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March 1st RVG


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Why must we get ANOTHER CD of Symphony For Improvisers (mine says 1994) when there hasn't been ANY US BN CD of Where Is Brooklyn? I mean, I know the whole RVG thing is rerun city, but doesn't it seem logical to try to get the harder-to-find stuff out there?

That one is easy to answer. Brooklyn is part of New York, which reminds one of 9/11, and that combined with the tune title There Is The Bomb simply made that album too offensive to reissue, and thus we got 'Improvisers' again instead. But it doesn't really matter, because with tune titles like Manhattan Cry, Lunatic and Sparkle Plenty, 'Improvisers' will ultimately be cancelled for the very same reasons.

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In case you've forgotten:



Herbie Hancock - SPEAK LIKE A CHILD

Wayne Shorter - NIGHT DREAMER

Sonny Clark - DIAL S FOR SONNY


I wonder if they're actually going to release all of these...

Well, Feelin' The Spirit has the tune Joshua Fit De Battle Ob Jericho on it, and Jericho is a city in the Middle East, so the Grant Green clearly has to be cancelled.

Speak Like A Child has a tune called Riot. There have been riots in Iraqi cities, so the Herbie Hancock can't be released either.

But even worse is Night Dreamer which has a tune called Armageddon (gasp), as well as tunes called Black Nile and Oriental Folk Song. No Wayne Shorter either obviously.

Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers. Hmm, Jazz Messengers sounds kind of like Jazz Crusaders, and we know what they think about crusaders in the Middle East. To be on the safe side it probably shouldn't be released either. The same goes for the Art Blakey.

But at least we can look forward to the Sonny Clark RVG!

Not sure about the Sonny Clark either! 'Dial S for Sonny'.Hmmm..... It could be a secret message from an Al Qaeda member based in Basra! ;)

Edited by ASNL77
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So any verdict on these?

I picked up the Blakey and the Shorter. I've heard some of the latter but held off on buying it back when the RVGs first came around. Thought it would get the overhaul sooner but oh well. Haven't listened to it yet but.....

'Like Someone in Love' was an OOP gem that remained out of my grasp for the longest time. So far so good. The fire is quieter and the feel a bit different than 'A Night in Tunisia' but it's pretty tasty.

Personally I can't wait till summertime.


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I am just starting to make my way through this latest batch. I was already familiar with the Wayne Shorter and Horace Silver albums so I started with Like Someone In Love and am currently working on Speak Like A Child.

The first thing that struck me about LSIL was that it wasn't as firey as other Blakey albums. And I am not saying that as a form of criticism. Albums like Moanin' really get me going and it becomes tough to focus on anything but the music - it's just so in-your-face good. As with every new RVG batch (going on a couple of years now) I listen to them at the office as soon as the arrive. I don't always get to give them as close a listen as they deserve. Some simply don't allow themselves to be "background music". However LSIL was the perfect backdrop for my morning. I loved the title track. I have heard it with a variety of personnel and this version is among my favorite. Noise In The Attic managed to kick things up a notch. Followed by the dream-like Sleeping Dancer Sleep On. I always enjoy Wayne Shorter's compositions.

I just finished Herbie's SLAC. For me this one ranks after Maiden Voyage but above The Prisoner and My Point Of View. It's too soon to tell, but I think it's equal to or slightly above Empyrean Isles. It may come down to a matter of what mood I am in.

I just started Dial S For Sonny. The first track makes me glad I have the Curtis Fuller Mosaic! Whooops there comes Art Farmer's solo. Guess I'm glad I have the Farmer/Golson too. :P

More to come...

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Made it through the rest of Dial S For Sonny. It was pretty consisent with other stuff in terms of his playing. It reminded me a lot of Sonny's Crib. I'm looking forward to hearing the RVG treatment of Leapin' And Lopin'. Looks like that one will have to wait a while though.

I was a little concerned at first about the choice of material on Grant Green's Feelin' The Spirit. He did okay with other theme albums like Goin' West and The Latin Bit - but with traditional spirituals I was afraid the music would be too laid back, or be a little too cheesy. Not so. FTS has a pretty good groove from start to finish.

I already had the Horace Silver and the Wayne Shorter in earlier versions. Both RVGs compare favorably to their older counterparts. With the typical RVGisms found in others in the series.

I'm eagerly anticipating the summer releases as there is very little overlap with what I currently have.

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ok, am i the only one who sees that the emperor is not wearing any clothes?

i cannot discern any difference between the new Silver & Clark RVG's and their non-RVG counter-parts.

WHAT AM I MISSING??!!!! :wacko:

I think McMaster stole 'em :lol:

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There are some interesting reviews of the European copy-controlled version of 'Dial S for Sonny' on the blue note website.

Apparently is is practically unplayable.

I have a TOCJ of this which is in mono. Does anyone know why it was issued in Japan in mono when a stereo version was available? I guess I will have try to get a US copy.

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ok, am i the only one who sees that the emperor is not wearing any clothes?

i cannot discern any difference between the new Silver & Clark RVG's and their non-RVG counter-parts.

WHAT AM I MISSING??!!!! :wacko:

hey y'all, i am really serious about this. can anybody point out ANY difference in the new Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers RVG ant the previously issued non-RVG version (other than the liner notes addition?)

help me out here!!!! :wacko:

Edited by Bright Moments
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ok, am i the only one who sees that the emperor is not wearing any clothes?

i cannot discern any difference between the new Silver & Clark RVG's and their non-RVG counter-parts.

WHAT AM I MISSING??!!!! :wacko:

hey y'all, i am really serious about this. can anybody point out ANY difference in the new Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers RVG ant the previously issued non-RVG version (other than the liner notes addition?)

help me out here!!!! :wacko:

How would I know?

I always trade in my old masterings to defray the costs of the new RVGs!


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ok, am i the only one who sees that the emperor is not wearing any clothes?

i cannot discern any difference between the new Silver & Clark RVG's and their non-RVG counter-parts.

WHAT AM I MISSING??!!!! :wacko:

hey y'all, i am really serious about this. can anybody point out ANY difference in the new Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers RVG ant the previously issued non-RVG version (other than the liner notes addition?)

help me out here!!!! :wacko:

:tup for jsngry in the hopes that i will get a straight answer!!!!! :huh:

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Evan, I'm a few weeks or a few months away from getting these titles, but I can say that there is a quite identifiable difference between the earlier cds and the JRVGs of these titles.

thanks lon. over the weekend i played these cds (old and new) "side by side" and could not discern any difference. they both sounded great. no hissing, no noise.


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i cannot discern any difference between the new Silver & Clark RVG's and their non-RVG counter-parts.

Hmmm. I was going to pick up the Silver and Shorter discs on the way home tonight. I think I'll pause for a bit to see what sort of responses you get. I thought the McMasters of both discs sounded like typical McMasters of that vintage--I hope there's a decent improvement with the RVGs.

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