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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Odd the way those deck chairs (at the stern) are neatly arranged around the table. Hard to believe that those would be bolted down on a pleasure craft.
  2. Alec Baldwin to Sheen: "You know what you should do? Take a nap. Get a shower. Call Chuck. Go on Letterman and make an apology. Write a huge check to the B'Nai Brith. And then beg for your job back."
  3. So where did all of these 'only 10% possess...' stories we've seen over the years come from? Oh, yeah.....'twas the feds data. The Village Voice was even floating an incorrect number last month. http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2011/02/only_30_percent.php http://www.gadling.com/2011/03/09/passport-ownership-by-state/
  4. FWIW, Japanese authorities and this guy both suggest that, bad as things are, we're not likely to experience another Chernobyl. http://www.ajc.com/news/georgia-tech-nuclear-expert-869322.html
  5. Saw this one tonite with my kids. Fun flick....nice & easy. Enjoyed the Basie segments ( ) ...the one with Lewis playin' along in the kitchen to 'Cute' is pretty good
  6. Sheesh, Dave.....sounds like a nightmare. Hope you make out alright.
  7. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-03-08/the-war-over-etta-james-fortune/ The War Over Etta James' Fortune by Christine Pelisek The bedridden blues icon is too sick to speak up as her son and husband battle over her estate in court. Christine Pelisek reports on the sordid drama. Once known for her feisty, outspoken riffs on stage, R & B icon Etta James can’t speak up about the vicious legal battle escalating between her husband and son over control of her savings.
  8. Jazz Gunn and Daktari is a great twofer. Why would you want Gunn by itself? Don't want Daktari for the same reason I don't want Jimmy Page's pants. Annoys me.
  9. If you don't own the actual lp, can you find 'Jazz Gunn' on cd (other than paired up w/Daktari on collectibles)? Was it out in Jpn?
  10. Go to: http://www.crj-onlin...ckyThompson.php I always play the 8 track edition in the car.
  11. Would make a nice case study for the 'Wicked Dumb Business Decisions 101' course at the Wharton School of Business. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL5c39VQXGw
  12. I agree.....it's appalling. Bad enough that the networks are in on the act....but the celebrity gossip sites are horrible beyond description.
  13. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/01/foursquare-manchester-england-rudest-city_n_829758.html
  14. Sorta cheating on the McLean one because it's really only the title track that I listen to over and over.
  15. I've also been looking at a music server lately -- the attractively priced Olive 03HD ($999) that holds 1500 discs vs. the Olive 04HD that lists for $2,500, holds 6000 discs and has all sorts of digital outputs that I'm not all that interested in anyway. I was curious though about this bit from the spec sheet. Olive 03HD says: High-quality DAC with 24-bit/192kHz support Olive 04HD: Premium Burr-Brown PCM1792A DAC (24-bit/192 kHz) What exactly does "support" mean here?
  16. I don't see how any power conditioner could turn on a component. That doesn't make any sense. Too true. Like I said before, can't even comprehend the physics of what was goin' on. That's what happened though.
  17. Yes, thanks for the info Daniel! Just realized that Vaughan is w/trio, so will probably get that one as well.
  18. Funny that you mention this as I too have an LC-1800....although it's an older model w/black metal grill on the top and the 5 red voltage lights aligned vertically on the right side. I'm guessing at least a dozen years old? I have a McIntosh amp + SACD player hooked up to it. Last weekend, we had some serious wind and at one point I heard one of the transformers down at the local sub-station make 'the noise' that it does when it's on the verge of frying out. The amp and sacd player were both off (in standby mode)....and at one point, the Trip Lite started to click rapidly ....perhaps 4 or 5 times....the house lights dimmed & flickered a bit... and when I looked over at the stereo, the SACD player suddenly powered up for about 2 seconds before shutting off again. The amp remained dark throughout. I went over and powered up the player and listened to a few tracks from Turrentine's 'Jubilee Shout' just to make sure the unit was functioning properly, then unplugged it from the Trip Lite. I don't even understand the physics of what was going on??? More importantly, do I need to ditch the TL?
  19. Yes, looks good. I'm assuming that none of this Baker/Mulligan/JJ material has appeared before in any of the Proper sets ...... or various Mosaic big box/selects? Just checking.
  20. That bust cream ('food') ad is a riot. 2 to 6 inches, eh? I wonder how many guys were secretly ordering it under the name 'Mrs. Jones' and dipping the 'ol wick in the balm to see what would happen?
  21. Listening to the show now. Am liking the Matthias Lupri Quartet .....first time hearing 'em.....nice!
  22. Just watched the Bond 'For Your Eyes Only' (1980) Blu-ray last night. Pretty decent quality...as are all those older Bond flicks. I wish that I knew how to switch over to Netflix streaming (can you do so through the Blu-Ray player as well as a Wii?) and ditch the mail order disc service.
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