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Googling your own name

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Just out of curiousity, I did a google image search on my own name (Erik Lundgren). Got a couple of interesting images to come up.





...anyone else get any interesting images when they do a google?

PS - None of those are me - dig that guy's hair!

Edited by Aggie87
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I always thought my name was unique, because it consists of a very rare german family name (only one such family in Luxembourg) and a french first name. When I do a web search on my name, I find only references to myself.

But in 1997 I received an email by a guy from France who had the same name and found me through a web search. He was from the Alsace region, where it is also very common to have a french first name and a family name of german origin.

Another funny thing happened when I first did a web search in 1996 (my first contact with the WWW) was that I found my name on an online "black list" of a local danish group of the Hell's Angels :blink: In fact at that time I was participating in a working group on EU design protection which studied the issue of protecting the design of spare parts for cars, motorbikes etc. The bike rockers feared that this would increase the price of spare parts for their beloved machines and asked their members to send letters to the persons on the list (I didn't receive any).

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Alexander - You sure you're doing a Google Image search?

And this guy has claimed "my" website - Erik Lundgren's website

At least he likes jazz and bicycles! And he has some noble goals:

* The development of civilisation

* Harmony

* The joy of life

* Strengthening creativity

* Promotion of world curiosity

Edited by Aggie87
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