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I'm going with the Sea-dawgs in an upset.

Put me down in this column as well, although with nothing resembling as much as a bit of certainty. I could see it easily being a blowout for either side, or a nailbiter the same way. Even my son, who's something like 85% in straight picks over the last 4-5 years (I kid you not!) is not calling this one.

I still remember Holmgren's Packers being totally unprepared for Super Bowl XXI against the Broncos. That team was expecting a waltz, and the got moshed. Hopefully, that will not be the case tomorrow. I know that Cowher's gonna have his guys pumped...

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let's not get carried away fellas.....


OT: What happens to all of the championship memorabilia that gets printed pre-game for the team that ends up losing? When the Seahawks win, where does all of that "Steelers, World Champs" stuff go? Do any pieces ever end up on the market?

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let's not get carried away fellas.....


OT: What happens to all of the championship memorabilia that gets printed pre-game for the team that ends up losing? When the Seahawks win, where does all of that "Steelers, World Champs" stuff go? Do any pieces ever end up on the market?

I think those stuff would be shipped off to developing countries. If I remember correctly, I heard this in 60 Minutes.

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It's about time that Jeremy Stevens did something. He dropped two catches earlier and looked shy after the media fights w/ Joey P over the last week. Now he just caught a TD pass to put Seattle back in the game.

Seattle puts together drives but they've been falling short when the Steeler defence tightened up. You get the feeling that Seattle can move the ball on offense. They can win this game.

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Refs really hurt the Seahawks on their last failed drive.

Dubious holding call negates a Jeremy Stevens catch at the one yard line; pentalty backs them out of FG range. Hasselbeck throwns an INT and gets tagged 15 yards on another dubious penalty for hitting low.

Steelers then score on the good field position given to them.

Refs suck.... :angry:

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Conn, I think I disagree (respectfully). I think Seattle outplayed Pittsburgh, but Pittsburgh won for a couple of reasons - about 3-4 big plays, and some very disputable calls by the refs. And I don't have any dogs in this fight, don't care who won.

I think there was a questionable pushing off call on Seattle's first scoring drive - that should have been a TD. And I'd like to see more replays on the play where the Seattle receiver was ruled out of bounds right at the end zone. The ball may have broken the plane before he stepped out. And the play where Seattle's TE Stevens got down to the 1 yrd line but the play was called back by a questionable offensive holding call? Have to question all those. Plus I'm not convinced on Big Ben's TD that the ball ever crossed the plane of the end zone either.

Of course, Seattle did some poor things too. The clock management at the end of the 1st half AND the end of the game was crappy. Hasselbeck did throw an INT that hurt.

Take away the referee's calls, and this might have been a VERY different game.

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Closest 21-10 game I've seen in quite a while...

Refs didn't cost Seattle the game, you get penalized, you make it back, that's what a championship team has to do, but they sure as hell seemed intent on making it more difficult for them. Some very, uh..."nebulous" calls against Seattle. But in the end, Seattle had multiple chances to get it done and didn't capitalize. They weren't tough enough to do what had to be done. Pittsburgh didn't really impress me either, except in comparison to Seattle. I don't think that either team makes it back next year.

I do think the Seahawks decision to punt on 4th and inches in the 2nd quarter was a bad one. Here you are playing a team that could easily put you away, and they've yet to find their focus. I say you take your chances on that play and go for it. You don't want to give your opponent the ball back and give them a chance to get something going, you gotta make them earn it. Field position be damned, if you make it, you continue to keep them off balance. Not "conventional wisdom" I know, but the one way that Seattle could have won this game was by not letting Pittsburgh get into anything resembling a "comfort zone", to keep them constantly discombobulated. The "psychological momentum" (if there is such a thing) was still with Seattle (at least it wasn't yet with Pittsburgh), and with that punt, they willingly surrendered it. Sometimes you gotta look common sense in the face and tell it to go fuck itself, and then go on ahead and prove your point. This isn't hindsight either. I was arguing w/Madden in real time. :g

I'm never picking another Holmgren team in the Bowl again. Great coach, but I think he's just a hair off on the killer instinct thing, and sooner or later that kills you.

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I agree with Jim S.

Refs were absolutely awful (again!), but Seattle did nothing for themselves to overcome any of it.

I also thought they should have gone for it on 4th and inches. Crappy clock management at the end of the first half.

(Cripes! You gotta miss the absence of a real coach like B. Belichick...) :g

It was an interesting game, but you always had the feeling that the Steelers had them, even though Seattle looked like they could easily move the ball.

Hard to say if either will be back next year. I certainly think that Seattle can return as they showed signs of immaturity. They can get better assuming they keep Alexander.

Pittsburgh? Hard to say. Sometimes winning a Super Bowl gives you a real shot of confidence and arrogance for the following year. They're always tough.

SS1's Browns have to play them twice next year! :lol:

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It was an interesting game, but you always had the feeling that the Steelers had them

I didn't quite have that feeling, but I did have the feeling that Seattle's head was up its ass pretty much the entire game, that they weren't going for the jugular like they needed to. And I gotta place at least some of the blame for that on Holmgren, as per the reservations I expressed here a few days ago.

Tell you what, Seattle wakes up at any point in the game up until the 5:00 mark of the 4th quarter, and, yes, that could have won that game. This I do believe.

For a team from a city with a Starbucks in every garage, they sure played a decaf game...

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Going for it on 4th down on your own 26 in the 2nd quarter and you've got the lead????? ARE YOU NUTS??? That's something you might do if it's the 4th quarter and you're losing but not in the first half w/ plently of time on the clock and you have the lead. Could you imagine the shit storm that would have erupted had Holmgren gone for it and not made it??

Otherwise I agree w/ your both W/R/T Seattle having its chances and doing nothing w/ them. Yeah, the refs blew a few calls. Get over it. They always blow calls. That said, the offensive pass interference call that nullified the TD was a travesty. Also, it didn't look to me that Big Ben scored but there wasn't enough evidence on replay to overturn the call. I was surprised ABC didn't get a better shot of that.

The holding call that called back that long pass to Stevens was a good call. The Seattle Olineman had the Pittsburgh player around the neck. Also, someone mentioned the Seattle player getting the ball over the goal line before he stepped out. That's not the rule. You must come down w/ both feet inbounds for it to be a catch. He never did so no catch = no td.

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Going for it on 4th down on your own 26 in the 2nd quarter and you've got the lead????? ARE YOU NUTS???

Yeah! :g

But at that point in the game, the battle was as much psychological as it was physical, maybe even moreso, and I still maintain that when that's what the game is, then that's how you gotta play it.

Nuts? Yeah, sure, no question. But sometimes nuts (no "balls" jokes, please, no matter how appropriate!) is what it takes to win...

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I'm never picking another Holmgren team in the Bowl again. Great coach, but I think he's just a hair off on the killer instinct thing, and sooner or later that kills you.

Speaking of Holmgren, did he not go out and shake Cowher's hand after the game? I didn't see any of the post-game stuff, so I don't know. But I coulda swore I saw Cowher mouth the words "Where's Mike?" when he (Cownher) was standing at midfield.

I hope I just missed it; hate to think a coach that's been in the game as long as Holmgren would make such a low-class move.

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I have to respectfully disagree w/ you. I think that at that point of the game(up 3-0, in the early 2nd Q.) that it was a battle for field position and Holmgren made the correct call by choosing to punt the ball away. Regardless, could you imagine the psychological impact that turning the ball over on downs deep in your side of the field would have had on Seattle? Or Pittsburgh?? That would have been a huge momentum shift. Conversely, if Seattle goes for it and makes it I don't think it would have affected either team as much. And if Pittsburgh gets the ball and scores a TD(FG, is almost a given from there in the dome) that could have killed Seattle.

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And if Pittsburgh gets the ball and scores a TD(FG, is almost a given from there in the dome) that could have killed Seattle.

Thanks to the punt, Pittsburgh did get the ball, and they did score a TD!

I see your point though, completely. But I saw Jimmy Johnson make the "4th & inches deep in your own territory fairly early in the game" move several times w/the Cowboys, and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. But it never cost him the game. He'd not let it get to his players like that.

I guess if you're not the type of coach/team to stare death in the face and laugh, then it's probably best not to pull a stunt like that. But those are the kinds of coaches and teams that I like!

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Just gotta post myself eating a little crow. I agree that the officiating sucked, but I'm not about to say that that's why we lost, though it didn't make it any easier on us.

We made plenty of mistakes. Seemed to have all the momentum the first 1/2 and none the second, when the game gets decided. Congrats to Steelers fans. It was a fun season for those of us out here in Seattle.

I hope that the team stays together in the off season and we can have another good season next year.

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