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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Very sad news. I'll never forget the first time I heard "Live at Club Baby Grand", how exciting and wonderful it was to me. A great musician who gave so much to jazz. One of the greatest ever.
  2. JSngry has said all I can think of to say. Same here.
  3. I picked this set up this morning and am listening to Jams 1 & 2. Like the music very much so far, it has more of a "musical" quality that the JATPs, not playing to the crowd as much. Sound is typically Verve, seems a little lite on the bass, but overall good. Notes well written, and the blurb on the front said that this is a "limited edition" set, if that means anything to people. Sounds like this will be in heavy rotation for awhile -- I'm a sucker for this stuff.
  4. Thanks Use3D for the help I'm a computer idiot. This is the SECOND TIME I've been involved in "breaking the Board." Hope there's no "three strike" rule here.
  5. Well, in my Signature that is, and YIKES, what happened??? I've tried to delete but nothing happens. If any of you Board Masters can go into my controls and delete for me, I would even buy your next cd!
  6. ...or discuss politics. You have mistaken me for somebody else, my good man. B-)
  7. Matthew

    Funny Rat

    ON THE EDIT: POSTING AN ACTIVE PICTURE OF THE COVER ARTWORK. How about that --it was a year ago that this long, strange, thread began. Past month I've been lost in the new Ayler box set, I'm discovering new things with every listen. One of my surprising discoveries is how much of an American Folk Music feel that Ayler's music has, it struck me hard how the phrase "Social Music" applies to Ayler. It's not headphone music, but meant to be heard with other people. Also starting to listen to Thomas Chapin: Alive box, and I'm very impressed.
  8. I mean, no television, no movies, no DVDs, etc. I don't want to get too personal, but I feel that televison has, to some extent, made death a comfortable thing for people, and it was becoming comfortable for me. I made the decision to stop all tv because of the follow event. I was watching the local evening news and they showed a person being shot to death. I was unnerved by this, and it really caused me to re-examine what tv is doing to my soul. I asked myself: "Do I want to have tv as a part of my life, a business that makes money off of showing the actual death of a person?" I said no. There's still a part of me that feels that tug from violence and watching various things on tv, but for me, AND JUST FOR ME (not saying this is true for all people) it became a moral choice. I'm not being preachy, this is just part of my own personal journey of trying to live in this world the best I can; other people of course, have a different take on this.
  9. I use to watch a lot of TV, mostly sports and sitcoms, but then I got a job where there are a lot of evening meetings and fell out of the habit. At first, I did long for TV when there was an important game, or the Simpsons were on, but as time went by, I missed it all less and less. Now, I consider it a great blessing that I do not watch TV at all. I realize however, that I have to be careful not to fall back into the habit, I truly believe that television is an addiction and I need to avoid it to improve my quality of life.
  10. Went this morning and spent all of my gift certificates to Amoeba Records: --- Blues, Boogie, & Bop: The 1940's Mercury Sessions. (This rocks!) --- Thomas Chapin: Alive --- Leo Kottke: 6 & 12 String Guitar. (Nice, minty, Takoma lp) --- Harry Smith Anthology of American Folk Music: Volume 4 (Reverant 2lp) Where am I going to find the time to actually listen to all of this is another matter though .
  11. No suprise here, it's what we'll see all year. Thanks Kobe, for turning our championship manufacturing juggernaut into a one man losing show a la Allen Iverson. The happiest day in Kobe's life will be the final game, Lakers out of the playoff picture, and he's just behind as the scoring leader. He'll be albe to jack it up all night long, score 75 points, and, finally, completely, totally, be THE MAN -- loser.
  12. Lakers lose to Utah, but, HEY Kobe got his 38 points, even though he took 30 shots to do it. Also he had one assist. P.S. I'm not a Kobe fan.
  13. Mr. Fitzgerald: Thanks very much for the review.
  14. Thanks for the heads-up. Anyone have the 3.3 version that's on sale? Basically, I would be looking at that for recordings before 1970. Would it be worth the $100.00 asking price?
  15. For me, I prefer new. There's just something about having a cd that no one has used before, especially if it's someone whose music I admire. LPs, the vast majority are used, for obvious reasons.
  16. One of the reason corporal punishment is a bad idea is this: I'm in daily contact with students in a K-8 school, if we hear or see evidence of corporal punishment, we call the police asap, no exceptions. What parent wants to have the police banging at their door because they whacked their kid to set them straight?
  17. Sonny Rollings: Way Out West. Not only is it great music, but even the $9.00 lp I have is one of the best sounding lp or cds that I have. Music is clear, warm, immediate. It's like they're playing in your room.
  18. Reading about BeBop lately, I came across this phrase a couple of time: Junkies' Beat. Just what is that? Is is really fast of slow? Where did it come from and what are some examples? Is it just from the BeBop era or was it always a part of jazz slang? Not a big issue, but interesting none the less.
  19. Finally got my greedy hands on Albert Ayler's Vibrations, which, in turn, makes me sad that there is so little studio work by Ayler in his prime. BTW, Cherry & Ayler make a great combination.
  20. A Christening is an important event for parents, and I would recommend to following: 1. Bring a gift for the baby, the child is the "guest of honor." 2. A card of appreciation for the parents. Just thank them for allowing you to be present at this important event in their childs life, and that you will keep the child and parents in your thought/prayers in the days to come. 3. Be well dressed. This might go without saying, but I've seen people come to baptisms in blue-jeans and sweatshirt. Not a good sign to the parents that you are taking this seriously. 4. Thank the minister for performing the cermony. Ministers need some love too .
  21. Bleecker & MacDougal: The Folk Scene of the 1960's (Elektra Records) Four lp set that I don't think made it to cd. No booklet though , but I have the book Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Farina and Richard Farina, which will flesh things out for me. Not bad for $8.00.
  22. Excuse the language, but that's pure bullshit. This is the best the New York Times can do?
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