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J Larsen

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Everything posted by J Larsen

  1. JSngry, how complete of a picture does "It's About That Time" paint of the "lost quintet"? I might have to spend more time with that set, as I'm afraid to admit that it underwhelmed me on my first couple of listens and has been shelved since.
  2. Found a cool baseball-related link today. It shows every uniform for every team by year. http://baseballhalloffame.com/exhibits/onl...se.htm#database One thing I didn't want to know that I learned on this site was that the 1916 Giants wore plaid. Check it out:
  3. NL teams are 136-114 in interleague games, for a winning percentage of .544.
  4. You know Chris, in a way you and I should be glad most people don't buy macs. It's for exactly that reason that these worms and viruses are designed to attack PCs. There's no sense in writing these programs to attack machines that account for less than two percent of the market. We don't have to worry about most "spyware" for the same reason.
  5. Well, when I was teaching at the university it was almost a little too effective...
  6. I hear that. I think I look younger at 28 than I did at 17. In high school I was the one everyone would get to go to the liquor store, because I'd almost never get carded. Last year, some of my college students assumed I was a freshman when I first walked into the room.
  7. I'm flying out for the series with the Braves in a few weeks. I'll be around the following weekend for the series against the Marlins. If they throw Wilis at us, I'll check that out too. I agree that the Giants are tops in the NL, but the BoSox and Yanks worry me if we face them in October. Their starting eights just crush ours, and their rotations match up pretty well, too. BTW, Greg, you look about half as old as I had imagined.
  8. I'd go with Barton Fink. Blood Simple was somewhat flawed, but a classic nonetheless, for the final "through the wall" shooting scene if nothing else.
  9. I loved the Bad Brains. I think I still have all the original records, including the first 7". I'm not a punk/hardcore fan in general by any means, but there was something special about that band.
  10. If you look at the stats, Mondesi is on pace to hit something like six or seven more HR (and throw two more tantrums) than Delluci for the rest of the year. Seems like the DBack's paid a lot for six or seven HR... Edited to correct factual mistatement...
  11. Has anyone mentioned "The Sot-Weed Factor"? If so, I second him!
  12. Hey Berigan - You're a Reds fan? Do you think you guys have one more OF with a functioning bat that we (the Giants) can borrow for the rest of the year? Jose Cruz Jr. is pretty depressing to watch at the plate. If you're looking for a stomach ache, go to his ESPN player page, click "splits", and scroll down to the bottom of the page where they show his numbers with RISP.
  13. Well, the Giants turned Moss into Ponson. That's got to be a good thing. Giants fans were starting to call Moss "the blunder from down under". I was starting to call him something I won't share with the rest of you, but think of all your favorite curse words, put them together in a long string and you'll come close. We still need a bat at 1B or RF, though. We've got one or two too many "all glove no bat" guys.
  14. Did you know tht was the tallest skyscraper in the world when it was built? Evidently they had trouble getting tenants at first because people were afraid it would collapse.
  15. For about a year I thought the title of that record was "Monkey Jungle". Then, one day, I pulled the CD and finally noticed there was no "k".
  16. Uh, I was actually hoping you'd get us a 77th story floor-through in Manhattan....
  17. That is VERY impressive, GoM. I definately have to visit that building some day. According to historiclandmarks.org, they're only asking $32MM for that building, which is about 2/3 of what someone just paid for a 76th floor apartment at Columbus Circle in Manhattan.
  18. Yes, that's the one. Somehow I didn't think to name all my buildings: The first one is the Tramway Gas Station in Plam Springs, which last I heard was no longer operating and was in danger of demolition. The second is the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan, two blocks west of the NW corner of central park. The third is, of course, Falling Water in Pennsylvania.
  19. For two years, my north-facing living room windows had spectacular views of this building, which was directly across the street. From the picture, you can't really tell how large this building is. It is the third-largest church in the world. The picture is of the west side of the cathedral. My view was of the south side, but I haven't been able to find a picture from that perspective yet.
  20. Unfortunately, this is the best photo I can find on the web of what I believe to be the world's coolest gas station:
  21. One of the coolest homes I've seen never really existed: the home on top of the hill in North by Northwest.
  22. Hands down the best web site I know for this kind of thing is www.greatbuildings.com I've spent many, many hours on this site.
  23. Maybe the surgical spirits were applied for the specific purpose of discouraging the patient from farting on his doctor.
  24. You have the story a bit mixed up. When people started downloading the videos like crazy from waxy.org, they started developing a conscience about having posted them in the first place, so they started a fundraiser for him and raised over $4000 US, which they used to purchase him a 30GB IPod. They claim to have sent the rest to him as a check, although there was a rumor that they had used the extra to buy him a G5 and the family claims to have never received a check at all. Now the family is suing waxy.org for $225,000 Canadian, and is threatening to do the same to any other site hosting the videos. In my view, these lawsuits are completely without merit, but they have successfully discouraged sites from hosting the videos. I'm sure you can still find them, but it isn't quite as easy as it was before. Meanwhile, waxy.org is offering refunds to everyone who donated money to the kid.
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