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Ron S

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Everything posted by Ron S

  1. "WHO's Prime Minister?" "No, YES." (with apologies to Abbott & Costello)
  2. Well, there's no way ROUNDABOUT it, Aric is definitely a STARSHIP TROOPER.
  3. Hmmmm . . . wouldn't that mean he has an OEDIPUS COMPLEX?
  5. Speaking of "YES," that post certainly was a "Long Distance Runaround."
  6. I have no idea when "Pack Rat" Day is this year, but I DO know when "Rat Pack" Day is:
  7. The problem I have is trying to figure out what YEAR it is--let alone the month and the day--from those damn holes.
  8. Sounds like P.D.'s already enjoying Happy Hour. Nope... single finger typing and worn out letters on the keys I shall not correct the above......... That's what I figured. It's just that when I first read it, I was hearing the word "shallenge" pronounced in my head the way it was spelled.
  9. Sounds like P.D.'s already enjoying Happy Hour.
  10. ROOSTER TIES: The Rich Little/Darryl Hammond (depending on your vintage) of the Organissimo BB.
  11. But the secret to your sound-improvement, of course, is to DRINK all that wine while listening to your equipment--guaranteed to improve the sound of ANY system.
  12. It's also a TWO CD set, which makes it very rare indeed.
  13. You can read about it here: Les Paul's regular Monday night gig
  14. Actually, they're sold out because I bought their entire stock to replace every door and cabinet knob in my house--sort of a holistic acoustic thing. Or maybe it's a Feng Shui thing. Or maybe I was just supposed to COLOR all the knobs GREEN with that case of magic markers I had specially imported from Lichtenstein!
  15. Don't they mostly record direct to hard drive now?
  16. Old myths die hard. It has been established that this jam session actually was recorded on May 31, 1955, over a year before his death. Brownie did indeed play at the same location hours before his death, but that's not what's on the recording. The presence of Billy Root makes it impossible that it is from June 25, 1956, since he was with the Kenton band at the time. Root has also stated himself that is was from an earlier occasion. This takes nothing away from the actual music of course. Wow - news to me. I'd always assumed that the notes on the old LP were correct.. And the notes persist in the CD still in production. You'd think Sony would add some explanation or disclaimer to the original liner notes since, in a way, the very title and concept of this album is apparently false advertising. Look at the description in the lower right corner of the current CD cover: As already said, though, the music is still great.
  17. This IS great--from 2 live performances in L.A., these are the earliest recordings of the newly-formed Brown/Roach group. Naturally, the sound is not as good as the studio recordings, but is still very good (i.e., MUCH better than radio airchecks and most Bird live recordings). The catalogue number of this CD is GNPD 18.
  18. In addition to the 2 Emarcy's that have been more recently reissued in Verve's Master Edition series ("At Basin Street" and "Clifford Brown & Max Roach"), don't overlook this title which, like "Study in Brown" is still only available from Verve in the original 1989 CD issue: These are the earliest studio recordings of the Brown/Roach group (Harold Land instead of Sonny Rollins on tenor) and the music is terrific. Also like "Study in Brown," this CD was a direct transfer from the original master tapes in Verve's vault and, to my ears, the sound is excellent--incredible presence and clarity. I suspect that the excellent sound of these original transfers is why Verve hasn't remastered and reissued these 2 titles in the "Master Edition" series.
  19. I second the Shelly Manne at the Blackhawk suggestion. Also, the 2 CD's of Shelly Manne Live at the Manne-Hole are almost as good. All 7 CD's (Black Hawk and Manne-Hole) provide great straight-ahead live club jazz from the late '50's/early '60's, with excellent sound.
  20. I hear that in Toronto they sell a Charlie Parker watch made out of plasic.
  21. Ron S

    Feb 15 RVGs

    ...all of these new ones list the label as ANGEL . What's up with this? Yet another appendage (classical) of the mighty EMI empire. That's the problem with these gargantuan international record conglomerates--their labels can get easily confused (although not the music on them!).
  22. I'm sure Art and Alfred will really appreciate these awards. Giving a "LIFETIME Achievement Award" to someone 15 years after he died gives new meaning to the word "irony".
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