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The Superhero Thread

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Never read comics too much so my superhero exposure was Sat. cartoons.

So naturally my favorite was Hong Kong Phooey. Had the lunchbox and some pajamas as well! I realize he was pretty inept as a hero and without that cat he was totally useless but I liked him anyway because I thought karate, kung fu etc were really cool. (my previous lunch box was Kung Fu the TV series)

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I read a fair bit of Spiderman in my young teens

My Mom's best friend's son told me a few years ago a story I didn't remember. He asked me who my favorite superhero was. He told me his man was Superman, and I chimed in with

....Underdog! ...underdog.jpg:tup I never have been normal! :g

Edited by BERIGAN
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I was a DC fan in the "Silver Age".  Hal Jordan Green Lantern, Metal Men, The Atom, The Justice League. 

Me too O2L! I asked on another thread if anyone if anyone remembered the Metal Men. That was one of my first comics. I was also a Justice League and Flash junkie. I also loved those special issues where two superheros teamed up.

Later I became more of a Marvel fan- FF, Silver Surfer and especially the X Men.

......and I gave all my comics away! (as well as my Hot Wheels- good karmic gesture, poor financial move!) :rolleyes:

Edited by Free For All
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poor financial move!) :rolleyes:

Not necessarily, Paul.

I kept mine and sold them at one go. The shop that bought them said the conditions of the magazines took away most of the value. Of course, he was probably exaggerating. Nevertheless, I only got $200 for a ton of magazines.

Those stores expected you to keep the magazines hermetically sealed in dry ice or something. :wacko:

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When I was younger and thought I could conquer the world I was partial to all-powerful meglomaniacs like Doctor Doom. But as the years passed I learned that being a world-beater is too much work so I set my sights lower - a lot lower.

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Then on a lark in the mid-eighties I bought a huge lot of fanzines like Amazing Heroes and Comics Journal at five cents a copy and enjoyed reading the interviews with the creative minds behind comics. And my interest was rekindled in another favorite of mine:


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At the time, my favorites were (in chronological order) Batman, Daredevil, X-Men, and as I approached the end of high school, an obscure Charlton character, E-Man. But looking back, I'd have to say my favorite comics of my childhood period (at least from my nostalgic adult view) are the incredibly silly silver age Superman (along with Jimmy, Lois, etc.) and the incomparably fantastic Sugar and Spike. Sheldon Mayer's various works were definitely the last to go of my collection when it was finally ended about ten years ago...

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YES, I read all 24 Tarzan books and all the Mars and Venus and Pellucidor series when I was ten and eleven. . . .

I even read "The Mucker!"

Although I wasn't into Tarzan (except for "Tarzan at the Earth's Core"), I was big into the other Edgar Rice Burroughs stuff when I was the same age, too ... I read not only "The Mucker," but "The Return of the Mucker"! :lol:

I also went through a "Doc Savage" phase, but pretty much stuck to the Marvel Universe when it comes to superheroes: Spider-man, Daredevil, Silver Surfer, original X-Men, Fantastic Four, the Avengers ... I couldn't get enough of that stuff. They just seemed cooler, and looked cooler, then the DC stuff.

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YES, I read all 24 Tarzan books and all the Mars and Venus and Pellucidor series when I was ten and eleven. . . .

I even read "The Mucker!"

Terrific fantasy writer!

Edgar Rice Burroughs had an amazing imagination. I've been planning to reread some of his stuff. Got the book buried in a box somewhere. Better go find it...

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In the late 50s, I had a subscription to Dick Tracy comics! I think that it was my parents' way of getting me interested in reading by having me subscribe to something.

In the learly 60s my favorites were The Flash and Batman, because of their limited superpowers.

I had the #1 Justice League of America, but my mother threw it out (and all my other comics) when I went off to college. But at least she didn't throw out the baseball cards!

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