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I don’t disagree with you that the Yankees are a dominant team, but I believe the reason they are as good as they are (and have been) has more to do with an unbeatable chemistry between the players than whatever money Steinbrenner is throwing around. Sure, Steinbrenner will buy players just to keep them from being on other teams; but he’s gotta do something with them besides just pay them to sit all year.

(Again, this assumes he wants more of a return-on-investment than to just make BoSox fans angry. I certainly wouldn’t put that past him.)

Anyway, the Rangers may have blown their wad on A-Rod, but at least they got something back when they traded him, and that is the chemistry that has been missing for years (and I believe that A-Rod contributed to that lack of chemistry by dominating both on and off the field). Besides that, the Rangers are notorious for blowing wads on complete wash-outs: Chan Ho Park anyone? Please?????

The difference between the Rangers and the Yanks (among other things) is that Steinbrenner isn’t beholden to Scott Boras like Tom Hicks is.

Edited by Big Al
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the big unit is scheduled to pitch tonight vs the rockies, if he makes 1 pitch he won't be traded.

just cuz a team buys all the best players it can afford, doen't mean it will win a championship. look at my pitiful lakers

nomar will play second base for the yanks next season

watch out for thr tribe in the wild card race, only 5 games out.

i had them losing 100 games this season


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The Dodgers have traded Paul Loduca,Guillermo Mota and Juan Encarnacion to the Marlins for Brad Penny,Hee Sop Choi and a minor leaguer. I am in shock. In one fell swoop they gutted the bullpen(a major strength)dealt one of the best catchers in baseball and Encarnacion(no big loss) and for what a .500 pitcher,an overrated first baseman and a prospect?

If that isn't bad enough they're talking about dealing Jayson Werth who is going to be a star for Steve Finley who is on the last legs of his career. If they're going to deal one of their younger people deal Milton Bradley who sooner or later is going to melt down on them anyway.

Paul DePodesta is absolutely out of his mind. :angry:

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Chris, I thought that was a strange ass trade as well! The Dodgers were 20-6 in July!!! Everyone says Loduca was the heart and soul of the Dodgers, so that just doesn't make sense! I kept hearing about trades the Dodgers were turning down(For Mota ) Hell, he could be a closer for many teams, they could have gotten more, IMO.

I don't know that much about the Marlins, but who is going to be there full time 1st Baseman? Penny is a very good pitcher(Remember the WS last year?) I would keep him over Johnson long term...but they seem to think this is it, there one change for some reason, so they may trade some of the new folks for Johnson, and or Finley "they" say.....

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Well, it looks like the trades are all announced at this point, and this Red Sox fan is furious.

The best they could get for Nomar was Orlando Cabrera and Doug Mantkiewiz? How the hell did it go from Nomar for an excellent starter like Clement, to getting a part-time first baseman and OK, shortstop, neither of whom hit their way out of a paper bag???

Management said they're going for it this year, how does this improve the team? Fucking ridiculous. Yeah, yeah, the guy from Minnesota helps a lot defensively at first base, but guess what? With Nomar gone, you gotta have Ortiz and Millar in the lineup, and where the hell do they play? Only one can be a DH. Nixon may be out for the year-if you stick Millar out in right field, you're gonna watch a lot of balls fly all over the place. Cabrera can field, no question, and defense has been a big problem, but what about Pokey Reese? Unless his rib cage injury turns out to be a bigger thing, we already had defensive help on the way.

Last point: was it coincidence that the offense got it in gear when Nomar returned? I don't think so.

This is horrible. Young Theo should be strung up by his balls off of Pesky's Pole for making this trade. The only good thing is Nomar playing for the Cubs, which my father has wanted for a long time; he'll do great things for the Cubs offense and since the Cubs are my "other" team, I hope he stays with the Cubbies. All of those doubles off the Monster will be home runs in Wrigley, same with the shots to the triangle in centerfield-in Fenway, they were long outs or doubles/triples, in Wrigley, they're out on the avenue.

Meanwhile, Marty and Dave James will probably be pleased to be rid of Contreras, but the guy they got has gone from Cy Young runner-up right back to being mr. journeyman. Whether Louiaza can handle pressure is unknown, too. I haven't seen him throwing the lights out stuff that Contreras had flashed.

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The Dodgers have traded Paul Loduca,Guillermo Mota and Juan Encarnacion to the Marlins for Brad Penny,Hee Sop Choi and a minor leaguer. I am in shock. In one fell swoop they gutted the bullpen(a major strength)dealt one of the best catchers in baseball and Encarnacion(no big loss) and for what a .500 pitcher,an overrated first baseman and a prospect?

If that isn't bad enough they're talking about dealing Jayson Werth who is going to be a star for Steve Finley who is on the last legs of his career. If they're going to deal one of their younger people deal Milton Bradley who sooner or later is going to melt down on them anyway.

Paul DePodesta is absolutely out of his mind. :angry:

I like the Dodger trade.

Paul LaDoca is too small to be a catcher LONG TERM. He's having a good year, so this maybe a good time to trade him. (highest value) I'm glad Charles Johnson turned down the Dodgers. I'd like to see Ross develop.

I like Jason Werth and Steve Finley.

I thought Penny was a decent pitcher. Nomo might be dead, so they need a replacement that's cheaper than Randy Johnson or Kevin Brown.

Mota was good and the Dodgers probably should have gotten more for him, but I guess they weren't planning to pay him next year. I think the Dodgers were worried about paying LaDoca more money next year too.

Diefort use to be good in the bull pen, but then he tried to become a starter. He's overpaid and he doesn't have the arm to start. Hopefully, now he'll be good in the pen again. He wants to start, but he's better as a reliver.

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Well, it looks like the trades are all announced at this point, and this Red Sox fan is furious.

The best they could get for Nomar was Orlando Cabrera and Doug Mantkiewiz? How the hell did it go from Nomar for an excellent starter like Clement, to getting a part-time first baseman and OK, shortstop, neither of whom hit their way out of a paper bag???

Wow. I really chuckled when I saw that deal on the hotel TV somewhere in the Pacific NW where I'm vacationing. I thought it was a terrible deal for the Bosox, this Yankee fan having a very healthy respect for Nomar. I guess the seeds were planted during this past off season when Nomar realized that he was a valuable pawn in the unsuccessful attempt to land the infamous A-Rod. Big mistake by the precocious Theo, IMO.

As for the Yanks getting Loaiza for Contreras, you're right Dan, I am ecstatic. Loaiza is a BIG step up AFAIAC. He'll pitch big in pinstripes, I feel confident of that. As for Jose, maybe he'll eventually adapt to pitching in the big leagues, but he would not have done that in the pressurized cooker that playing for Steinbrenner represents.

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Well, it looks like the trades are all announced at this point, and this Red Sox fan is furious.

The best they could get for Nomar was Orlando Cabrera and Doug Mantkiewiz?  How the hell did it go from Nomar for an excellent starter like Clement, to getting a part-time first baseman and OK, shortstop, neither of whom hit their way out of a paper bag???

Wow. I really chuckled when I saw that deal on the hotel TV somewhere in the Pacific NW where I'm vacationing. I thought it was a terrible deal for the Bosox, this Yankee fan having a very healthy respect for Nomar. I guess the seeds were planted during this past off season when Nomar realized that he was a valuable pawn in the unsuccessful attempt to land the infamous A-Rod. Big mistake by the precocious Theo, IMO.

As for the Yanks getting Loaiza for Contreras, you're right Dan, I am ecstatic. Loaiza is a BIG step up AFAIAC. He'll pitch big in pinstripes, I feel confident of that. As for Jose, maybe he'll eventually adapt to pitching in the big leagues, but he would not have done that in the pressurized cooker that playing for Steinbrenner represents.

Loaiza needs to prove he's a real pitcher. The word from Chicago was that he was back to his old stuff, that last year may have been a fluke. Most interesting stat I saw in the head-to-head comparison between him and Contreras:

Opponents Batting Average against:

Contreras- .255

Loaiza - .280 :wacko:

It may be an upgrade in terms of overall consistency, but Loaiza has to figure out how to pitch like he did in 2003 or Steinbrenner will be all over his ass in a heartbeat.

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It will be interesting to see in the Unit goes into pout mode for the next few weeks in an attempt to get the Backs to put him on waivers. The Yankees are about the only team that could afford picking up his salary, so that would get him where he wants to go. Of course, the Backs would still have to explain how they went about getting nothing for something, but if Johnson gets randy enough, they may find themselves with no choice but to move him out.

I like the Loaiza deal. The key is for him to find his cutter again. With a cutter specialist like Mariano Rivera on staff and a pitching coach who can work miracles in Billy Connor, I'm optimistic. Even if he struggles, I'd still take him over Contreras.

Up over and out.

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It will be interesting to see in the Unit goes into pout mode for the next few weeks in an attempt to get the Backs to put him on waivers. The Yankees are about the only team that could afford picking up his salary, so that would get him where he wants to go. Of course, the Backs would still have to explain how they went about getting nothing for something, but if Johnson gets randy enough, they may find themselves with no choice but to move him out.

No way he goes on waivers and the Yanks get a chance to claim him. Waiver wire goes to teams in reverse order of standings, and to the same league first. In other words, the Yanks get absolutely the last chance at him.

If he were put on waivers, without a doubt, the Red Sox put in a claim, if another team doesn't themselves, even on the chance that Arizona doesn't pull him back and they're "stuck" with his salary. No way the Yankees ever get a chance at him.

Plus, even if he went in full pout mode, after all this, and a total lack of interest in what the Yanks might offer, Arizona just puts him on waivers and gets nothing for him at all?

Whatchoo been smokin', son? :wacko::blink:

Arizona will make Johnson available in the off-season, where, after free agency shuffles things around, there will be more teams who think they have a chance, and will especially think they have a chance if they can have Randy Johnson for a full season. And that means better offers to Arizona.

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I guess 60 million wasn't enough.

Red Sox owner Henry speaks out about Nomar trade

August 4, 2004

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -- Boston Red Sox owner John Henry said the team offered Nomar Garciaparra a $60 million contract a second time in March in a genuine effort to keep him, but the shortstop had no interest in it.

``We were trying to find a way to sign him, and we never received a counter (offer) to any of the proposals we made,'' Henry told Boston-area reporters Tuesday, when the Red Sox beat the Tampa Bay Devil Rays 5-2.

Henry also said that six days before Saturday's trade of Garciaparra to the Chicago Cubs, Garciaparra's agent told general manager Theo Epstein that he had to talk the star shortstop out of asking to be traded.

``We knew from that that he didn't want to be here,'' Henry said.

Garciaparra is in the final year of his contract and is eligible to become a free agent after the World Series. The Red Sox came close to dealing him in December. He rejected a four-year, $60 million extension offer made in March 2003 and a $48 million offer made after the season.

Boston tried to acquire AL MVP Alex Rodriguez from Texas in exchange for Manny Ramirez. The Red Sox would've then dealt Garciaparra.

Instead, Rodriguez went to the Yankees in February and moved to third base. Garciaparra stayed with Boston and got hurt in spring training, missing most of the first half of the season. Confessing that his feelings were hurt, he said he still wanted to finish his career with the Red Sox.

Henry said he thought the second $60 million offer this March showed that the Red Sox genuinely wanted to keep Garciaparra, a two-time AL batting champion.

Henry acknowledged that the second offer included ``a portion that was deferred.''

But he said, ``I didn't think the deferral was a huge deal because we knew the Red Sox would be there and, number two, interest rates were low.''

Henry said that he, Epstein, and Red Sox chief executive officer Larry Lucchino met with Garciaparra and his agent, Arn Tellem, on July 24 at Fenway Park to ask Garciaparra what could be done to help Boston and him, and why he seemed so unhappy.

The next day, Henry said, he got a call from Epstein, who was told by Tellem that ``prior to that meeting he had to talk Nomar out of demanding a trade.''

Henry said the trade was ``extremely difficult -- he was the face of the franchise. ... To me, he was the most exciting player I've ever seen in a Red Sox uniform.''

But Henry also said he supported Epstein's decision to trade Garciaparra.

``We believe in Theo. He thought he was doing what was in the best interests of the organization,'' Henry said.

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Yeah well at least Texas is heading in the right direction. Seattle has the second highest revenue in baseball and the second worst record. It's a slap in the face to all the fans. I boycott the M's until they do something with all that cash they've racked in over the past few years. :angry:

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It's a fluke, I tellya! A fluke! Trust me when I say the M's will prove to be the big spoiler and the A's are gonna stay hot while the Rangers falter. It's all John Hart's fault. And Tom Hicks, who shoulda stuck to running his hockey team into the ground.

If there is any justice in the baseball world, your M's will snatch up Fuson and Jaramillo this coming off-season when the two-headed-behemoth of Hicks-Hart unceremoniously dumps 'em. And come right back to kick the shit outta the Rangers. It would be very deserving!

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I've said it before, but I really don't understand how anyone can stay a Mariner fan. With the exception of the Yankees, they have to make more money than anyone else in baseball, so you know the revenues are there to pull the trigger on the kind of "dog days" moves that can make the difference between going to the World Series or going home. Over the last 4-5 years, when the addition of another bat and/or arm could have made all the difference in the world, they just sat on their hands and watched the window close. Well, probably not on their hands cuz they need them to count all the money, but you know what I mean. Bottom line, if I was a fan of the M's, I would be righteously indignant.

It'll be interesting to see what happens to their attendance over the next couple of years. I know Safeco is a great place to see a ballgame, but this team is going to be struggling for awhile and whether the crowds continue to come out has to be a major concern. Seattle fans are used to winning and it's hard to say how they'll react to losing. I don't think their farm system can be relied on for any immediate help (they've already milked their AAA affiliate in Tacoma dry) so the only hope is that they tap into the river of money they have to have available and start buying their way back into contention.

Up over and out.

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Mariner fans are idiots. They are still packing the house. We should have enjoyed a dynasty here with Randy Johnson, A-Rod, Ichiro, Junior, Ortiz, Podsednik, Varitek, Joe Mays...it's pathetic! They know very little about the game yet are very loyal regardless of the record. They're like Cubs fans without the knowledge of the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, does anyone think anyteam can beat the Cards in the National league? Hell, in the majors even? They made the Braves, just about the hottest team in baseball look like they did in the first part of the season....a sub .500 team.

The Cards have 3 legit MVP candidates,(Albert Pujols, Scott Rolen, and Jim Edmonds) there pitching may not be perfect, but then again, whose has?

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