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Ebay question...


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Anyone charging $10 to ship a record is out of his mind.  I'd check around about "retracting bids" to see what your rights are, but if he changes the rules like that after the fact, there's no way you should be forced to honor your bid.

I thought everything's "frozen" once a bid has been placed, but apparently some things can be changed according to eBay rules:

If your item has already received a bid/purchase or ends within 12 hours, you can only:

Add to the item description

(Exception: If your listing already has a bid/purchase AND ends within 12 hours, you can't add to your description or add a second category)

Add optional seller features to increase your item's visibility.

I don't think it's OK to raise shipping rates like this seller apparently did, so I'd report it to eBay if I were you - for what it's worth...

Edited by J.A.W.
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Yes, I don't see how they could do this, unless the record was going for so much, that insurance is now more expensive...would have to be A LOT to warrent that increase.... Ebay has become a real ass about getting to pages, or linking to them...lets see if this one for retracting your bid works... yeah..forgot you have to sign in to do that...so, in case you didn't know where it was, scroll down to bottom of left hand corner of page...


Edited by BERIGAN
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Hardbopjazz, contact the seller and ask him if he will cancel your bid, unless he's willing to stick with the old shipping charge. If he refuses, then go ahead and retract your bid. If you have to go that route, contact eBay as well and tell them what the seller has done. This is wrong, and you shouldn't let them get away with it. However, as I say, I would see if they will cancel your bid first, so it doesn't show up as a bid retraction for you.

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I got out of the deal. In the listing the shipping charges were in the description section and not the shipping area. I contacted eBay via email and they replied once a bid is made the price and shipping can’t be changed. But you can change the description part. I emailed the seller and asked him what the deal was about changing the shipping cost. He let me out with no problems.

Edited by Hardbopjazz
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This was the correct approach. As a general rule of contract law, when someone makes an offer and you accept it (e.g. his posting and your bid), the terms should be frozen and a seller can only change the material terms (such as shipping) only with the buyer's permission. Otherwise, there never was a deal to which they agreed.

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