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A Blast From the Past

Dan Gould

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I'm sure some of you remember that charming jazz discussion board member "Conan Nardo". Well, I swang by AAJ for the first time in a while and I saw this goofy thread about :I Can't Imagine Being a Jazz Fan Without Being a Musician" and I'm reading through it and it suddenly occurs to me: He's a guitar player, hates rap. Is it Conan?

As Lon said to me, "Holy Deductive Reasoning, Batman!"


Damn, I'm good ;):g

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FWIW, about a week ago this same guy (JazzRules) posted one of those Brecker is better than Coltrane threads that Conan was so famous for. Kevin B chimed in with an "Is that you Conan" comment. It's him, for better or worse.

I was but a bulletin board neophyte and very much the lurker as Jazz Central Station ended its run but I remember that this Conan guy was very opinionated in a hardbop (the person) sort of way. Lots of arguing on threads in which he participated as I recall. He ran amok for some time on the old Jazz On Line board until that one shut down as well.

Edited by Ed Swinnich
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I remember how he felt that Jimi Hendrix was an awful guitarist. And when I heard his playing the first time I thought "And you think Jimi is bad?"

Did you check out those mp3s, LA?

Why does the "headcutting" scene in the beginning of the movie Bird comes to mind when I hear this guy's music?

Watch out!! Here come de cymbal! :lol:

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I'm sure some of you remember that charming jazz discussion board member "Conan Nardo".  Well,  I swang by AAJ for the first time in a while and I saw this goofy thread about :I Can't Imagine Being a Jazz Fan Without Being a Musician" and I'm reading through it and it suddenly occurs to me:  He's a guitar player, hates rap.  Is it Conan?

As Lon said to me, "Holy Deductive Reasoning, Batman!"


Damn, I'm good ;):g

Hi Dan. How are you? Glad to hear from you after all these years.

Edited by JazzRules
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It means the end of the AAJ board! :)

I remember how he felt that Jimi Hendrix was an awful guitarist. And when I heard his playing the first time I thought "And you think Jimi is bad?"

Jazzblo, is that you? Good to hear from you, old bean.

Hentrix is OK, just not "the greatest", especially compared to jazz musicians or classical musicians. He's pretty good by ©rock standards though.

Well you might like the new swing tune of mine. Dun used the Super 5 archtop on that. Played all the keyboards too, and bass. If ya dun't like it, TFB.

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Nads, we'll just have to continue to disagree about Hendrix, I think he's miles above many classical and jazz and rock players in creativity and sheer accomplishment. We'll just have to continue to disagree about your tunes too.

Edited by jazzbo
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Man, I remember you, dude!

What's up?

Aren't you the cat who thinks Sco can't swing?

Well he can't play straight ahead guitar to save his life. Nor does he seem capable of playing without his usual flanger/chorus crutches. With crutches like that I'm surprized he hasn't appeared as a jazz poster boy.

I grew tired of Scofeld long ago. He doesn't sound much different today than his did 13 years ago.

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I remember how he felt that Jimi Hendrix was an awful guitarist.  And when I heard his playing the first time I thought "And you think Jimi is bad?"

Did you check out those mp3s, LA?

Why does the "headcutting" scene in the beginning of the movie Bird comes to mind when I hear this guy's music?

Watch out!! Here come de cymbal! :lol:

He maestro, where's your mp3s?

Or are you just another pedantic, would be ruffian who doesn't play?

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Or are you just another pedantic, would be ruffian who doesn't play?

Ah yes, because the opinions of those that don't play music mean nothing, right?

This is gonna be fun! :)

Nice little clique you have here.

So do admit new castaways on your desert island? Or perhaps you're trying to keep all the coconuts for yourselves?

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As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome here as long as you keep the insults to a reasonable amount (and if you can get by without them, so much the better), and don't cross over into direct personal attacks. Reading your stuff at AAJ, you seem like a knowledgable guy within your area of interest, and for me that takes precedence over your attack-dog mode towards things you don't like that I've seen on AAJ. I respect knowledge.

I DON'T respect scorched-earth tactics towards things or people that one deosn't like, however, and I don't like one poster becoming so predictably inflamatory that the stink up the entire board. But stay between the lines, and I'll enjoy partaking of your knowledge, and do my best to ignore (or occasionally tweak, perhaps) the rest.

Step outside the lines, though, and anything can happen, including Masterhit.

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As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome here as long as you keep the insults to a reasonable amount (and if you can get by without them, so much the better), and don't cross over into direct personal attacks. Reading your stuff at AAJ, you seem like a knowledgable guy within your area of interest, and for me that takes precedence over your attack-dog mode towards things you don't like that I've seen on AAJ. I respect knowledge.

I DON'T respect scorched-earth tactics towards things or people that one deosn't like, however, and I don't like one poster becoming so predictably inflamatory that the stink up the entire board. But stay between the lines, and I'll enjoy partaking of your knowledge, and do my best to ignore (or occasionally tweak, perhaps) the rest.

Step outside the lines, though, and anything can happen, including Masterhit.

Well the usual scenario goes like this. Say something that goes against dogma, and everyone attacks you personally. It could be jazz dogma, rock dogma ("Hendrix was the greatest"), political dogma etc. Humans react the same way. I suspect belief in dogma is easier than thinking, which can be painful.

Moral of the story? Keep an open mind when it comes to dogma. That and "something's popularity is usually it's own worst argument".

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I CERTAINLY got nothing against anti-dogmatic thought, but I also believe that a person is well-served by having multiple means of expression at their disposal. Going straight for the jugular, well, that's just silly if you ask me. How can you expect to hold a conversation and an argument at the same time?

I understand arguing, believe me I do. But I'd prefer spirited conversation that doen't deteriorate into predicatabilty.

But that's just me.

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