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J Larsen

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Everything posted by J Larsen

  1. 93% humiditiy in NYC today. I golfed in the Bronx this afternoon. By the time we were done, I had sweated through every article of my clothing, including my leather glove!
  2. I think a lot of people would agree with that. BTW, Rooster, are you aware of the personel for Astral Weeks? Richard Davis and Connie Kay, among others.
  3. They weren't like this one, were they? I know, it's a great dane, but I've heard a couple people refer to them as Marmadukes because of the cartoon.
  4. Evidently that didn't happen to this guy when he got hit with "several DUIs". This judge sucks. BTW, the guy's teenage son must have gotten a different judge, becuase he's in jail for year. Actually, he was originally given 50 months probation, but was jailed for a year after violating his parole terms almost immediately.
  5. George Wallington and Julius Watkins have some dough coming their ways as well! Ditto Gene Ammons and Meade Lux Lewis. Okay, I'm going to find something better to do now...
  6. Well one of the first people on their list, George Adams, has been residing in the next world for about 10 years now...
  7. I really dig Astral Weeks. That's one of the (if not the) best pop record I've ever heard. I'm pretty lukewarm to most of the rest. Most of his records seem to at least have their moments, and I'm sure this will have it's fair share as well.
  8. Ted Gioia - West Coast Jazz (just a few pages left) Tony Morrison - Song of Solomon And the obligatory science books: DD Awschalom - Semiconductor Spintronics S Maekawa - Spin-Dependent Transport in Magnetic Nanostructures Next on the list: Moneyball and Bros. Karamazov.
  9. Just for the record, almost every MLB player has cleared waivers by this point, so trades will continue to occur until August 31.
  10. You know, Mark, I don't know if this news has gone national yet but in Brooklyn they are investigated a number of judges for accepting bribes. One has already been indicted, and we have been told to expect many more idictments in the near future. One has to wonder what's going on in Chicago... BTW, I had no idea that drunkeness afforded one the ability to commit crimes with impunity.
  11. Guys, this decision is a lot worse than you think. Not reported in the ESPN.com article copied above is that the judge blamed the violent nature of baeball and the ready availibility of beer at ballparks for the attacks, and claimed that the attackers' behavior is what one ought reasonably expect from persons in the baseball park environment. That's the real reason the sentence was so light. Read about it for yourself: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nw...ws-ligue07.html
  12. JSngry, it sounds like you're talking about my mother. Seriously. She would be my strongest entry into this thread. She used to get phone calls from God on an invisible phone and believed that she was haunted by seven ghosts. I grew up in an apartment building in the tenderloin district of SF. Those familiar with the neighborhood will not be surprised by or suspicious of my claim that my upstairs, downstairs and adjacent neighbors were all smack addicts, so I have some "good" neighbor stories, too. The FBI found one of their most wanted two apartments up from me when I was very young. The suspect tried to escape by running down the fire escape. I was playing in the living room when he passed by out living room window. I'm not sure what he was wanted for, but drugs is a safe bet. The couple who lived across the airwell from my bedroom when I was about 10 or 11 walked around naked with the blinds up all the time, and then the lady would get mad when I looked at her. I was like, "well, what do you expect from a boy my age lady? Close your effing blinds if I'm not supposed to look!" It was not uncommon for them to engage in sexual acitivity with the blinds up. I could go on and on and on...
  13. I agree Brownie, and I'm surprised that Ben Webster hadn't been mentioned yet! Talk about "instantly recognizable"!
  14. Well, for contemporary players it's tough to miss Jason Moran or Brad Mildau. I don't like Mildau that much, but I certainly know him when I hear him. I think Osby is pretty easy to pick out, too.
  15. McCoy Tyner. Jimmy Smith. Larry Young. Albert Ayler. Miles Davis. Chet Baker. Ornette Coleman (especially when he's playing a plastic horn!). I guess it wouldn't be fair to name vocalists.
  16. Thanks for all the replies. I've gathered two things from the responses: 1) People have had mixed responses to this material and 2) I have some hunting to do!
  17. The last few pages of Ted Gioia's book West Coast Jazz have me itching big-time to hear any live recordings of Paul Bley's quintet with Don Cherry, Ornette Coleman, Billy Higgins and Charlie Haden live at the Hillcrest Club from 1958. Does anyone know if any of these recordings are available as bootlegs or "grey-market" releases? Thanks.
  18. I have a theory that the folks at AMG vote on album ratings while leaving the review to, say, the album's biggest fan. I say this because often an album will have just two or three stars, yet will be heralded in the review as one of the artist's/group's best. For an example, click here: http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&u...l=Ad7xvadskv8w6
  19. Thanks Lon. I only have two or three shows myself, but that looks like a great site. Maybe it will even be good for shaking the rust off my French! (Actually, I think rust is all there ever was of my French...)
  20. That's a bargain. I've had to pay a lot more than that to get in to the Iridium in the past.
  21. Sorry, haven't heard them, but thanks for the heads up! Any word on the cost? Iridium can be pretty pricey.
  22. Amazon still says they'll ship one this week (although I did order it a couple weeks ago...) They do have several used copies, but I'm holding out to see if they come through with a new one. I've had many bad experiences with the Amazon Marketplace. I'm sure I'll get a hold of a copy one way or another. If all else fails, I can probably find it at City Lights when I go back to SF.
  23. Well, "Jazz on the Barbary Coast" has been a bit tough to track down, but I've been reading Gioia's book and I'm really enjoying it. It's very well written and there's a ton of stuff in there I didn't know. For instance, the apartment in which I grew up is located just about ten blocks up the street from the former location of The Blackhawk. I never knew what block that club was on. Thanks for the recommendations!
  24. Does anyone else NOT like CYE? To me it's like if Seinfeld were centered around George, except with George as a much more moral character. Trouble is, George's amorality is what made him funny in the first place. This show gets a big from me.
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