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Andrew Hill Discography


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This has been discussed somewhat in the thread about the Hill Mosaic select, but I thought it would be approproiate to post an "official announcement" here so that there can be a thread dedicated to amy comments regarding the discography.

Michael Fitzgerald and I have compiled an Andrew Hill discography which has been published on Mike’s Jazz Discography website at Andrew Hill Discography. The hope is that it will be a definitive document of all known recordings featuring Mr. Hill and ultimately track the complete historical arc of Mr. Hill’s artistry. It is intended to be a living document. We believe that we have included all of the commercial releases featuring Mr. Hill. We have also attempted to include known private recordings, and radio and television broadcasts. Despite our efforts to make the discography as complete and accurate as possible there will inevitably be sessions that we were unaware of, and possibly information we missed.

I invite anyone with any additions and/or corrections to the discography to contact me directly.

Thank you.

Ronald Lyles

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Congratulations to Mssrs. Lyles and Fitzgerald on the much appreciated Andrew Hill discography. As one who acquired private tapes through trade and personal taping off the air for roughly 15 years beginning around 1970, I'm happy to be able to offer additional information.

For the WNET-TV broadcast of 11 February 1971 that you list , the show was

"Live! On Soul", the tunes performed were:

"Grass Roots" and "Bayou Red", total length approx. 12 minutes

(This tape was acquired from a noted Danish collector).

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have one additional private tape from this period that I recorded myself

off the air, that is not in your discography, details as follows:

9 June 1975, 'Village Gate', NYC; WRVR stereo broadcast, c. 26 mins.

Jimmy Vass (as, fl); Hill (p); Chris White (b); Leroy Williams (d).

unknown title

If you want or require tapes of these broadcasts, let me know.

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Somewhat tangentially related to this thread, but anyway:

I finally resolved something that was nagging at me for a while (I'm at home sick today). The Andrew Hill composition 'Bobby's Tune' from Eternal Spirit is a different piece from the Hutcherson composition of the same name on Stanley Cowell's Brilliant Circles. Yet another 'Bobby's Tune' (retitled 'For Duke P.') appears on the Hutcherson Blue Note CD The Kicker. Since these are two different Hutcherson compositions, I can see why one was retitled when The Kicker was finally released.

As to the 'Resolution'/'Absolution' title change, Andrew copyrighted six pieces on the same day: 'Nine At The Bottom', 'Six At The Top', 'Chained', 'Resolution', 'Interfusion', and 'MOMA'.

Since the other five are all from the 5/17/67 BN session, it must have been determined that 'Resolution' was the correct tile for the sixth piece, rather than 'Absolution' (a title he did not use elsewhere, according to the discography).


Edited by bertrand
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Concerning Marty's tape from 6/9/75:

If the 26-minute performance is really just one tune, I suspect it's 'Divine Revelation', which the very same group recorded the very next day.

Also, I'm annoyed that two tracks from 'Beautiful Day' were truncated on the CD, and only complete on the website. Are the complete tracks still there? If not, I'll have no qualms about asking someone to burn them for me, since I did buy the damn CD with my hard earned money.


P.S.: Just checked, the downloads are 'temporarily suspended' from the Palmetto site.

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Speaking of Andrew Hill, there was this article in Le Monde newspaper.

It's for French-speaking readers only unfortunately:

A Tours, les carillons et les silences du pianiste Andrew Hill

LE MONDE | 31.01.05 | 10h30

Un concert unique du compositeur américain, figure du jazz des années 1960.

Andrew Hill, compositeur, rôle éminent dans la musique africaine-américaine depuis 1953 (il est né à Port-au-Prince en 1937) a donné un unique concert en France à Tours jeudi 27 janvier. Piano solo, Yamaha sonore, sous les hautes voûtes gothiques de la salle Jean de Ockeghem. Andrew Hill, chicagoan depuis l'âge de trois ans, commence comme on saute en plein feu : accords martelés, décalés, à plat. Puis se succèdent des séries impressionnistes, de longues séquences répétitives, des fins abruptes, un long travail déroutant de l'esprit et du corps. Pas une toux, pas un soupir, et chaque pièce soulevant une étrange passion. Il quitte cinq fois en souriant, la scène. Cinq fois, il est rappelé. Comment bourre-t-on une salle gothique pour Andrew Hill à Tours, un jeudi soir ? C'est un secret d'association. Celle-ci s'appelle le Petit-Faucheux.

Le Petit-Faucheux, ce sont vingt-cinq ans d'action pour les musiques improvisées, expérimentales, plus ou moins déjantées, pas bien cartographiées. Vingt-cinq ans d'action dans la joie et la patience des impatiences, sans se monter le bourrichon. Ce qui permet de sauter sur la présence d'Andrew Hill à Amsterdam et à Vienne pour le faire venir.

Dirait-on du concert d'Andrew Hill qu'il s'agissait d'un concert de "jazz" ? Certainement pas. Ça en parle, bien sûr, mais pas au sens de ce qui traîne et s'installe dans les préjugés, couleur de peau incluse. Pourquoi Andrew Hill n'a-t-il pas fait une tournée, au lieu d'un concert unique ? Mystère.

Gare Montparnasse, il n'y avait plus de place dans le train par temps de grève. Son agent, "Rob", un Flamand débonnaire qui ne fait tourner que des vedettes du showbiz, plaide la cause du Petit-Faucheux. Le contrôleur s'émeut : "M. Andrew Hill ? En personne ? J'ai tous ses disques depuis le premier, So In a Love with The Sound of Andrew Hill (1955). Je l'installe là."

Le Flamand rose de confusion et M. Andrew Hill ont voyagé dans la voiture postale du TGV, confortablement assis sur des piles du Monde. Tant qu'il y a à la SNCF des contrôleurs qui collectionnent un pianiste qui a accompagné Charlie Parker (en 1953) et Miles Davis ; qui a enregistré avec la crème de la musique africaine-américaine depuis cinquante ans ; tenté toutes les expériences, reçu les distinctions des meilleures universités de son pays, et qui officie dans les prisons, les hôpitaux et les écoles, rien n'est perdu.

Grâce à Rob, il revient en Europe avec Von Freeman (Trésor National Vivant de Chicago). En France, personne n'est preneur. Gloire donc au Petit-Faucheux ! D'autant que, vingt-quatre heures plus tard, les carillons et silences d'Andrew Hill sont toujours en tête. Comme une divine surprise.

Francis Marmande

The journalist Francis Marmande traveled with Hill and his Flemish manager from Paris to Nantes, western France, for a concert last Thursday. Travels throughout France were disrupted after a woman train controler was raped by a passenger in southern France that day.

There were no more seats in the train to Nantes but the controller on that train turned out to be a fan of Hill and managed to squeeze the three travelers in the postal car of the TGV superfast train.

Edited by brownie
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The article alludes to a train strike - was this strike the result of the terrible incident you describe, or was it just 'business as usual'?

Marmande seems to be repeating the old story (now discredited) that Andrew was born elsewhere than Chicago (Haiti is usually mentioned). My understanding is he was born in Chicago, but does have Haitian ancestry.

Andrew did a solo concert in Baltimre on 1/15 (rescheduled from November). He did two sets: set one from written music, set two totally improvised (although he did play 'What's New'). The same venue will host a Henry Grimes/Marshall Allen duet in March.


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The article alludes to a train strike - was this strike the result of the terrible incident you describe, or was it just 'business as usual'?

The strike was directly related to the incident which shocked everyone in France. If this had not happened, Andrew Hill would have been a happy passenger of the superfast train. The strike actions went on for a couple of days.

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