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Everything posted by jazzypaul

  1. I must say, I am very tempted to order a bunch of these...this could be very very cool indeed...
  2. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Wang Chung yet. They were truly underrated, and To Live and Die in L.A., besides being the theme song to a truly excellent movie, is one hell of a song. "In the dark of the night/every time I turn the light/I fear that God is not in Heaven..." that's some good lyric writing right there. I will avoid the seconding of songs, so Break My Stride and Church of the Poison Mind are both out, I reckon. I always thought Der Kommisar was a great tune though. And let us not forget one of Stevie's best tunes, which is an 80's tune: Overjoyed.
  3. up!!!!!! and will continue to go up until these are gone, gone, gone!!
  4. I'll second rooster ties in saying, "oh shit! I forgot to send that!" yikes. If I can figure out how to send an MP3 file, I'll shoot it over. Man, so sorry...
  5. Any of the three mosaic boxes that I'm selling in a thread further down the line on this forum.
  6. Alright, I don't want to do this. as a matter of fact, I really don't want to do this, and if there was any way that I could not have to do this, I would. But, it looks as if I must. I might price these out later, but for now, I'll take reasonable offers. Remember that I'm poor, getting kicked out of my condo and must come up with bread for a new place, all in the span of three weeks. So, please, don't lowball me too much. PM me if interested. All three boxes are in perfect condition. FOR SALE: Complete Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Big Band Mosaic FOR SALE: Complete Sam Rivers Blue Note Sessions FOR SALE: Complete Blue Mitchell Quintet Sessions. waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.....
  7. Wynton is hit and miss for me. Black Codes? Hit. His debut? Hit. In This House, On this Morning? Hit. Blood in the Fields, Big Train, All Rise, and much else of his catalog? Miss. His yammering about funk, fusion and hip-hop? Way miss. But, man, his solo on Sister Cheryl...that's solid. His playing on all of his first four or five records, as a matter of fact, is pretty solid, and in some cases, pretty damn well impressive. I can't bring myself to hate him. I can however, bring myself to take him on a case by case basis very easily.
  8. Wow, these have made their way all the way to the great northwest. Steve Hashimoto (the guy who wrote these...they're on the JIC website and were first in his weekly rants and raves) is a great cat. These are always a great read and good for a chuckle or five.
  9. In no particular order... Miles Smiles Seven Steps '64 Concert Round About Midnight Bitches Brew Sorcerer Nefertiti Tutu Miles In The Sky
  10. Actually, if you think about it, most of the BN albums that have come out since 1986 (not the reissues) are all pretty rare. There's that 500 copies per year rule that they have in effect, and there are quite a few BN's that go out of print within their year. They may not seem rare now, but after Mosaic does their Bill Stewart on Blue Note Select box in 2035, My copies of Snide Remarks and Telepathy are gonna be a prospective goldmine...
  11. Chris... 34 failed albums? That might be a little harsh, my man. His debut was great (especially the tracks with Tony/Ron/Herbie), and Black Codes is hands down one of the best jazz albums of the 80's. Let's not forget about In This House, On This Morning, either, which is a truly great album. Fine, he's not Freddie Hubbard, he's not Lee Morgan, and he's not Charles Tolliver. But who is? Musically speaking, no, he's not the messiah that Heaney makes him out to be...but he's far from the hack that you make him out to be as well, Chris. As for the new one, there are a couple of shining moments on the album, but the vocals are a yawn, and the tune with all of the clapping...it's lame after about 20 seconds. Wynton's attempt at some avant-gardisms doesn't really fly either, which is odd when you consider how far he was willing to stretch in his earlier years. All I'm saying is that he's deserving of some recognition. And at least he has some ambition, which is far more than I can say for many, many, many people in the world.
  12. wow, two piscean drummers a day apart...happy birthday john!!
  13. While I do not play trombone, I like to play with them. I like that Jazz Crusaders sound. It's a good one. yay for the trombone, I say.
  14. proof that nobody reads my posts...I already addressed this, and I believe this account is in Matthew, but without a Bible in front of me, the gospels get jumbled... Question answered...next debate topic please.
  15. Like the pious and devout Rev. Farrakhan? Every religious sect has its wingnuts. However, having spent a large chunk of time on Chicago's south side, which is essentially home base for the Nation of Islam, I can tell you, a lot of the followers of the NOI are sincere and wonderful people. It's a given that Farakhan is a nut. But isn't Falwell as well, at the end of the day?
  16. AB -- I'm going through quite a bit of struggle myself right now with faith. If there is a higher power, and I tend to think there is, then The Judeo-Christian idea of God seems, to me anyway, to be the right one. It seems to make the most sense. HOWEVER...this is the part that kills me... why is it that most of the Christians that I meet/interact with (and I said MOST, not ALL) are complete assholes? Where in the New Testament or Old Testament does it say force your beliefs down someone else's throat? Where does it say that the interpretation means more than the actual word? Where does it say that one of the teletubbies is gay, that jazz is satan's music because it glorifies the self instead of God (a pastor told me that once; I don't go to that church anymore), or that our leaders should be trying to cuddle up to meglomaniac CEO's? AND... Why is it that seemingly every Buddhist and seemingly every (devout) Black Muslim that I've ever met seems to adhere to Jesus' teachings more than the Christians do? Why are THEY the ones living pious lives, being sure to be respectful of their fellow man, giving when it's time to give, and taking only when it's time to take? So much of this makes so little sense. It boggles my mind, and it's been driving me to tears lately. I can't get past the idea that there IS a higher power. But I can't stand the idea that I might turn out to be a Jerry Falwell type that wants to live a life with blinders on because the whole world is so unholy. That's utter bullshit, and I can't live like that. But I can't live thinking that everything isn't part of a bigger puzzle either. Now...as for Alexander...personally, I can't see how in the world Christians can believe in Free Will AT ALL. God is Omniscient and Omnipresent. He knows everything that's going to happen, before it happens, so we can't really change anything. And yes, Judas WAS used to fulfill a prophecy, so I have a hard time thinking that he was going straight to hell for his actions. After all, the holy spirit left him as Jesus broke bread with him. Does this allow Satan to step in and do what he wants to do? You bet. Does that allow any room for Judas to be guilty in this situation? Of course not. He was a pawn. Just my $0.02. Fire away and tell me how foolish I am now...
  17. What they need to do next is an "Impressions of" Box...you know, Jazz Impressions of New York, of Eurasia, of Japan, etc, etc, etc. Those were some DAMN cool records, and somewhat hard to come by. Those all in one box would be quite excellent.
  18. Does it matter? They're both excellent. Ahh, some Dexter sounds really good right now...
  19. I saw them once, opening for Tool in 1994. It was a damn good show, they did quite a bit of improvising, and were genuinely good. Then tool came out all dark and gloomy and hating the audience. It was like day and night. I've been a fan ever since, but they do seem to have lost quite a bit of their uniqueness over the years. Re: Mercury Rev...Yerself is Steam was a revelatory listen for me. Music has never been the same before or since. God Bless them and their fucked up covers of Lou Reed tunes...
  20. If you'd posted this a month ago, you could have gotten one from me...I still have a 20" K Custom that I'm trying to get rid of however...
  21. I dunno what constitutes an active board member...I was listed in the batch of core members, but there's just nothing of interest over there right now, and I can't bring myself to post there much. One cat was equating Dave Douglas with tofu, but that was about it. Strangely, I've been finding myself, even as an outsider, digging the digs over here a bit more at this point, even if I am seen as some sort of oddball in the politics section. Maybe it's the organ trio connection, I dunno. By the way, curiosity is killing me...what was the exchange between Mike and Dan in the Weinstock thread?
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