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Everything posted by RainyDay

  1. !! Great work! Do you ever have shows or do the open studio thing? I like your work. Very nice.
  2. Hot. Hot here is relative. If you live near the Bay, hot is anything over 80 and we all wilt and whine like crazy. It's going to be close 90 degrees in SF and in Oakland. It's too early for it to be like this. Last summer we had record breaking heat. Last month we had almost two straight weeks of record breaking heat, waaay too early in the year for that. I've lived here for over 30 years and this is not normal weather. It takes the fog a long time to get here and cool things off. Typical heat waves last 3-5 days, not 1-2 weeks. Global warming...
  3. What is it about a brand new baby? She is just beautiful. Congratulations!
  4. Listen, Jack. This isn't a negative response to you. Seriously.... I just wanted to say that (1) I agree that dudes like Nelly present awful images of women as sexual objects but, more importantly, (2) women "fighting back" against this sort of image portrayal isn't exactly late-breaking news. It just so happens that someone at the AP chose to write a story about it this time. Queen Latifah's "U.N.I.T.Y." came out eleven years ago. First verse: "Instinct leads me to another flow Everytime I hear a brother call a girl a bitch or a ho Trying to make a sister feel low You know all of that gots to go Now everybody knows there's exceptions to this rule Now don't be getting mad, when we playing, it's cool But don't you be calling out my name I bring wrath to those who disrespect me like a dame That's why I'm talking, one day I was walking down the block I had my cutoff shorts on right cause it was crazy hot I walked past these dudes when they passed me One of 'em felt my booty, he was nasty I turned around red, somebody was catching the wrath Then the little one said (Yeah me bitch) and laughed Since he was with his boys he tried to break fly Huh, I punched him dead in his eye and said "Who you calling a bitch?" I really like this song. Not just the message either. It sounds good. I can understand why she moved on but she put out some decent music for a while and it's too bad her voice is missing from hip hop.
  5. Well, for the record (ahem, ahem,), my Zawinul story was as much about the WR organization as it was about him personally. Also, we had to go through a lot of stupidity with the Bill Graham organization to get them booked. The whole experience was one chain pulling exercise after another. Then when Zawinul does this Ice Queen routine, I just threw up my hands. I don't necessarily hold it against him musically. It just taught me to leave people alone. You know, George Benson opened the festival and at the time the album Breezin was a HUGE hit. He was nice as pie (he was also sick as a dog but that's another story).
  6. Stanley Crouch says a lot of stuff I don't agree with but he is right on about rap. Right on big time.
  7. I will also be dropping in on this over the weekend: http://www.booktv.org/misc/la_festival_042404.asp#saturday The Iraq war panel on Sunday at 1PM (EDT) and the panel on fear on Saturday at 5PM (EDT) should be interesting.
  8. Tomorrow is brunch with a friend. Sunday is work, probably from home. Tonight, nada. Maybe watch 24 since I only half watched it on Tuesday. Does anyone have a clue what is happening on that show? Yeah I know, see the 24 thread...
  9. I am still geting stray pop ups. I thought I had a virus it was so bad.
  10. I did not "know" Joe but I met him on several occasions and he was so sweet because he always pretended to remember who I was. I have a friend who played with him many years ago and I used to see him play a couple times a year.
  11. On Tuesday, after my Grammar God award, I found myself in pop up hell. Our IT folks had to come and clean up my programs. Yesterday, I was still deleting bogus programs that were pulling in pop ups. At the height of it, my computer was running like sludge in winter. No more visits to links for me.
  12. When I see famous people I don't approach them. I figure they don't want to be bothered and I don't need to be publicly insulted by someone I have the misfortune of admiring. B) The exception is after a Yoshi's set when one of the band is lurking outside the stage door and I have to walk past him/her to get to the garage, I will pause long enough to tell them I enjoyed the set. If they say anything then I might stop for a quick exchange and then get on to my car. One last edit, most musicians I have met have been gracious to a fault.
  13. Joe Zawinul. The year I co-produced the UC Jazz Festival, I was very proud of how I didn't bother the "talent" except when they needed something and I didn't go out of my way to engage folks in conversation unless it was clear they wanted to chat with me. Perfect example, Mingus. After his set he sort of lurked in the wings in the shadows and he never talked to anyone. The man never cracked a smile. I always nodded to him and sort of kept going. But I was mad for Weather Report and was hoping to say hello to Zawinul. What a mistake that was. WR hadn't showed up for their sound check and midafternoon a huge van had dropped off more electronic gear than I'd ever seen in my life. When WR finally showed up, I went backstage where Zawinul was tinkering with a keyboard. I walked up to him and introduced myself and told him how much I enjoyed his work. He never said a word to me but gave me the iciest stare. It was not pleasant. I excused myself and went down front. Next thing I knew, all of the UC staff had been kicked out from backstage except the techies. Real diva bullshit. I had hoped to say hello to Wayne Shorter who had been kind enough to return a phone call to me when a mutual friend had put me in touch with him about the gig. So we all watched the show from the audience. It was a fine performance but a lot of silly drama. Except for Shorter who was truly very nice to me in the telephone conversatin we'd had earlier. And due to their being late, we had over an hour gap between acts. They had a mountain of gear to set up and they were late. Fortunately, Jon Hendricks had brought his own trio that opened the festival all three nights. Jon went on and played while the divas got their act together. Saved our bacon because when there were long breaks between sets, the crowd would start throwing stuff.
  14. Her music is smooth but I enjoy what I've heard on the radio. Haven't heard her recent stuff. I saw her in Portland a few summers ago with a bunch of smoothies and I enjoyed her performance.
  15. Well, there you are. It really does get down to personal taste. I dig Fantasia like crazy. I just responded to an article about vocalists sent by a friend who is a musician and said the same thing to him. While you can get technical about why one singer is better than another, it ultimately gets down to personal taste. Billie Holiday didn't have the best vocal chops but she could make your heart bleed and that's what counted. I'm sure there are people out there (all three of them?) who don't care for her but she touches a lot of people with her style. By the way, I listened to talk radio this morning, and the theme was whether or not what happened on Idol was an example of racism. Interestingly, a lot of folks thought it was. One lady who called said she thought it was because the black women had too much attitude. I should point out that this a fairly mainstream talk radio show with pretensions of being left leaning. I don't think it is racism. I'm still going for the drunk college frat boy angle.
  16. The three divas are so different. I'm not fond of Jennifer because she is still very gospelly. She can sing but it feels very churchy to me, and not pop. Plus, Jennifer has a tendency to shout. She doesn't know how to layer her performance with softness. Latoya has a lovely voice but not a lot of warmth. Fantasia is the stuff. They sound very different to me. I'm disappointed that there isn't a stronger male contender this year. You are probably right but a conspiracy makes it more interesting. B)
  17. This has been all over the news today. Some folks think it's racism. That's certainly possible but I wonder if this is some kind of college prank to vote for the worst singer, which would clearly be the Red Headed Kid (who, by the way, looked horrified when Jennifer got the boot). It would actually be a more cruel thing to do to him than to the talented young ladies. I think this is why we used to have the draft. To give bored young men with too much time on their hands something to do. My prediction: Someone is going to discover that some computer auto dialer was used to stack the voting in favor of somebody or other. BWTHDIK?
  18. I once dated a Nigerian I'd like to send to the moon.
  19. A dig made with much affection! In the end it doesn't matter too much how anyone sees this site. It strikes me as pretty self-sustaining. And welcoming to those who stumble in here! The affection was duly noted, which is why it made me smile.
  20. By the way, Bev's dig made me chuckle. You KNOW how we are over here! The Divas of the West.
  21. First time I've been back since the thread took a left turn. But the reason I like it here is that people are generally more civil than what I've found at other places. If someone asks a question, they don't get pounced on. And there aren't a lot of screaming matches about what people like or not. I haven't visited the smooth thread, however, so that would be a good litmus test. B) I like some smooth and I get sick of how all of it gets thrown out with the bath water so I avoid those kinds of threads now. That's the thing, you don't have to go to a thread if someone who annoys you started it, or if the topic annoys you. You don't have to go there. Demanding the end of politics on the board because other points of view make you crazy is like demanding Howard Stern be removed from the airways because he offends you. You don't have to go there. There was a discussion on another board that was not very productive (I'm being kind) and I made a couple of posts and left it alone. I'm not going to change anyone's mind or their value system and I don't really have the time to try. Lately, I've used the political threads to do mostly venting about things I am very distressed about and feeling powerless to influence.
  22. You don't see folks on the train playing around here, except their MP3 at ear splitting levels. We do have our share of dud musicians, to be sure. Did anyone see the film "Subway Stories?" One of the stories was a lovely thing about a Jewish cantor and an alto sax player across the platform who plays with him, strangers to one another. The alto player was Kenny Garrett. Nice story.
  23. This is good news. However, if a SF club crashes and burns, a long lease won't save them in Oakland (my glass half empty point of view ). I also think this may have been a negotiating strategy for a favorable lease as much as a desire to expand to SF. http://www.oaklandtribune.com/Stories/0,14...2100584,00.html
  24. This morning I hit the trifecta. A guy playing traditional Chinese (?) music on a stringed instrument at the Oakland BART just outside the station and at the top of the escalator, a guy doing a pleasant job playing "Walking My Baby Back Home" on tenor. Then in downtown SF, a a guy playing what I think was traditional Japanese music on a recorder. All three are semi regulars but never caught all three on the same morning. Should be an okay day. But, yeah, there are guys who are just awful. One guy who sings "Lean On Me" totally out of tune, actually, the way he sings it, it has no melody. He's less high than he used to be and his eyes less bloodshot. Always has his cup. One night the do woppers were singing something hot and he was off to the side singing along with them with his cup, bobbing and weaving.
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