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What the hell's a "warned log"?

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And Johnny, I should let you know that if it says "0%" its a warning that you are being too nice to Republicans and need to start piling abuse on them in the most profane way possible.

I have never thrown personal attacks and I'm not gonna start now. The Republican Party, it's platform, and its minions (in a generalized sense) on the other hand, can blow me.

Did you have a nice thanksgiving Dan?

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I'm just amazed at how sensitive the people on this board are.  Avoid confrontation at all cost, and pretend like the world isn't turning.

I don't think we avoid confrontation around here.

I think it's great that we have different points of view that we argue for, but what's the purpose of name calling. I guess I just believe that you're never going to win an argument by being an a-hole about it. That's one thing I respect about you, Johnny, is that you argue passionately but you don't just sit around and call people stupid.

Edit: You do express frustration, but you don't start replies with statements such as "Are you stupid?" - If someone replies like that to me, then whatever valid arguments they may have had go right out the window with me.

Edited by AfricaBrass
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I'm just amazed at how sensitive the people on this board are. Avoid confrontation at all cost, and pretend like the world isn't turning.

Maybe they don't want to read about politics on a board that they go to for jazz. It would be nice if you didn't belittle someone (and likewise assume they have their head in the sand) for their choice. You have a choice to read and post in the politics section, they have the choice not to read and post in the politics section.

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I'm just amazed at how sensitive the people on this board are.  Avoid confrontation at all cost, and pretend like the world isn't turning.

Maybe they don't want to read about politics on a board that they go to for jazz. It would be nice if you didn't belittle someone (and likewise assume they have their head in the sand) for their choice. You have a choice to read and post in the politics section, they have the choice not to read and post in the politics section.

Yes that's true, but to make it so the political threads don't appear at all to some members is a little strange. I mean, you have a political section on this board, no? Why? Well I could venture to guess that a fair number of jazz people also like to talk politics with other jazzbos. That section, in part, keeps people coming back to your site. There's a place where people talk about football on this board. I hate football, but you don't see me whining about it. To section one group of discussions from another seems a little, I don't know, hypocritical. If you don't like politics on your board, take it off. But you like all those hits don't you? So you set up a little function to screen one aspect of expression from the rest. Kinda weak.

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There's a place where people talk about football on this board.  I hate football, but you don't see me whining about it.

During the entire history of this board, there's been like one or maybe two Football threads (at most), and maybe as many as 6 or 8 sport-related threads (total!!!!!).

However, there are currently 1,055 separate threads in the political forum. That's over one THOUSAND separate political threads.

I can easily see why some people would like an option to not have those threads come up when brousing the board's "Today's Topics". I think they can still get to the politics forum by going to the front page of the board, and clicking into it directly.

Johnny - the whole world doesn't revolve around politics, and many people come to this board to get away from the daily news cycle. I don't blame them a bit, especially given how some of our political threads can be pretty polarized.

To recap:

Total number of sports-releated threads: Probably less than a dozen

Total number of political threads: Over a thousand!!!

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You're so pathetic, Johnny.

What bothers you so much, that a handful of people are taking advantage of the software to avoid seeing your retching all over the Political section?

Try to remember, there has always been great debate about the appropriateness of a Political forum on a JAZZ board. There are quite a few people who felt strongly that there ought not to be one. This allows them to pretend that there isn't.

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You're so pathetic, Johnny.

Dan, could you please keep your personal jibes to yourself? It's snips like that that cause threads to get mean-spirited, personal and spiral out of control. B3-er, could you warn him please :P

Just joking. Conservatives need to vent there anger and fear somewhere and at someone. Might as well be me. :lol:

Edited by Johnny E
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I dislike football (and most sports too, for that matter), Johnny. But it's incredibly easy to ignore the sports threads around here.

Some days, almost half the board traffic is in the Politics forum. I wouldn't ever choose the "non-political" version, but I sure can see how some folks might like that option.

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What does it mean if, right below my Avatar and other personal info, it says this???

Warn: (80%) warn4.gif

That your days are numbered, buddy!

Johnny, I keep a politics forum here because I like having you and other political goofballs around and I join in every now and then. But like others have pointed out, there is ONE football thread right now whereas politics has it's own forum. Some people don't want to see the politics cluttering up the screen when they use the "Today's Active Topic" button since they don't want to get into political discussions anyway. This allows them to not have to see the topics which is their choice. We're not criticizing people on their jazz-internet-board-lifestyle choice, are we? ;)

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