a jury. Your service is completed. They can't call you back for another year.

Good luck B3-er!

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All right, so it wasn't so bad. I am just grouchy in the morning. I am NOT a morning person at all.

I was there until 11:00am and then the judge came in and said, "Go home." I still have to call tonight and see if I have to go in tomorrow.

My biggest gripe is that they say your name is picked at random, but I've been picked for jury duty three out of the last four years. Once I did the same thing as today... sat around for the morning, went home. The second time was the following year and I told them I had already done this the previous year and they said, "Oh, well you're not supposed to be here then." And now this year.

I guess it's not so bad. Please excuse my grouchiness. :)

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Gee guys, hope none of you ever is charged with a crime(That you did not commit, of course) and gets a bunch of jurors like yourselves! Hang em'! Hang em' quick, I got a life! I'm important! I have only been called once, and even though it was going to cost me money, I did think it was my civic duty....they do call way too many people though...there seemed to be hundreds of us for one trial...and damn, everyone was griping so after a few hours, you'd a thought they were having their flesh stripped from their bodies...the judge made an appearance and said their had been a plea bargain, and well, it was a good thing for us, since it was going to be a murder trial, and we were all going to be sequestered for the duration!!!!

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The closest I ever came to actually serving on a jury was for a double murder/torture case. While I made the "cut" for both sides, they managed to fill the box and alternates before I was called. I must admit, it was a positive experience for me; it was the first time that I really thought through my feelings on the death penalty (one of the questions to be answered in writing beforehand), which led to a surprise.

I'd love to serve on a jury, but not in a case like that. I found out later that the two defendants pled guilty, but the jury was still stuck there for a year just for the sentencing portion...

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Civic duty, what a load. I refuse to put myself in a position to determine the fate of another human being, let alone a complete stranger, weather it be paying fines or sentencing to prison. I just love how it's simply 'decided' that you must serve as a juror. Fuck that. I hope I don't get summoned... I suppose three days in jail can't be that bad.

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Gotta disagree with you, 3-D. I certainly see it as a civic duty. I'd like to think that if it was me being charged with a crime, maybe someone might feel I was worth listening to. You know, other than bitter old out-of-work pensioners who think the chair ought to be given for jaywalking to "teach the young bastards a lesson"...

If it isn't the job of your fellow citizens, who would you want to decide your fate? Would you prefer the D.A. and the judge just get together and work it out?

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I've been summoned three times and for reasons that are too complicated to explain here they all turned out to be extremely stressful experiences.I look forward to jury duty like I look forward to being constipated.

If the time comes where I actually have to serve on the jury I'll do the best I can but it won't be easy because in my own life I do try not to judge other people.

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...and for reasons that are too complicated to explain here they all turned out to be extremely stressful experiences.

I'd be curious to hear the reason(s) why jury duty was so stressful for you, Chris. I don't ask to make any kind of judgement about your reasons - they're your reasons, and I won't second-guess them one bit.

I'm just wondering if there was something specific about your experiences that I hadn't ever thought of in conjunction with serving on a jury. Genuine interest is my only reason for asking. ("No comment" is a perfectly valid answer, however, if you'd rather not go into it.)

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I am actually very sympathetic towards Use3D's comments on this thread. His stance can be criticized by those who feel we have a civic duty to serve in juries when called, but I always appreciate it when people honestly express their frustrations about things, even should it prove to be unpopular. Kudos to you!

I have always been officially excused from jury duty owing to the nature of my work, but I would certainly go if I were not excused by the courts. Of course, I would probably be pissed off about it like Use3D, but I don't know for sure as I've never undergone the experience.

To play devil's advocate here: shouldn't we have the right to protest against being forced to sit on jury duty just as we have the right to protest against war? I pesonally have grave doubts about the efficacy and fairness of our justice system (i.e. what about vicitim's rights?); and I am definitely against capital punishment. There's no way on God's earth that I will vote to send anyone to an execution. Ain't gonna happen. The whole concept is barbaric and I'm opposed to giving the State the power to snuff out inidividual's lives. Shouldn't we be allowed to consciencously (sp?) object against the justice system just as we have that right in times of war? What do you guys think?

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To play devil's advocate here: shouldn't we have the right to protest against being forced to sit on jury duty just as we have the right to protest against war? I pesonally have grave doubts about the efficacy and fairness of our justice system (i.e. what about vicitim's rights?); and I am definitely against capital punishment. There's no way on God's earth that I will vote to send anyone to an execution. Ain't gonna happen. The whole concept is barbaric and I'm opposed to giving the State the power to snuff out inidividual's lives. Shouldn't we be allowed to consciencously (sp?) object against the justice system just as we have that right in times of war? What do you guys think?

As a juror, you do have the power to prevent a defendant from getting the death penalty. There are a number of things you can do. You can refuse to find the defendant guilty, for one thing. You'd get a hung jury, the judge would declare a mistrial, and the defense would get another crack at a different jury.

I'm also against capital punishment, but that wouldn't prevent me from sitting on a jury, even in a murder trial with the death penalty on the table. There are lots of ways for defendants to legally avoid being sentenced to death. His lawyer can advise him to cop a plea, or plead guilty to a lesser charge (Murder one too tough? Try for murder two or manslaughter). Unless your name happens to be Jeffery Dahmer, you'd probably get life imprisonment if you pled guilty rather than waiting for a jury to find you guilty.

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