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Teasing the Korean

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Everything posted by Teasing the Korean

  1. Why don't we revive the listening parties via Zoom or whatever?
  2. Either Milt liked cats, or the art departments of his labels did!
  3. 👍 Also of potential interest to jazz enthusiasts is his 1960s LP Two Cities Suite, available in its entirety on a CD called Laurie Johnson with a Vengeance. Variety obit. https://variety.com/2024/artisans/news/laurie-johnson-dead-the-avengers-composer-1235881855/?fbclid=IwAR2QIXaIb3-zg8bgTGRlGp45nJfVn5B9q5HGOABcACXSlqt9DiGhNTbYwi8
  4. I'm guessing it is either the 2nd or 4th movement then.
  5. Do you know which movement or passage was the theme? Or can you find a link? I couldn't find one.
  6. Johnson did a lot of library/production music, and was a master at conveying the mid-century bustling metropolis mood.
  7. British composer/arranger Laurie Johnson died on January 16, 2024, just shy of his 97th birthday. He is perhaps best remembered for his The Avengers music, which helped to create the template for the 1960s spy sound. His Symphony: Synthesis, for orchestra and jazz band, is worth hearing.
  8. Andy Williams & Quincy Jones - Under Paris Skies (Cadence, stereo) Andy couldn't swing to save his life. But he occasionally comes close to doing so on this French-themed album. Still, his phrasing is very much on the beat in a way that doesn't serve the arrangements.
  9. George Gruntz Quintet - Bach Humbug! Or Jazz Goes Baroque - Philips (mono)
  10. Precisely. 👍 NP: Harry Arnold + Big Band + Quincy Jones = Jazz (Mercury, mono)
  11. Well, I fall between those two categories, and these albums have never grown boring for me. And I can't be that unusual.
  12. I created a custom alternate reality version of Last Tango in Paris, using mostly music from the film as opposed to the album, and closed it with this:
  13. I had one of his more recent albums on CD, and I did not care for some of the nods to more contemporary styles that for me are at odds with the overall aesthetic. So back to the dollar bin it went!
  14. I generally agree, although I don't think you need to be familiar with every piece if you are familiar with Bach's music and baroque devices in general.
  15. Welcome back, Larry, we missed you! Would love to hear the story; it sounds bizarre!
  16. That is funny! They were taking on the criticism directly, like the famous US Volkswagen ads of the early 1960s. Last night's selections: Jacques Loussier - Play Bach Vol. 3 - London (mono) The Swingle Singers - Bach's Greatest Hits - Philips (mono) Gabor Szabo - Spellbinder - impulse! (mono) Ben Webster & Joe Zawinul - Soulmates - Riverside (mono) These were paired with wine and pizza. We paused between the first two and the last two to watch Burnt Offerings (1976), directed by Dan Curtis, with Oliver Reed, Karen Black, Bette Davis, and Burgess Meredith.
  17. Jacques Loussier - Play Bach, Vol. 3 - London (mono) In my experience, European jazz fans don't appreciate this music, maybe because they are too close to it to appreciate what it conveys to non-Europeans.
  18. There are examples of pop tunes being cut from DVDs, because the original contracts specified videotape, and did not take into account future formats such as DVDs and streaming. It is unusual, though, to have the score cut. This also happened with Pete Rugolo's music for "The Fugitive" on the first DVD release of the series.
  19. Last night, Ms. TTK and I watched Trouble Man on Plex. I don't think we had ever seen the film, although we've had the soundtrack album by Marvin Gaye forever. From the beginning, I suspected that something was amiss, and as the film went on, I knew I was right: All of the scenes in which Marvin Gaye's music was prominently featured used replacement music by what sounded like a bad garage band trying to play funk for the first time. Interestingly, the movie retained Gaye's instrumental dramatic underscore, presumably because 1) it would have been difficult to remove under the dialog, and 2) this music had not been released on the original soundtrack LP. All I can assume is that this film somehow slipped into the public domain, but they could not use music that had appeared on the original LP because it was still under copyright. If they had at least indicated this on a card at the beginning of the film, it would have saved us an hour-and-a-half of our lives. Yet one more reason that many of us prefer the physical object over streaming. Now I can't help but wonder how common or rare this practice is.
  20. https://themessenger.com/entertainment/lead-singer-of-1960s-girl-group-the-shangri-las-dies-at-75
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