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Everything posted by RDK

  1. I agree with Chuck. While Pablo recorded some terrific artists, most by that time were at the tail ends of their careers. There's still some good stuff to be found, but I find I usually pull out some earlier work to listen to or something more, uh, challenging given the dates of the recordings. To me Pablo is the 70's version of Concord. I understand that's damning with faint praise, but both are fairly conservative labels. Still, Duke's "This One's for Blanton" is very good, as are some of the Basie, Harry Edison, and Clark Terry dates (in addition to the other artists previously mentioned). And let's not forget the Art Tatums. Personally, I'd stay away from most of the Ella Fitzgeralds. Ray
  2. This is one cover that would be improved by being a Mode painting...
  3. You guys should ace this, but I haven't a clue... http://www.chilliman.com/beer_labels_frame.htm
  4. Oh it's a *killer* date all right, but the organ sound drives me nuts. I used to have a CDR of this that I figured was home-mastered by somebody off an old LP... and mastered so hot that the digital limiter cut in. Then I recently found the import CD of it and it sounded exactly the same. Still groovy though...
  5. Oh my sweet Jesus - that is some cool shit. There's nothing quite like stumbling onto bizarro small-label music sides...
  6. Speaking of Baby Face, has anybody else heard "Behind the Eight Ball?" A great date (Argo, I believe, but the disc isn't in front of me at the moment). My question, though, is: what's up with the sound on this one? The organ, especially, sounds very distorted, as if it's seriously clipping or had a recording limiter set way too high. Is this just on the Jpn CD or is the original LP like this as well? Ray
  7. Hey, that's how the Banana Splits got their start!
  8. Rudy is getting older and hearing loss (especially in the higher frequencies) affects virtually everyone. That's life. As to whether he should still be mastering or not...
  9. That's a good price, Jim. Here's some info about this 'table from Audio Advisor... http://www.audioadvisor.com/store/productd...0Top%20Platform
  10. Great thread guys! I wish I could scan some of the non-CD LP covers I have at home. Why did being a low budget indie jazz label so often require an utter lack of graphic design sense? No wonder Blue Note was such a popular label.
  11. Sweetheart, don't you remember it's sitting on top of the piano. It's not going anywhere. Where would I sleep at night? I can't help but find these chats between K-HB and Slsmcgrew a little weird and voyeuristic. Are we really sure that they're married or is this another of those Mnytime-Misterioso deals?
  12. I go through phases - especially after making new discoveries - but I always come back to Duke, Monk, and Mingus. I've bought a lot of discs lately (various CD and LP sales and all that) so I haven't been "repeating" artists a whole lot lately, but for a while I was immersing myself in those cheap Z-boxes of Art Pepper, Bill Evans, and Sonny Rollins. Then there's those Blue Note periods - usually after a new batch of RVGs or Conns come out - where I'll listen to nothing but BNs for weeks on end...
  13. My biggest gripe about the whole thing is that we lost a lot of pics of hot chicks and beautiful jazz women because of some old golfer. The now-deleted thread was about "babes" and not, uh, "Babes." If you wanna post pics of babalicious sports stars, Jim, let's stick with Anna Kournikova. Everone else is doing it. But, nooooo, JSngry's gotta be clever and ruin it for the rest of us...
  14. Then again, this could come in handy if any of us know any voodoo priests...
  15. Say it ain't so! "Brown Eyed Girl" is one of the finest pop songs of all time!
  16. As far as i'm concerned, the BN issue is irrelevant. But the release of any new Van Morrison album is cause for celebration in my book. I hope BN makes lots o' money from it.
  17. Oh my god...I think I just got a woody! Too much information! Besides, in this case a "rocky" might be more appropriate...
  18. I'm not sure if MLBB has the authority to ban specific fans from its games, but a judge sure could as a condition of their probation.
  19. Looking forward to this one. Any reviews or first impressions?
  20. RDK

    Aug 5th RVGs

    Yeah, and Kenny G would be voted President!
  21. Chuck, you've often posted your stance on CDR trading (quite understandable given your position), but I'm curious if it still holds in a situation like this, where important music that should be heard isn't due to legal entanglements, artist indifference, or insufficient record company profit potential. Ray
  22. "Quadrophenia" overrated? Are you nuts?! It may be the finest Who album of them all. That's like saying "Mingus Ah Um" is overrated because only a couple of the tunes became jazz standards.
  23. Hands down it's "Killer Joe." Not just my favorite Golson tune (and he's written a number of good ones), but one of my favorite jazz compositions period.
  24. Um... good god... but I kinda agree with Aric on this one... And nobody who listens to jazz should ever criticize another artist/band for releasing "too many" live albums. You don't think there are plenty of live albums/bootlegs of less-than-prime Miles out there?
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