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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. I've actually been on some form of anti-depressant for the last 7 or 8 years (and I was able to get back to sleep the other night, BTW. Been sleeping okay ever since). One thing I found out recently is that taking my a-d in the morning has improved my sleeping, instead of taking it right before going to bed. For the longest time, I always thought that taking it BEFORE going to bed would help me sleep better (I mean, the label clearly states "MAY cause drowsiness.") I guess it's a crapshoot. Anyone else ever feel like their too tired to sleep? Of course, I could always go and read one of my own posts.
  2. Well give me some grief too! I'm another late recipient (the result of being a late asker!), and I'll be posting my answers later tonight! I'll tell you right now that I'm REALLY digging disc two!
  3. Man, that reminds me: years ago, there was a great web-page called “Sascha Konietzko is a Big Fat Whiner.” It collected various “statements” from the band about why the new album isn’t out yet, why they’re breaking up, stuff like that. One quote I remember was something like “Two kids ollie-grinded outside the studio, which racked Sascha’s nerves. Therefore, production on the new album has ceased and the band is no more.” I wish that site was still up. I had no idea who KMFDM was at the time, but I still laughed my ass off!
  4. Another vote for Goldwave. Very simple and easy to use!
  5. My favorite Christians are the ones who believe God has an infinite sense of humor. B)
  6. WORD! Okay, I feel properly sleepy again. I'm going back to bed. Nighty-night, all. Thanks for the early morning cheer!
  7. I just spent the last hour at that RRC BBS. That is some funny off-the-wall shtuff. Just goes to show that each BBS, in its own strange way, is truly a community. Just what kind of community it is, I don't know..... -_-
  8. That's precisely what it is, and that happens more often than not. Then I get to work, and I'm absolutely zonked! And the silly thing is, I'm taking tomorrow (or is it today now?) off from work so my wife and I can spend the day Christmas shopping together. AAAUUGGGHH!!!!
  9. Just listening to some Cal Tjader clips while awaiting the arrival of Cuban Fantasy from BMG. I'm staring at a sealed Underground that I got from BMG in error, debating if I should open it or wait and see if they're gonna want me to send it back. Y'know, the more I stay here, the more awake I get. Come to think of it, I didn't eat dinner tonight (too busy actually preparing it at church tonight to actually sit down and eat, then when I did get the chance, we were all cleaned out). Fridge, here I come!!!!!
  10. ...and as a result, changing their sound from a fifth-rate Percy Faith tribute band to a fifth-rate Marilyn Manson tribute band.
  11. 3:45 am Texas time and I'm wide awake for no real reason. So, good morning to couw and all the other jazzers on the other side of the globe! And anyone else who may still be awake right now. Maybe I'll go read a political post or somethin'.......
  12. Mama was right: your face WILL freeze if you keep looking like that!
  13. For those of you who were wondering about that latest Styx solo project....
  14. Big Al

    Clare Fischer

    Hey Jim, I guess you know that Sir Clare was on Joao Gilberto's '92 album Joao, right? I also see where he's on my wife's favorite Christmas album. That'll make that a little more enjoyable!
  15. BTW, anyone dare to invade their BBS? The whole site is a laff riot anyway!
  16. Re: the "screamer" So THAT'S what Bon Jovi sounds like when someone kicks him in the nuts! Re: the "goth chick" Hey, it's no worse than the Cranberries! [[[[[[iNCOMING!!!]]]]] Chris O, yer welcome!
  17. That was released in MONO? Wow! Never knew that! My dad has a couple of his early Takoma albums (Blind Joe Death and Dance of Death and Other Plantation Favorites), both of which smoke the CD reissues. In fact, the CD reissue of DOD lops off the first strum of one of the tracks, can't remember which one.
  18. Yeah, but it sure would give new meaning to the term "organ trio."
  19. Big Al

    Clare Fischer

    Anyone else out there automatically assume that Clare Fischer was a woman (without having seen any pictures or read anything about him, only just seen the name)? Yes, I admit it: I'm dumb! I only know of his work on Hubert Laws In the Beginning, which has some extraordinary keyboard playing by MR. Fischer! B)
  20. Probably the squarest Christmas album ever...... as well as my absolute favorite!
  21. Another non-vote for The Real McCoy for the same reasons listed by impossible. And I also never got into Out of the Blue.
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