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What live music are you going to see tonight?


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I have tickets for Lou Donaldson tonight at the Dakota.

Quite an evening! I also thought the band were a great time. Lou performed two vocals (one Ellington and another about a dream that mentioned George Bush), Cherokee, Gravy Train, Bye Bye Blackbird (prefaced by Lou mentioning he was about to perform a tune Miles Davis used to perform "when he still played jazz"), and a couple more standards associated with Charlie Parker. I thought the band was quite good and my buddy that was looking forward to seeing Dr. Lonnie Smith did bring up that he wasn't at the gig. In fact, Akiko Tsurogi sold out her CDs before we could get one. After the show Lou autographed my copy of "Here 'Tis" and posed for a picture with me.

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Quite an evening! I also thought the band were a great time. Lou performed two vocals (one Ellington and another about a dream that mentioned George Bush), Cherokee, Gravy Train, Bye Bye Blackbird (prefaced by Lou mentioning he was about to perform a tune Miles Davis used to perform "when he still played jazz"), and a couple more standards associated with Charlie Parker. I thought the band was quite good and my buddy that was looking forward to seeing Dr. Lonnie Smith did bring up that he wasn't at the gig. In fact, Akiko Tsurogi sold out her CDs before we could get one. After the show Lou autographed my copy of "Here 'Tis" and posed for a picture with me.

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That's funny, I had Lou autograph my copy of "Here 'Tis" (and "The Natural Soul") Sunday night!

Did he tell you anything about the model on the cover of "The Natural Soul"? My buddy had him sign "Good Gracious" and he was telling us the woman's name and that she was a beautician.

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That's funny, I had Lou autograph my copy of "Here 'Tis" (and "The Natural Soul") Sunday night!

Did he tell you anything about the model on the cover of "The Natural Soul"? My buddy had him sign "Good Gracious" and he was telling us the woman's name and that she was a beautician.

No, I'll have to interrogate him next time. I imagine he'd be far more moved to eloquence by the woman on the cover of "The Natural Soul" than by whoever that is with Lou on the cover of "Here 'Tis."

Lou's vocals always remind me of Robert Jr. Lockwood, maybe it's the wryness.

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i saw trumpeter paul smoker with some local cats at the lily pad in cambridge last night. interesting mix of "destroyed" (his term) standards and free-ish originals. bought four discs from him after the show. it ain't chicago, but now and then this area does have some good improvised music to offer.

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My wife and I went and saw Steely Dan at the Chicago Theatre. They've filled their sound out pretty considerably with a trombone, trumpet/flugelhorn, tenor sax and baritone sax! Plus, another keyboard player, bass, guitar and three background singers. And a hyperactive drummer. He actually had one of those cymbals that was discussed that are cut out and spiral all the way down this long pole. I kept waiting for him to play it, but I think he only did that once during Aja. It was quite a good show, though the duo actually leaned towards more obscure material and/or newer stuff. It wasn't until the fourth song in that they did anything for casual fans, and that was Bodhisattva. My wife was a bit disappointed they didn't do Deacon Blues, but otherwise they eventually covered the hits.

The opening act was the Deep Blue Organ Trio and they were warmly received by the crowd. I don't know if they were opening outside Chicago or not.

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Dropped into the Sidmouth Folk Festival a couple of weekends back and was transported to another world by these two:


Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill slowly unpeeling Irish tunes. Very different from the usual 'last one to the end of the tune is a sissy' approach to Irish music. Hayes is originally from County Clare in Ireland but, I believe, lives in Seattle now - I think Cahill is a Chicago native.

Look out - could be in your area sooner than they'll be in mine!

Edited by Bev Stapleton
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i saw trumpeter paul smoker with some local cats at the lily pad in cambridge last night. interesting mix of "destroyed" (his term) standards and free-ish originals. bought four discs from him after the show. it ain't chicago, but now and then this area does have some good improvised music to offer.

That Smoker is a monster. Was just listening to him on Braxton's Charlie Parker Project.

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Kelan Phil Cohran and The Legacy of Sun Ra - Millennium Park, Chicago

Jimmy Heath & Heath Brothers Quartet - Jazz Showcase

I was at the Saturday night show....how about you???


Friday Night... was looking for you, but obviously, you weren't there! :)

First time I've been to their new location -- very nice. We stayed at the Blackstone, so it was an easy two block walk.

I'm hoping to come back in two weeks for the Jazzfest!

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...got a few of Tootie as well...will post this evening. I was there for the first show on Saturday. I had several friends with me and we all had things to do on Sunday, otherwise I would have stayed over.

Let me know if you're coming to the fest; would be great to see you again!


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Tonight it was Still Black Still Proud: The African Tribute to James Brown with Pee Wee Ellis, Fred Wesley Jr., Martha High, Fred Ross, Vieux Farka Touré, Cheikh Lô, & Papa Assane with Pee Wee & Fred's band.

This past Thursday and Friday I saw Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings on the free stage at the State Fair.

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