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Mass killing in Vegas.

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He was fucking crazy, that's all the motive anybody needs. Either that or he was being mind-controlled. Either way, not complicated. People wring their hands every time this happens and wonder how it could happen. It's easy - people go fucking crazy, that's how. Guns are easy to get and people go fucking crazy. A child can do that math, it takes an adult to make it complicated.

Now, why do people go fucking crazy? Hell if i know. But they sure be doing it.

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I'm comfortable with that he went crazy at some past point and then stayed crazy until the end. Either that or he was being mind-controlled. This whole "double life" thing....

There are crazy people everywhere, it's the primary ingredient in modern life, and has been for a good while now. Make people crazy, and then set the traps and take the money. Of course, this guy was crazier than most, but I tell you, he was crazy, even if he hid it longer and better than most.

Of course, everybody's got their own idea of crazy, but if survival is hard-wired into most living things,, it's not hard to see how easy it is to go crazy once insecurity turns into action.

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“He acted like everybody worked for him and that he was above others,” said John Weinreich, 48, a former executive casino host at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa in Reno, where he saw Mr. Paddock frequently from 2012 to 2014. When Mr. Paddock wanted food while he was gambling, he wanted it immediately and would order with more than one server if the meal did not arrive quickly enough.

Guys who order from more than one server syndrome -- a dead giveaway.

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18 hours ago, Dmitry said:

Bizarre. They are still not supplying the public with a credible motive.

If they cannot find one, then what exactly are they going to present to the public? 

Even though Jim's take on this stands in direct opposition to the intellectual curiosity he demanded of himself with the Hino story, I agree agree with everything he's said. Cat went batshit crazy, murdered a shitload of people, then killed himself. The End

They've already exhausted all the usual suspects. He wasn't a Muslim convert, rightwing nutjob, leftwing nutjob, and so on. There was no religious or political motivation behind this attack. Just a batshitter with an arsenal that could supply a small army. 

I'm not sure what else we even need to know at this point. 

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I would like to learn the chronology of how long it took him to get that crazy, and then how long he stayed that crazy. It seems that at some point he became a full-blown sociopath, but then rode it for a good while before fully acting out on it to this final degree, Maybe as much as he won't help us understand "mass killers", he can that much help us understand sociopaths,

Myself, I think this is The Golden Age Of Sociopathy, so let's get busy studying,

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Autopsy his brain, like they did with Charles Whitman, trace his life back years, not just weeks, Larry might have been joking about "multiple server syndrome" but still, this is a guy who appears to have spent some time building up a feeling of superiority to and contempt towards other people. Might take a while to piece together a fuller picture, but it's worth a try, if only because there's a lot of that going around these days, and if it's not yet common to have one random guy decide that he's entitled to take lives for his own amusement or some such, because he feels that he's above all of them, then the trend is definitely there, and is little by little getting mainstreamed.

That's what I'd like to see investigated, because that's what all of this is starting to look like to me, like it's an easy answer, but not an easy blame.

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