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Everything posted by Jazzdog

  1. I think what Berigan really hates is RAP and not Hip Hop which is more along the lines of what Kellis is. RAP is what rappers do, Hip Hop is that style of music in which Rappers rap to. A distinction must be made. Most of the contemporary R&B stuff like Kellis and Beyonce is actually Hip Hop, which is a genre or a style of music. Just like the term Jazz connotates all styles of instrumentally based R&B as well as the music most of us prefer to listen to. Sorry if I am picking nits here. Just trying to make sure we are all on the same page.
  2. It is: Picture Perfect Who wants to make a bet that that is is girlfriends house? Do you really think he has a girlfriend? Yes, and I also bet that he is wearing HER shirt!
  3. It is: Picture Perfect Who wants to make a bet that that is is girlfriends house?
  4. I loved it, It was better than Cats, etc...
  5. ding ding ding... de one an' only!
  6. This is almost my situation, to a "T". The 7 AM thing is starting to get increasingly difficult for me, even after less than a year. But getting to work at 6 AM this past week has made me appreciate what that extra hour of sleep can do for me. In my early 20's I had depression related insomnia, which went on for about a year. I did a few months of therapy, but I eventually just kind of got over the things that were depressing me, but those long nights were a bitch and a half I will tell ya. I was a real night person up until about 5 years ago, when my ex and I started living together. Now, I am on the verge of cohabing with my current gf and she is REAL light sleeper. As for myself, I toss and turn and try for a while to get comfortable thus If I don't turn off my brain and actually start to get to bed earlier I can toss and turn and then I can't sleep which is a real pain. If I hunker down and read for a bit or do some yoga type stretching excersizes, and then read for a bit I can get to sleep, that has helped me a bit recently. It still doesn't make it any easier to get up at 5 freakin' AM!
  7. 200 Motels was an album that I have never been able to enjoy. The sound is not up to usual FZ standards and the music isn't anything to write home about either. One of the 2 Zappas that I've ever sold back and not felt bad about or wanted to replace. See if you can guess which concept album was the other one! Hint: It was NOT Joe's Garage.
  8. Those are pretty good tracks. I feel that "Hip-Hop" is a lot less actually rapping nowadays, makes for an interesting new shift. Everything that I am hearing nowadays has a hook filled pop-side (crossover anyone?) that wasn't there until a few years ago. I still like a lot of the stuff I was getting into in the early 90's, but the new stuff leaves me kind of cold. I don't like that gangsta trend as much, but a lot of those guys have soften their world views. In that respect Eminem was kind of a nice suprise when he first appeared , but he's softening his as well. As far as recent stuff Stankonia by Outkast and Phrenology by the Roots are some of my favorite cd's of the past few years. They both bring an element of FUNK and muscianship to their music. They owe much more debt to JB and P-Funk than they do to NWA or Public Enemy. Now that stuff is RAP! However I digress. I am recently getting a bit into Braxton, but I find it difficut to really figure out what cd's I should be listening to!
  9. I dunno, what else ya got? Oh and BTW, the Hank is the only Mosaic I have (except for the Selects, which I dont know if hwe are counting here or not).
  10. Moose, you know I love ya, but you be a friggin' idiot! AMEN!!!!
  11. Not as much a collector as I am more obsessive/compulsive about the music I buy. I guess any purchase has to fit in to some asthetic value which I ascribed to myself at some point, but I guess I have my weird reasons to get the stuff I listen to. I also sell a lot of stuff and have a lot of promo copies of various things. My turnover ratio is pretty good, so I don't really know if that makes me as much a collector as much as I am a listener. But in general I don't have as much time as I would like to listen to music, but when I do, I enjoy it if I can help it! That being said I would much prefer having the best version of whatever is out there, if possible. If it's not possible I just get it, if it strikes my fancy at the time.
  12. This one! The second one, just judging from that cover photo, looks kind of cheesy.
  13. They have Una Mas for $12.99/free shipping. Thats still WAY more I can get it for elesewhere...no fear, I'll pick it up soon!!!
  14. I really want to hear the new live Holdsworth cd with Jimmy Johnson on bass and Chad Wackerman on drums. I burned thru my copy of the first UK album back when I had a turntable, but I liked a few of his cd's from the early 90's. I don't have them anymore but I saw him in London with Gary Husband on drums, and I got to take home a broken drumstick. That was a smokin' gig. The best part about that night was that I brought a pal of mine who had heard a lot about Holdsworth because Eddie Van Halen championed him a while back. The guy thought he was gonna hear some balls to the Wall Heavy Metal. Obviously he walked away from the gig a bit disapointed.
  15. Yeah, I decided to finally go the upgrade route with Idle Moments, Sidewinder and Out to Lunch and finally got Page One. I was hoping to find Una Mas here, but I'll just have to pick it up elsewhere!
  16. Bet it's late... Nah, it was delivered on time, but they left it under a snow drift. The box got soggy from yesterday's rain and burst open. The coal was stolen. ARGH...this post cuts a bit too close tomy most recent experience with Airborne. Are you guys trying to tell me something?
  17. Chad Wackerman was the drummer in Zappa's ill-fated 1988 Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life and Sting came on at a show and sang Murder by Numbers with Zappa's band playing a blues a la Stolen Moments (indeed the song was wrapped around MBN). So theres your connection, and I KNOW I am one of those Zappa nuts!!!
  18. I think it was only destined to be a one off. Anastasio was on hiatus from Phish at the time and Les was in the throes of his Flying Frog Brigade days. Now that Les is back doing Primus full time, and Trey is back doing Phish part time and maintaining a solo career doesn't leave much hope for further collaborations. I saw Oysterhead in LA a few years back and it was such a treat standing as far away from Les and Trey (two of my idols!) as they were standing from each other and having Stewart just a few more yards back. Glad to see Stewart not doing the Doors thing though, probably a pretty nice earner for him all the same.
  19. He's the drummer with the 21st Century Doors!
  20. ...and if you're NOT a Yankee fan ya gotta be laughing ya ass off!
  21. Well, all I can say is that I hope declan can make this one stick. Although I do have to say that his breakups have spawned some pretty remarkable music, I like Krall and hope that they will be VERY happy together!
  22. Jazzdog

    30 new RVGs!!

    ...and still no Hi Voltage either!!!
  23. Here's an older thread which goes into a fair bit of detail. We seem to have surmised that some of them are TOCJ remasterings. Some are rare grooves and some are from the original late 80's McMasterings, so you really have to kind of draw in your old bias as far as this goes.They sound fine to me. http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...ue%20notes&st=0
  24. How much more blue could this be? The answer is None...none more blue".
  25. I am the goofy looking one in the middle. (well middle left! )
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