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  1. Radio broadcasts from 10/30 and 11/04, 1937.
  2. Art Hodes would certainly be near the top of my list.
  3. This man should do an album of Elvis Costello covers. He's already got the appearance covered. I guess that's all that matters.
  4. It's late October and that means it was high time for a Vincent Price movie night. Recently I watched: Merely okay. Lots of padding in this film, but VP is good. Christopher Lee is kind of on automatic pilot in his performance -- but that's about all the effort this movie deserved. VP's one man Poe show. It's only 53 minutes long, so I'm guessing this was made for TV. "The Telltale Heart" is perhaps the best segment here. "The Sphinx" turns out to be a complete waste of time. VP gives marvelous, scenery chewing performances throughout. A classic in its own way, although it has its share of padding too. VP and Peter Lorre are excellent together. They could have become the horror movie version of Abbot & Costello.
  5. From this 5 disc Rhino Records boxed set -- I'm listening to Disc 4, which includes appearances by Les Baxter, Russ Garcia, Dick Hyman, Sun Ra and John Zorn.
  6. Disc 2 of 2. Sure, this disc has Big T and Pee Wee on hand, but one's tolerance for the vocal stylings of Red McKenzie will likely be a determining factor in the amount of enjoyment one might glean from the Dec. '44 session included here.
  7. Keeping things in a vibes vein, but going from Mr. Tjader to Mr. Richards --
  8. The "Special Guest" was trumpeter Randy Sandke, who also supplied all the arrangements on this 1997 CD.
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