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Everything posted by Jazzdog

  1. The intro march from Greggery Peccary Big Swifty The Purple Lagoon New Brown Clouds (also part of Greggery Peccary) I think that any of the material is going to be difficult to play, be it from a rock or a jazz standpoint. One song that is easy (relatively) to play is Zoot Allures, Black Napkins is another tune that lends itself quite well to improv, and is not as complicated as some of the others. If worse comes to worse, you can always do "Caravan with a drum sola"!
  2. Brilliant! I'd ask for permission to use it as my avatar, but I am still holding out hope for a Hi-Voltage animation!
  3. HO ho ho...I keep waiting for Mr. Hill to wink at me!
  4. Thats what happens when you get the Dot.com Blues!
  5. The Hi-Voltage cover is screaming for some animation! anyone? Please?
  6. Hmmm...I ordered the Patton select within the last two weeks and I have yet to receive it. I do realize that sometimes orders take a bit longer, but I think the last couple of times I have ordered from mosaic my packages arrived within a week...I was starting to think that something like this would have happened.
  7. Jazzdog

    Brand X

    I completely gave up on Phil after he covered True Colors by Cyndi Lauper. Now he is making music for his children! I still like his drumming though!
  8. Jazzdog

    Brand X

    I have many thoughts on this group. I think about em all the time. I dare call them fusion though, I think of Brand X as more a Prog kind of thing (If have to pigeon hole them as anything). Granted, they are fusion-y in spots, namely the Masques album. I love Phil Collins' work with them, Kenwood Denard and Mike Clark from the Headhunters played drums with them for a while as well. Coming from a British side of things they are a (imo)little less self concious about fitting into any kind of style, let alone fusion. At any rate, I dig all of their 70's output. The 90's albums are a little bit dry musically, not as varied and they lack the sort of elastic musical (and loose as Guy said) sense they had back in the 70's. Percy Jones' bass work, is easily enough to recommened them to any jazz fan, and it's nice to hear Phil Collins' playing music from time to time. John Goodsall who is on guitar practically every track they ever recorded, puts it all together very nicely, sidestepping any of cliches that jazz and jazz fusion often bring. He shreds dude!!!
  9. Honorable Mention: "Mousetrap Reduced To Pile Of Functionless Parts" ...and the Lord knows that if he tried to put it back together there is always a part or two left over. Surely this is a function of the miracle of science as well!
  10. Ugh...welll I don't think I'll be watching the directors cut much anyways. It's all about Echoes, Saucerful and the making of the DSOTM footage!
  11. Are they in Japanese or what?
  12. Yeah, I am getting really fucking sick of this!
  13. Probably. Though for me it was usually darting rabbits... (Just use the initials, Jazzdog...) I am glad you posted before I went to bed...its the kind of thing that keeps a guy up at night~~
  14. I am SOOO unhip, I have to admit, I don't have the slightest clue what that is? I do however, often see flying pigs. Is there a connection here?
  15. Am I the only one who wishes they would have found a way to give him life?
  16. Yeah, for me, Minor Move has a lot of promise but does not really deliver. BttT, (OTOH) is everything that Minor Move is not. Haven't heard Waiting Game, so I cannot vouch, but True Blue is wonderful and well worth what I paid for it (Paid $26 for the Conn, unopened), but Minor Move is also worth every cent I paid for it. Luckily I found it REAL cheap. Sorry lads!
  17. OH Christ...my ex used to drink that swill! Thank Yaweh my current likes to drink beer almost as much as I do! If its not beer, then its wine. If I had to stay sober or drink cider, I would opt to temporarily side with sober, in so far as hopefully there is a good liquor store or bar nearby!
  18. AB...sorry man, it's been bugging the hell out of me...the cowbell quote should be in the present tense...not past tense! I'll add something to the actual thread some other time. It's just been bugbing me thats all!
  19. Hell, I think I only know ONE Marlins fan, and he lives in Florida. Aside from him, I know of NO ONE who actually wanted the Marlins to win. Most people I talked to wanted the Yankees to lose. Even though the Marlins ousted the Giants, people around here don't like the Yanks so much. So it goes! I didn't really watch the series, though I did watch the last 3 innings of last nights game, and I gotta tell ya, by the 7th, the Yanks sure did look like losers. Gotta tip my hat to the Yanks though, the most expensive losers in World Series history. Thats gotta make ya proud!
  20. They are? could have fooled me. it's taking me forever to get all of Woody Shaw's Blackstone Legacy! Man is that date a smoker. I am getting into the whole early 70's Soul Jazz thing...GOOD stuff, not like BN was putting out, but the Prestige stuff of that same era. And Stax...dl'ed Booker T's McLemore Avenue last night! WOW!!! Think I am aiming to get the whole MG's catalog while I can!
  21. I am probably going to give it 30 more days after the subscription plan changes over on Nov 8th. I want to see if there are going to be any more decent labels added and also to finish all the stuff I have lined up in my stash!!!
  22. Well I guess it has to start with me. I have no interest in any of these. At least for now!
  23. Thanks Mike, I had already put the two together as being the same session. Also the "mission statement" re: the Mosaic Select series also allows for two disc sets. Thought it seems as though TPTB there decided against it, as far as I can tell!
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