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Face of the Bass

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Everything posted by Face of the Bass

  1. I've been looking for the Anita O'Day Mosaic for some time, but every time I look the only thing I can find are jacked up copies on Amazon going for $500-600. So I thought I'd post here and see if there might be anyone with a copy willing to unload at a more reasonable price. Please pm me if you have any leads. Thanks!
  2. Just sent money for the two CDs. Looking forward to hearing them! David
  3. PM sent on Archie Shepp - On This Night and Steve Lacy - Soprano Sax.
  4. Player arrived yesterday, and I've been listening to the Miles Davis Bootlet set on it throughout the day today (the set also arrived yesterday). I'm very happy with the sound; it's definitely crisper than what I was getting from my older model. More importantly, no skipping at all. My kids can run and jump around the room to their heart's content and the CD player keeps going without missing a beat.
  5. Thanks for all the advice, gents. I am going with a new NAD player, which should arrive sometime this week. I'm excited about the possibility of hearing my collection through a higher quality CD player.
  6. Up with addition of the David Murray Black Saint/Soul Note box set. The Clifford Brown Emarcy Box is also still available...
  7. Is your dvd player connected to the same speakers as your cd player (or can it be?)? If the answer is "yes", why not use it for playing your cds? Thanks for suggesting this. I did it today and the skipping problem is solved. I think I'd like to upgrade my cd player, but now I can take my time picking the one I want now that the immediate problem has been solved.
  8. Thanks for the responses. I'm leaning towards getting a new dedicated CD player--one disc only. Looking for value for money...I like good sound but I'm not able to spend $1,000 for a CD player when I can get something that will work well for a fraction of the cost. Any recommendations would be warmly appreciated.
  9. No, CDs don't skip on my computer, and indeed, my DVD player does not skip either. I don't really want to go to a streaming setup, as I really like being able to play the physical objects...
  10. The CD player is on the upper shelf of a home entertainment system that is sitting on the carpet in my living room. There are certain spots on the floor that if you step on them too forcefully, the player will skip. I had the player on the lower shelf earlier but it was skipping then, which caused me to try the upper shelf. I added the tennis balls (four halves in total, one for each corner) last week and it doesn't seem to have made much of an improvement. I think I'd be fine with buying a new CD player but I want to be sure that a newer one would actually fix the problem. I don't even really need a five-disc changer, I'd just buy a regular single disc player if I knew it would work fine. Has the technology advanced enough so that this would not even be an issue with a new player?
  11. So, my stereo is set up in an area where my children--a 7 year old girl and 2 year old boy--sometimes can be seen running about, back and forth. When they hit certain spots on my floor, it can cause any CD that is playing to skip, enough to the point where it becomes annoying. My CD player is pretty old...a 5-disc RCA that I bought about nine years ago. I read somewhere that tennis balls cut in half could fix this sort of thing. I did that but it seemed to have little to no effect. Is there something else I can do to try to limit vibration, or would a newer model of CD player fare better with this sort of thing?
  12. I'm sorry, but I did not read that note as excusing what happened. I think it had more to do with what is happening RIGHT NOW, and whether he is "okay," health-wise, right now. There are some of us who still care about such things. Not everyone in the world looks to throw somebody in the trash when they do something horrible.
  13. Anyone into experimental music should jump on the Rowe on Erstwhile, A View from the Window. Great recording at a bargain price.
  14. I want both of these. I pay you money. You give to me.
  15. Inspired at least in part by this topic, over a week ago I started up a new blog, that is at least tangentially dedicated to writings on the music, life, and philosophy of Sun Ra, though as it develops I find ways to include other dimensions of my thoughts as well. Anyway, for those who are interested, you can check it out at http://otherplanesofthere.blogspot.com Thanks!
  16. Up...price reduction on the two box sets and have added five discs: Lateef's Psychicemotus, Carter's Further Definitions, Jacquet's Desert Winds, Mengelberg's The Root of the Problem and Koglmann's L'Heure Bleue.
  17. I felt it up here in Albany, NY. I was sitting at my computer when everything started gently shaking for about 15-20 seconds.
  18. I have the following for sale. All listed prices include shipping to the U.S. Please inquire for international deliveries. Paypal Only. Thanks for looking! Jazz CDs: Stan Adler/Paul Chauncy/Jon Lloyd/Rob Palmer/Phil Wachsmann - Apparitions (Leo) $5 Anouar Brahem - Thimar (ECM) $5 Richard Carr/Mike Nord/Georg Hofmann/Art Maddox/Randy Kem - In Walks Art (Leo) $5 Ellery Eskelin - Ten (hatOLOGY) $8 Ellery Eskelin - Vanishing Point (hatOLOGY) $15 Ellery Eskelin - Forms (hatOLOGY) $8 Hermet Geerken/John Tchicai/Famoudou Don Moye - Cassava Balls (still sealed) (Leo) $5 Eric Harland - Voyager--Live by Night (Space Time) $7 Illinois Jacquet with Kenny Burrell - Desert Winds (Verve) $5 Franz Koglmann - L'Heure Bleue (hatOLOGY) $8 Yusef Lateef - Psychicemotus (Impulse!) $7 Misha Mengelberg - The Root of the Problem (hatOLOGY) $8 Wes Montgomery - Goin' Out Of My Head (Verve) $5 Richard Nunns/Evan Parker - Rangirua (Leo) $5 Evan Parker/Phil Wachsmann/Teppo Hauta-aho - The Needles (Leo) $7 Tim Trevor-Briscoe/Nicola Guazzaloca - One Hot Afternoon (Leo) $5 Weather Report - Mysterious Traveller (Columbia) $5 Cassandra Wilson - Belly of the Sun (Blue Note) $5 Experimental Music CDs Joe Colley - Psychic Stress Soundtracks (Antifrost) $5 Joe Colley - Desperate Attempts at Beauty (Ground Fault) $5 EKG & Giuseppi Ielasi - Group (Formed) $5 Ferran Fages/Alfredo Costa Monteiro/Ruth Barberan - Istmo (Creative Sources) $5 Los Glissandos - Stand Clear (Creative Sources) $5 Lapslap - Scratch (Leo) $5 Alfredo Costa Monteiro - Rumeur (Creative Sources) $5 Julien Ottavi - Nervure Magnetique (Sigma) $5 Dion Workman - Ching (Antiopic) $5
  19. Good afternoon everyone... I have the following box sets for sale. Prices include shipping to the U.S. Please inquire for international deliveries. Wes Montgomery - Complete Riverside Recordings, $125 (Discs, box, and booklet all in like-new condition) Clifford Brown - The Complete Emarcy Recordings, $135 (See above. Discs, box, and booklet all in like-new condition) ON HOLD Modern Jazz Quartet - The Complete Atlantic Studio Recordings of the Modern Jazz Quartet, $90 (Discs, box, and booklet all in like-new condition) ON HOLD Paypal only, please. These will ship no earlier than this Thursday. Thanks!
  20. Right! But if I'm going to go, I want to go at least touting some good music.
  21. Inspired from an exchange in another thread, I think it would be revealing for posters here to do the following exercise: You are sitting in your living room with your best friend in the entire world. A large man breaks in your front door, marches into your living room, pulls out a gun, and then asks the following question: "If you could only save all the recordings of ONE artist in your jazz collection, which artist would you save?" Taken aback by the shocking crudity of this question, you say, "Of course, that is an impossible question. I could no sooner choose one artist's recordings over another than I could choose one child over..." Before you are able to get out another word, the man walks over to your best friend, puts the gun to his head, and pulls the trigger. Your friend's brains are splattered all over your carpet, all over your couch, all over the walls. Now he puts the gun to YOUR head. "Which artist?" he shouts. As you shake with fear and struggle to maintain control over your bodily functions, you give your answer. What is your answer? If you could only save all the recordings of one artist in your collection, with all your other recordings being taken away from you forever, which body of work would you save first? I would save the following artists, in the order listed: 1. Miles Davis 2. Sun Ra 3. John Coltrane 4. Ornette Coleman 5. Cecil Taylor 6. Charlie Parker 7. Steve Lacy 8. Thelonious Monk 9. Anthony Braxton 10. Pharoah Sanders If he denied me any of those ten, I'd tell him to just go ahead and pull the trigger.
  22. That's one possible outcome, although my experience with child abuse also has taught me that it can have the opposite effect, that the abused person grows up and vows to never allow anything like that to happen to anyone that they love. Victims of child abuse can become hyper-vigilant about any form of abuse ever happening to their own children, or to other children they know.
  23. Has anyone here seen Pasolini's brilliant and horrifying film, Salo? This case is starting to remind me of that. And yet...I think these people, if they did what is being alleged, are very sick. It must be a terrible and dark compulsion that would cause someone to do these things, and I do know that in some cases, pedophiles feel relieved when they are caught, because they won't have to hide in shame anymore...their wrongdoings are exposed in the light of day. In one of the links to the Wikipedia article there was a story about a HS football coach in Virginia caught up in this thing who seemed to in some ways have been unburdened by his arrest. Now people know the truth, and there is nowhere left to hide. All the aliases, the secret encryptions, it's all falling apart now.
  24. I'd like to think that they're monstrous human beings. It's not like being a human being and being really dangerous and fucked up aren't mutually exclusive qualities. OTOH, if we could round up all the monsters in the world (except the cute ones like Cookie Monster) and execute them at one place and at one time, that would pretty much fix everything, wouldn't it... Unfortunately I think if we did that we'd have to execute ourselves, because we would have become monsters...
  25. I have it and I like it, but I actually prefer some of the material from the later 60s and early 70s, definitely including the Moog stuff. I love your list. It wouldn't be my list, but everyone should do one to get their bearings (would make a fun thread). Mine would not even include Sun Ra. Just off the top of my head: John Coltrane Steve Lacy Anthony Braxton Cecil Taylor Evan Parker Miles Davis Peter Brotzmann John Butcher Charlie Parker Art Ensemble/Roscoe Mitchell On any given day, the order might get reshuffled a bit, but it would be a while before we reached Sun Ra. As for the claims of prophet etc, I just don't buy that. There are some very interesting socio-political aspects to Sun Ra, but I think that aspect has been oversold. Nice list! When I made up mine, I kept changing it to get Steve Lacy higher and higher...I suspect in another month he will be higher than I have him listed. A number of other ones you listed here, particularly Brotzmann, Art Ensemble, and Evan Parker, would be close to making my list and might make it some days depending on my mood.
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