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What's the most famous album

kulu se mama

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In terms of "famous albums I wish I'd heard" (as opposed to ones I'm not terribly curious about, e.g. the aforementioned Pink Floyd) I think most of them would be classic country albums. E.g. I only have a few Carter Family tracks on a compilation (the 1927 Bristol Sessions). I don't own any Merle Haggard or George Jones at the moment.

In terms of jazz, hm. For ones I have never knowingly heard: The Heliocentric Worlds of Sun Ra (all 3 vols). For ones I have heard often on the radio but don't actually own: Birth of the Cool & Africa/Brass.

This all reminds me of the game Humiliation in David Lodge's Changing Places--you score points by naming things you haven't read--you get a point for every person in the room who HAS read it. (The clincher is when one English prof wins a round of Humiliation by confessing he's never read Hamlet--word of this gets to his department head & he loses his job.)

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Being semi-moldy, I too lost interest in "rock" music over 30 years ago, so I'm sure there are a LOT of things that might be considered "classics" by many on the board that I've never heard.

I also gave up on primetime, major network tv (especially sitcoms) many MANY years ago (I'm talking decades). For example, I've seen bits of Seinfeld here and there, but I don't think I ever watched a complete episode (I used to watch him as a stand-up, though, when stand-up comedy shows were so popular on cable). I've never seen The Simpsons... and have no real desire to. :rfr

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So what you're saying is you are completely devoid of anything that connects you to mainstream American life.  In a way I envy you, but in another, unless we're talking about very specific topics, I can't take anything you say seriously. ^_^

Johnny, I've been thinking a bit about this statement of yours

(in jest, I understand). Could you elaborate some on the latter part

("specific topic...can't take...")? I'm not sure if I understand this connection

between popular activities and the possiblities of unreasonable thought.

Sounds curious...


Now playing: John Cage - One8

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