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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. This is a nice album. Not too much in the way of fireworks, but soulful and groovy nonetheless. One thing about Lou, he doesn't waste any notes, does he? Sometimes it seems as if his playing is TOO perfect, y'know? Not trying to knock him, his techincal proficiency is stunning. I guess for me it just sounds too tight, like loosen up a little, willya? But a fine session, and as definitive as you'll find for Lou in this period. But for me, it'll always be the Natural Soul, baby! B)
  2. How can you tell them apart? or Which is witch?
  3. Great choice! I've always been curious about this album, and now I've got a reason to satisfy that curiosity!
  4. Actually, I wanna know what the cameraman in the background is thinking, and what is he taking a picture of? Or are those girls from the previous picture in the audience, and that's what he's taking a picture of?
  5. Thus disproving the old adage, "Even a four-year-old child can understand it!"
  6. Guess I'll save my money then; I can get that for free by visiting the Politics forums here.
  7. There was a big write-up in Saturday's paper about this show, which had me in stitches. I don't have cable, so I've never seen it; it sure does intrigue me, though. Enough to want to plop down the $30 for the set tomorrow, despite having never seen a second of it. What do y'all think about it?
  8. Right behind ya. It's still better than Outland, though.
  9. Same here! I loved the scores from Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies; still do, in fact. Man, some of those scores really swung! So that was always in the back of my mind. But the first time I consciously listened to a jazz record was when I put my dad's copy of Blakey's Mosaic LP, when I was 17. I still remember hearing that ensemble come roaring out of the speakers, followed by the most thunderous drums I'd ever heard. (At the time, my idea of thunderous drums was John Bonham. Still is, in a rock sense anyway). Never been the same since (neither has my wallet)!
  10. I drove by there this past summer and was sad to see that they'd closed. That always seemed to be a UT landmark, if not an Austin landmark. I am glad the new tenants will be keeping that mural. It's a good reminder of what Austin used to be like.
  11. Guess this means I'll have to wait on that Basie box after all.....
  12. Dream Band Volume 5: The Big Cat is probably my favorite big band album, EVER! It comes charging out of the gate and doesn’t let up for a good solid 40 minutes. Their version of "Billie's Bounce" is smooth and snaky, finishing up with an explosive climax at the end! The title track is worth the price of admission alone. Then there's another track which I think aptly describes the whole session: "Do Ya Wanna Jump, Children?" All this, and the joy and fun that these guys are having is clearly audible throughout the set. Plus, it has some of the most hilarious liner notes ever penned, by Jack Tracy. Well worth the money! (Edited to add a much needed comma in one of the song titles.)
  13. Dang! Are the Colts that good, or are the Broncos that bad? That was an embarrassment!
  14. Congratulations dad!!!! Rock 'em to sleep with some Righteous Buddha!!!
  15. Has all the makings of a good game, and I'm rooting for the Cowboys, but I fully expect that Caroliona will win. They've got the momentum and the home field. Dallas has no running game and an iffy QB. It's all gonna come down to D!!!!
  16. Man, I sure would like to know what I did wrong, with regard to getting replacements! I guess BMG is still under the assumption that I'm gonna send the "incorrect" disc back to them and then they'll issue my replacement disc. Also, I still haven't received my shipment that was shipped out on the 14th. I think this is the longest I've waited for a shipment from BMG. But here's something else I thought of: the shipment from the 11th, I indicated that one of the discs was a "gift." I wonder if that had anything to do with the speed with which my order arrived? And, subsequently, why the current shipment is taking so long? What's the longest any of y'all have waited on a shipment?
  17. So this may sound like a naive question, but which was more common (once magnegtic tape arrived): issuing complete unedited takes, or issuing edited takes with all the fluffs and errors removed and replaced? FWIW, if it's the latter, I couldn't ever tell; the edits all seem very smooth to me. F'rinstance, in the mammoth Gerry Mulligan/Ben Webster reissue, there's the released "master" take of "Go Home," which is not a complete unedited take: the ending is spliced in to replace a rejected ending. To these ears, the edit is flawless and makes the whole piece sound like one continuous take. So, in other words, just how common was this practice?
  18. Anyone who can learn to function behind the drums in just under a year and then come flailing away in a kick-ass live version of "Circle Sky," while not being the GREATEST drummer in the world, certainly propels himself into at least the Top 100! IMOSHO!
  19. It's normal. They've been charging me sales tax on every order I've placed. Welcome back to Texas!
  20. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Now it all makes sense. I think!
  21. I agree, and not because I hope they win. Sure wish Rush had insulted Q-Kid this year!
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