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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. Eric Doplhy - Out To Lunch (click here to buy) John S has tagged me to pick this week's AOTW, and I've tagged sidewinder to pick the AOTW for 12/22-12/28. I'm taking a different approach for this AOTW by picking an album which I recognize is an unquestioned classic, but whose appeal is absolutely lost on me. That's right. I can't stand this album, it frustrates the hell outta me every time I listen to it, and it's not for lack of trying. I'll go into a point-by-point analysis of why this album drives me batty when the week actually starts, not wanting to take away from the current AOTW. But just keep all of this in your minds when preparing for next week: what the hell am I missing??!?!? Why has its charm eluded me all these years? Why is Dolphy seen as such a jazz genius, when, to these ears, his playing sounds like only so much squawking?!?!? Really and truly, I want to know!!!! Talk to y'all next week!
  2. Jack, please tell me how you got your post count so high. Regards, JSngry
  3. I just sent you an e-mail. I hope it's not too late. Six pages of guesses won't make me any less ignorant!
  4. Wow..... gosh...... I mean...... golly... I better clean up my act around such a nice-looking lady.
  5. Happy birthday from another Texan who knows nothing about Indiana expect that it has at least ONE very hip dude living there!
  6. The picture's a year old, but the face is basically the same (complete with shit-eating grin!).
  7. Hey John, I have an idea for an album that I think is everyone's collection; that is, if you're taking any suggestions.
  8. Chiming in my support for this decision as well. A year from now, when you're chasing the little organissimo (or organissimette) around the house, the problems of this place will reveal themselves as the minutiae that they are. B)
  9. I'm happy to report that side one of KIND OF BLUE was recorded 11 years to the day before I was born! (There's gotta be at least one joker out there thinking, "So what?") I'm also happy to report that my wife was born on the same day that Grant Green's AIREGIN album was recorded!
  10. On first lesson, this did nothing for me, as I spent a lot of time thinking "WTF????" On second, third, and subsequent listenings, this has wedged its way to the top of my favorite Larry Young albums. There's just so much here to dig, not the least of which is that it reminds me of Filles de Kilimanjaro in some spots (especially on "Trip Merchant," which probably could've been the title of this album!). Yeah, that first track is unreal, to say the least. But from there it settles down, only slightly. Lots of great subtleties and nuances to be discovered on repeated listenings. Great re-release indeed!
  11. Y'know, if you wanted to make Dan happy, you could put JTC on the cover of Herbie's INVENTIONS AND DIMENSIONS and have him get run over by HERE COME THE THREE SOUNDS. Or maybe couw could have Monk run him down on his avatar. If you run out of ideas, we could switch genres. How about putting James T Cat on a Dixie Chicks cover instead?
  12. Royal Flush??!?!? I woulda thought THE CAT WALK would've been the more obvious choice!
  13. He'd like everyone to think that. He's nothing but a wanker, a poser, a Stanley- Crouch-wannabe. A simple glancing of any of his posts reveals his extreme pro-Wynton anti-creativity bias.
  14. What made this article even more special was the fact that it ran on the front page, with a huge spread usually reserved for major news storis. My first thought, sad to say, was that Ornette had passed away and this was the local paper's way of paying tribute. Thankfully, that wasn't the case at all. In fact, it was quite nice for the fact that the article existed just for the sake of profiling a jazz legend. Nice way to start a Sunday!
  15. I just did a USPS tracking on two of the packages I sent, and it says that one of them is still sitting at the post office where I left it; meanwhile, it appears that the other one has delivered. So, to the one gentleman who resides in Ohio, PLEASE contact me. I need to know if you've received your package or not. E-mail me at acrearick@hotmail.com. Thanks. I hope the USPS didn't screw me up on this!
  16. What is Weinstock's opinion of Orrin Keepnews, both in terms of OK's role at Riverside in the 50's and 60's, and in terms of his role with Fantasy since the 1970s (especially his reissue programs and the OJC series on CD). These may very well be questions I know the answer to, if my gut is any indication; but it would still be nice to have him verbalize it.
  17. Funny....and sad. I've always felt that the leading cause of atheism in this country is religious zealotry. These are people who, after all, may know the Bible word-for-word, but not know the Bible whatsoever.
  18. Nothing at all. For some reason while posting last night, I thought I saw Karl Marx avatar, and I thought it would be fun to pull a James T. Cat on the guy, and jokingly mentioned that. When I posted, the Al Green avatar was back, and I figured my comment on the original Marx avatar would not have made sense. Come to think of it, though, should you ever go back to that avatar, perhaps AB could cause Groucho's face to appear in some way. BTW, I think I may be sorry I ever introduced that WND site to you. You seem to be having too much fun with it!
  19. FWIW, I scanned through this article, and share many of the same sentiments as Moose. It's like this guy's M.O. was "I bet I can out-snob those blasted atheists." But also bear in mind that, at this same website, you can find an ad (disguised as an article) for a new WorldNetDaily Books titled "Triangle of Death," wherein it is uncovered that a known terrorist was smuggled out of the US....right after JFK was killed. Uh huh... I'm sure this wouldn't be considered "irrational." You can also buy books by Michael Savage from this site. Assuming you'd want to..... Edit: Took out the part about Alex's avatar. I forgot it keeps switching back & forth like that.
  20. After looking at it for so long, I finally broke down and got the Quinichette VICE-PRES as well a few weeks ago, and I'm glad I did because I keep coming back to it on a regular basis. Nothing earth-shattering, just chock full of lively swinging and hearty playing all around. Plus, it's got wall-to-wall Freddie Green, and that's ALWAYS a good thing!
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