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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. Up again for air with this thread. Anyone know when the 'Frankly Jazz' website will go live? Just checking out some of the videos (UK released by TCB Publishing back in the 1980s) this afternoon. The Sammy Davis Jr is sort of neat, with Davis on vibes featured with his regular touring group. Much of that particular show also features Victor Feldman and his trio plus Jimmy Rowles (on piano for Feldman's vibes feature). The Gerald Wilson video is pretty damn interesting in that it features Gerald playing trumpet as well as directing the band. This particular video also includes the great show with the Jazz Crusaders and featuring music from 'Freedom Sound' and 'Looking Forward'. Anyone seen the Shorty Rogers and Shelly Manne broadcasts from this show? According to the list of shows these look to be the only ones I am missing. Looks like this series only had one short run in 1962. Let's hope that these come out on DVD at some stage.
  2. Turrentine multi-colour twofer is next up on deck !
  3. Joe Harriott/John Mayer 'Indo Jazz Fusions II' (Columbia Lansdowne mono). Just the thing when cooking up a fresh green Thai curry.. Followed up with 'Indo Jazz Suite' - also by Harriott/Mayer. I really must get hold of the 'Curried Jazz' LP by Kenny Wheeler & co.
  4. Suspect that Tony Higgins is fighting a lone battle with Universal, Roger. Clearly, from his great sleeve notes on the 'Impressed' compilations he's well and truly into this stuff in a very big way. Second your comments about the 'Will Power' reissue. That's exactly how a Brit jazz reissue should be done. Big thumbs up to Vocalion. 'Will Power' is indeed a sleeper in the pantheon of rare but very good British jazz. Incidentally - and after all these years - I've just been lucky enough to get myself a vinyl 2LP set of it to go with the CDs. It's in the mail..
  5. Hmmm... Joe Harriott comes out as Matvey Blanter (whoever he/she is ) Bach was second choice..
  6. Big John Patton 'Got A Good Thing Goin' (BN NY USA mono). The perfect supplement to the Mosaic Select.
  7. Wayne 'Mr Gone' Shorter Alan Shorter Gato Barbieri
  8. Big John Patton CDs 1 and 3. Already one of my all-time favourite Mosaics..
  9. Oliver Nelson 'Three Dimensions' (Impulse - 'Dedication Series' twofer reissue). This is a good 'un.
  10. Yes - that's true. The Lee Morgan 'Procrastinator' also came in that design. I don't think these were ever marketed for sale in the UK other than specialist imports, I picked up my copy in North America.
  11. Yes, considering the reputation of these albums (particularly 'Mexican Green') its perplexing why they haven't been given the '5 star' treatment by Universal. Especially so after they did a good job on the whole with the sound of the first reissue batch of 'Impressed Re-pressed' - particularly the Mike Taylor, Amancio D'Silva etc. Which raises further questions of the 'Impressed Re-pressed' series. Will we see that 'Mike Taylor Rememberred' session see the light of day (I seem to recall Neil Ardley was selling CDRs of this one from his site before he sadly passed away). Also the Ardley 'Symphony of Amaranths' and the Mike Taylor 'Pendulum'. Maybe Universal have totally lost interest?
  12. Yes, I think that was it - get as much of this stuff out there before the bean-counters cottoned onto it. I detect the strong presence of Charlie Lourie behind the session selections of the 'paper bag' issues and - of course - the similarity with Mosaic. When I first saw these they were on display in a window of a small provincial music shop as scarce US imports. An incredible sight - considering how little in the way of BN imports there had been in the UK around the mid-70s. Particularly remember seeing that great Jazz Crusaders double and the Gil Evans and Wes sets in that display. That Turrentine 'technicolour yawn' twofer by the way is really excellent. Some very nice Duke Pearson mid-sized group material on one of the LPs. There's also another Turrentine compilation in the 'brown bag' series with small group material.
  13. Tennesee Tuxedo Maxwell Smart Max Roach ← Hal Roach Prince Hal Hal Prince
  14. Inspired by the above: Yusef Lateef 'Live at Pep's' ('Sister Mamie' - wow !) followed by: Yusef Lateef 'The Golden Flute' and 'Jazz 'Round The World' (all Impulse stereo originals). Can't get enough of Yusef..
  15. None seen so far. I'd like to get hold of that Dexter box.
  16. Francis Ford Coppolla Ford Prefect Tennessee Ford
  17. Just giving 'New York, New Sound' a spin and there's no hesitation whatsoever in recommending this. Fantastic stuff, not at all loose. Another great version of 'Viva Tirado' on this disk.
  18. Let's wait for another bargain from amazon.de or jpc.de in 2006! -_- ← Indeed ! German Mosaics rule..
  19. There's always the vinyl, of course...
  20. I haven't heard the new CD issue but did spot a copy in the racks and was not impressed with the poor quality reproduction of the sleeve art.
  21. Roy Eldridge Verve, disk 5. Great session with Benny Carter.
  22. Quentin Tarrintino Quentin Collins Tom Collins ← Burt Collins Burt Bacharach Engelbert Humperdinck
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