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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. DukeCity

    Bob James

    I completely agree, akanalog! I had some bob james sides in the '70s and they were enjoyable for what they are. I have saxophone students come to me and when I ask them who they're into I hear that they like (shudder) Kenny G. After I stifle my gag reflex, I encourage them to find out who his influences are. So they might learn about someone like Grover Washington, Jr. and then check out his influences to get to Stanley Turrentine, then back to Dexter. From there you can move forward to early Trane, etc. Like six degrees of separation, you can take almost any entry point or gateway, and get to some pretty happening and deep music in just a few steps. In the meantime, JK, just enjoy whatever you're digging at the moment, and be open to checking out whatever comes. That's my 2 cents...
  2. I dig. I don't have any info for you. But I dig, none-the-less...
  3. A miracle indeed. You must have a much stronger constitution than me. That's probably why I keep getting sucked into pyramid schemes, cults, fantasy football leagues and such...
  4. Growing up in Oregon in the '70s it was pretty hard to avoid wearing some Earth Shoes. Pretty attractive, no?
  5. Not exactly a wedding registry, but you could direct your loved ones here to start cashing in on those Mosaics.
  6. I seem to recall that Reagan got the Iranian hostages freed with 3 8-balls of blow and a HUGE chunk of blonde Lebanese hash. Then again, I was pretty messed up, so it's all a little foggy.
  7. R.I.P Steve. Coincidental that Steve was just mentioned on this board recently on the 'long-time associations' thread.
  8. To what to you refer? I'm always up for reading some bad and torturous prose. Please elaborate...
  9. Just ordered a copy of the 2-disc Laserlight from here: http://www.studio52.gr/info_en.asp?infoID=00000p8q Keeping my fingers crossed that it actually works! Edit- They did respond, but the price was 18.5 Euro which seemed high. So I cancelled my order, and placed an order at Play.com from above. Anyone receive theirs from Play.com yet?
  10. I'm certainly not a champion of the smooth jazz thing (I prefer my jazz to be chunky) But I have enjoyed some of Sanborn's stuff, and I have seen interviews with him where he says clearly that he doesn't consider himself to be a jazz player. He puts himself into the R&B category. Similarly, I seem to recall Botti referring to his music as 'instrumental pop' or some such thing. That's in contrast to that Kenny G guy who often (quite 'humbly') compares his own greatness to that of the jazz masters. The whole idea of trying to split hairs with defining different labels for music gets tedious pretty quickly. But I have to give guys like Sanborn and Botti props for keeping their thing in perspective. So whoever informed you of their jazz giant status may need to attend a 're-education' facility of some kind.
  11. Keep us posted (no pun intended), 'cause if they do ship to the US I'd like to get a copy too! --Glenn
  12. Paul-- I never you you did those sides with Von. Looks like a pretty happening band. Are they still in print and available? --Glenn
  13. Free For All beat me to it! I thought of Mitch Miller, but didn't know he was still around...
  14. We used to have an annual Trane's Birthday party in college. Lots of revelry and a listening marathon. Good times...
  15. Don't know much about the Roswell Rockets, but I've been digging the Albuquerque Isotopes (named from an episode of the Simpsons where their beloved Springfield Isotopes are purchased by a group of businessmen from ABQ). Cool new stadium, good beer, and yes, the ball does carry up here at 5,000 ft. altitude.
  16. As I understand it, mid-grade (Octane ca. 89) is literally a mixture of regular (86ish) and super (92 or 93), drawing from the two tanks. So if they run out of either regular or super, then the mid-grade is out by default. Is this correct? Either way, things are looking a little bleak!
  17. Ahh...the '78 Ford LTD. Great land yacht for sailing the open freeways when I lived in Texas. Not so good for parking when living in Chicago.
  18. Thanks, DB. Turns out, my university library has both of these titles. So I can check-out (literally) either of them gratis. --Glenn
  19. I agree, vibes. "The String" seems not to be the most inspired Stitt rhythm changes. And "The String" uses the standard Rhythm Changes bridge (with no written melody) vs. the very cool chromatic "Eternal Triangle" bridge that Free For All mentioned. Sure, we're picking nits here. A little Stitt to start your day is always a good thing.
  20. Candy Corn + Salted Peanuts = PayDay Bar!!! Trust me...
  21. Which 24?? ← Don't know which 24. Mostly I'm interested in whether the writing is any good...
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