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Posts posted by king ubu
Yeah, mostly they're okay, but I've had some cost 30€ and turn up without 90° corners, cracks in covers (or even backs) etc. ... what started as a book dealer has generally gotten really bad at selling books (and good at supporting fascism) ... I've had plenty of new books ordered that were never delivered, i.e. the Ella Fitzgerald bio ... just gotten a new delivery estimate e-mail monthly for years, and when I canceled and created a new order for the paperback, the same thing started anew ... and of course the poor sobs in customer service have no clue. So I'm generally weary of them ... only thing that works reliably is major label music (classical CD box-sets mostly) that I pre-order or order right upon release ... if you wait a month or two, the same games started anew: monthly delivery estimate updates ... I've got a few order that have been running for two years, it'ss pathetic ... I just settled into accepting those items are oop, while amazon listed them as "in stock" for months and months - and sure I contacted customer service, see above ...)
For the Ella book, currently they say 3 copies of the hardcover in stock, the paperback oop - I never got neither.
Sorry for the off topic excurse about lamentable american billionaires doing what they do best 🙃
4 hours ago, Big Beat Steve said:
Preorder price 27.99 EUR on amazon.de.
An option for you, even if you are not in Germany?Thanks, it is indeed - didn't check yet (one thing I'm really weary of is all the cheap - and not so cheap, price-wise - print on demand crappily crappily printed books amazon is selling nowadays ... but with a new book there's hope at least in the first few months they'll sell decent copies).
Okay, tried completing the order but it fails - seems they don't ship to Europe at all. Too bad, but worth a try.
On 2/3/2025 at 6:21 PM, Dan Gould said:
I had to pay $6 and you get free international shipping? Doesn't seem fair but 30% off makes it a really good deal then.
20-25$ would be realistic for shipping, I think... probably after passing the order they will reach out about that? I have only gone through it until before payment and then stopped because it seemed wrong.
On 2/3/2025 at 7:55 PM, T.D. said:
The latest BYG/Actuel Solid CD reissues show as available for 3/24 preorder at DG. I couldn't find them at CDjapan (but hope they will appear).
They are there now!
Anybody done a complete list of the reissues and care to share? Would be much appreciated!
4 minutes ago, clifford_thornton said:
Could be interesting -- the process of writing about music from different perspectives is something that seems valuable.
Agreed, indeed! Thanks Dan! But I wonder: free international shipping - can that be correct?
Yep, up to Vol. 11!
Got my CDs today from SoundOhm – yowzah! They missed one and included another one twice, so I'll have to deal with a return – but compared with what we assumed the situation to be just a few weeks ago, that's pretty great!
On 5/11/2024 at 7:53 PM, T.D. said:
Good point.
I find the ezz-thetics reissue program weird in several respects.
To be honest, I never thought of "to" in the inclusive sense, given that many of the packages prune tracks from the component albums. 🤔
Ended up with both and the sound is quite similar (not to say almost identical) to these ears... not great, but very much okay. Guess I'll pass on the ezz-thetics, as I already have a reissue of "Three for Shepp" (Impulse Master Edition or whatever that was called, bought around 25 years ago, I guess.
Thanks, haven't checked the video material yet.
Quite crazy how much music was performed at these sessions! And even crazier that all of it was recorded and eventually broadcast, too!
Not sure I have the recordings any longer, but here's some info for what was/is in circulation (there may be more accurate listings available, this here dates from 2006):
Baden-Baden Free Jazz Meeting 1970
Südwestfunk Studios, Baden-Baden, Germany
December 1970 (approx 7th - 12th)collective personnel:
Don Cherry - trumpet, flute
Manfred Schoof - trumpet
Tomasz Stanko - trumpet
Paul Rutherford - trombone
Albert Mangelsdorff - trombone
Steve Lacy - soprano sax
John Tchicai - soprano & alto sax
Trevor Watts - alto sax
Willem Breuker - alto & tenor sax, clarinet
Peter Brötzmann - alto, tenor & baritone sax
John Surman - baritone sax
Derek Bailey - guitar
Gunter Hampel - vibes, bass clarinet
Joachim Kühn - piano, alto sax
Irene Aebi - violin, vocals
Dave Holland - bass, cello
Barre Phillips - bass
Johnny Dyani - bass, cello
Peter Warren - bass
John Stevens - drums, percussion, cnt
Han Bennink - drums, percussion, dhung
Stu Martin - drums
Pierre Favre - drums, percussion
Karin Krog - vocals
Norma Winstone - vocals************************************************************
01. Let's Sing For Him (March In Memory of Albert Ayler) (John Stevens) 5:00
All musicians, solos: Cherry, Krog, Winstone
02. Piece for Two Quintets (Zwei Quintette) (John Tchicai) 11:29
John Tchicai Double Quintet (Stanko, Rutherford, Breuker, Watts,
Bennink, Hampel, Lacy, Brotzmann, Bailey, Kühn)
03. After the Fight (John Stevens) 15:01
Schoof, Mangelsdorff, Lacy, Watts, Surman, Kühn, Phillips, Winstone
04. Duo No. 1 (Bailey-Holland) 2:12
Bailey, Holland
05. Sound As Time (Sound IS Time?) (Warren-Favre) 7:12
Warren, Favre
06. Duo No. 2 (Bailey-Holland) 4:38
Bailey, Holland
07. Depressions and Illusions From Peers Castle 3:08
Kuhn, Krog
08. Toy Room (Holland)
Holland, Winstone
09. Man Peter (Schoof-Warren) [inc]
Warren, Schoof
10. Birthday (solo)
- maybe sequencing should be: 1-2-3-5-9-4-6 (not sure where 7,8,10 fit in)
- Duo No. 2 is probably actually Duo No. 2 (2:27) and Duo No. 3 (2:06)
01. Different Things 18:26
Kuhn, Warren, Favre
02. Whole Earth Catalog (Don Cherry) 24:46
All musicians
03. Blue Lake 10:51
Don Cherry Workshop (Holland, Warren, Dyani, Bennink)
04. Nude Minor Chase 15:23
Johnny Dyani Quintet (Lacy, Hampel, Holland, Bennink)************************************************************
01. Round and Round and Then We Danced (Johnny Dyani) 11:30
Johnny Dyani Sextet (Bailey, Kühn, Phillips, Bennink, Favre)
02. The Day the Child Cried (Trad.) 6:40
Tomasz Stanko with the Baden-Baden Big Band incl. Cherry, Schoof, Lacy,
Watts, Tchicai, Breuker, Hampel, Holland, Warren, Dyani, Stevens, Favre
03. First Duo (Schoof-Kühn) 3:55
Schoof, Kühn
04. Interactions 13:56
Manfred Schoof Septet (Tchicai, Hampel, Breuker, Warren, Stevens, Favre)************************************************************
01. Ballad For Friends (Stanko-Komeda) 10:19
Tomasz Stanko Sextet (Lacy, Kühn [as], Holland, Warren, Favre)
02. Inspiration No. 2 (Manfred Schoof) 7:43
Schoof, Kuhn and Holland Trio
03. Precipitation Suite (Steve Lacy) 8:21
Cherry, Lacy, Aebi, Bennink, Krog, Winstone
04. Lizabeth (Peter Warren) 10:50
Stanko, Mangelsdorff, Lacy, Surman, Hampel, Kühn, Warren, Phillips,
Holland, Dyani, Martin, Favre
05. A-C (Dave Holland) 5:06
06. Solo in a Ballad Mood (Joachim Kühn) 5:14
07. Es Zeet (Willem Breuker) 5:02
Hampel, Breuker, Bennink
08. Women's Liberation No. 1 (Krog-Winstone) 6:26
Krog, Winstone, Holland, Stevens
09. Prana (Karin Krog) 5:47
Krog, Cherry, Dyani (cello), Holland, Warren, Bennink
10. Lazy Afternoon (Latouche-Ross) 3:42
Winstone, Kühn, Holland, Favre************************************************************
01. Let's Enjoy This Day (John Taylor) 4:42
Winstone, Kühn, Warren, Favre
02. Please (Robert Creeley) 1:27
Krog, Favre
03. Santa Monica (Joachim Kühn) 2:11
Krog solo (vocals, Ring Modulator)
04. Song From Peer's Castle 3:49
Krog, Kuhn
05. Women's Liberation No. 2 (Krog-Winstone) 6:29
Krog, Winstone, Holland, Stevens
06. Celebration Music (Gunter Hampel) 29:28
Cherry, Mangelsdorff, Lacy, Tchicai, Breuker, Hampel, Holland, Bennink, a.o.
07. Centering of the Celebration Music (Gunter Hampel) 6:56
Tchicai, Hampel, Breuker, Cherry, Mangelsdorff, Dyani, Bennink?
or same as #6?
08. Near Tear One 10:04
Paul Ruthorford with Lacy, Stanko, Bailey, Holland, Warren, Favre,
Winstone, Krog************************************************************
01. Sometimes We Walk Home (Albert Mangelsdorff) 9:45
Mangelsdorff, Rutherford, Brötzmann, Breuker, Hampel, Bailey, Kühn, Bennink
02. Trauermusik (Willem Breuker) 8:10
Breuker, Rutherford, Tchicai, Warren
03. Gut und Böse 9:26 (poss. something else - was labelled as a Kuhn-Favre duo)
Kühn, Favre
04. Floating Room 10:23
Holland, Winstone
05. Unknown Title 9:49
Mangelsdorff, Kühn, Holland, Martin
06. Inspiration No. 1 (Manfred Schoof) 4:54
Schoof, Kühn, Holland************************************************************
6 CD/TT: 5:52:37
Earle Warren is pretty great here! Quite rough, with an r&b'ish delivery.
On 1/6/2025 at 7:47 PM, Roger Farbey said:
Further update(!)... Steve at Cuneiform bas confirmed that Flashpoint (2011) and Flashpoints & Undercurrents are two completely different sessions, hence F & U being in stereo. I'll stop with the updates now.
Good to know, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing @Smith – I put my order in with Soundohm and wrote them a few hours ago, asking about what's going on ... meant to ask them about shipping whatever they already have in stock for a while.
On 11/24/2024 at 12:34 AM, clifford_thornton said:
Funny Funky is personally my favorite of the bunch.
Haven't explored all the others yet, fur "Funny Funky Rib Crib" was an instant love affair for me! (As was the Hal Singer/Jef Gilson, also on Kindred Spirits.)
I won't complain about the CDs (got three, skipped Funny Funky), at the price (12-13€, a bit more for the double) I expected them to look like other recent Souffle Continu reissues – which they do. It was quite clear that to get a lavish package, going vinyl was the option. I'd have been happy about a nice boxed set with booklet and all, too, but it was clear this wouldn't be it, so I don't quite understand the complaints here, I'm afraid.
Most helpful, thanks!
6 hours ago, jazzbo said:
You won't be disappointed Flurin!
I know ... would have bought it at twice that price!
Just in case, over here in yurp, a.it has the set for 20€
Looking forward a lot to having these concerts in their entirety and in good sound, with good presentation.
Got mine a few days ago ... with two discs five and no disc six - hope the replacement will arrive soon.
On 8/22/2024 at 1:49 PM, Rooster_Ties said:
The original volume 4 (forget the specific name) was just 3 songs — barely 19+ minutes long iirc. It was the ‘bonus’ release after vols 1-3 first came out, and I think(?) it was only available if you bought all of 1-3, or you could get it free if you got 1-3 — I never figured out those details (I got mine used).
I’m fairly sure they added the bonus stuff to vol 4 — since it was SO short to begin with.
Looks like you're right ... tracklisting for disc 4 via Discogs - #4-10 look like that bonus material:
4-1 Midbar
4-2 Mahlah
4-3 Zenan
4-4 Paran (rehearsal)
4-5 Mikreh (Alternate Take)
4-6 Hafla'ah (insert)
4-7 Shebuah (insert)
4-8 Tiferet (rehearsal)
4-9 Avelut (false start / take 1)
4-10 Avelut (take 2)But the bonus release I meant is this, which is a double disc set, mostly consisting of alternate takes, it seems (I only spot-checked):
https://www.discogs.com/de/master/1567371-Masada-Sanhedrin-1994-1997-Unreleased-Studio-RecordingsSeems there is no overlap, the new material (wonder what "insert" means) actually new, but the "Sanhedrin" set not part of the box?
How can it contain 10 discs, all 10 albums in their original constellation, plus an hour or rare (note: not previously unreleased – there was a separate bonus release too if I remember correctly?) additional music?
Very nice photo @Chuck Nessa! I've got that shirt, too...
And a few more bought via Bandcamp (two different Strata Records, Analogue Africa, Pi, Out of Your Head Records, Kassa Overall, Alan Braufman – usually you have to act fast if S or M sizes won't do for you). With the increasing temperatures in summer and the lack of a/c at the place I work, these have become my usual attire at work.
On 8/1/2024 at 6:51 PM, colinmce said:
If anyone missed out on the [Ahmed] 5xCD box set, it looks like he ran a second printing:
Thanks, ordered!
Horace Tapscott & Pan Afrikan People Arkestra - Live at IUCC 11/2678 2CD
in New Releases
Excellent, glad to hear most of us who ordered got their deliveries or are about to. Really happy things did turn up well!
Just started listening with Vol. 1 again today, and while sound is rough there (first gig for the engineer and his equipment, the short notes state), the music is rough, too, and bubbling and intense, and sometimes pretty wild - and that is great to witness indeed!