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Thanksgiving plans?

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I'm always interested to hear what folks are doing for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Are you visiting friends/relatives? Staying home and having them visit you? What's on the menu this year? Why must Uncle Frank undo his pants after dinner? When do you eat, noon or later? Who's playing Detroit?

My wife and I have started a tradition of staying home for one of the major holidays. I think it has something to do with being in our 40s and wanting to be in our own home instead of ALWAYS being someone's guest at Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. My tolerance for being a "guest" (as well as being on the road) is decreasing annually. I like MY bed!

We usually stay home for TG, and make the rounds for Xmas. Especially this year, our first in our new home. We don't have kids, so that makes the "selfish" aspect of our decision a little more defensible. Plus, my dad passed away a year ago, so my needs as far as MY side of the family are now minimal (since both parents have passed).

I think we're going to do ham this year. I usually reserve one at a local "hamitorium". Now that we've got a house I'm eventually going to buy that big kick-ass smoker (you know, the one with a chimney that burns wood CHUNKS)I've been eyeballing and maybe next time do a smoked turkey.

Anyway, please travel safely and I hope you all enjoy the holidays. That's not always an easy task, I know. I'm pretty thankful for this this crazy, dysfunctional and ultimately loveable group of ours, which has turned out to be a pretty cool family as well!

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I think we're going to do ham this year. I usually reserve one at a local "hamitorium".


Fairly traditional Turkey Day™ with my wife's parents (who live in town, as my folks live in St. Louis), probably with my wife's slightly younger brother there too (maybe with his girlfriend too?? - maybe not?? - maybe with one or both of her kids by a prior marriage?? - maybe not?? --- no tellin' until the time comes).

The TV will have football games on all afternoon, even when we're in the other room feeding our faces. Fortunately I love my wife's folks dearly, and they are really great to have around, so close. Any my wife's mother is a great cook too.

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We stay at home for Thanksgiving every year. Since I work in retail, it's best if I go to the office the day after Thanksgiving to monitor sales and such, and that means no traveling...

This year, my brother and his wife and baby are coming to our home for Thanksgiving. They moved to Iowa a few months ago and are the only family we have that live even remotely close to us. We'll probably eat in the early afternoon. The meal is pretty traditional, nothing too exciting. I hate televised sports, so if I have anything to say about it, there will be no football on the TV. Unfortunately, my brother is a huge sports fan so I probably won't be able to make it through the day without suffering through at least a little football. <_<

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Haven't had Thanksgiving Dinner since I left the folk's house in '93, since I met my wife its been dinner with her family but since she has the hellacious schedule of opening her store at 8 AM Friday, there's no way we can join them for a meal that starts at 6 or 6:30, (its an hour drive from here, too). So, it won't even be turkey or ham, probably a small oven-stuffer roaster with the usual fixins.

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My son is truly is a monkey, so we can't go to my Mom's house because he causes too much trouble.

Probably throws his own feces like most monkeys do? ;)

We try and hit a return to NY on a regular basis for Thanksgiving, but I'm not making it agan this year.

Going to my parents place here to spend the day with two of my sisters and their families.

My mother usually makes a traditional turkey dinner for the kids, but it's just a token, the real stuff is the antipasto followed by manicotti, eggplant parmesan, and Italian sausage.

Desert is normally an assortment of things including her cheesecake, cannoli, biscotti, and tiramisu. :tup

After dinner we arm wrestle, play cards, and talk shit about the women. ;)

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On Wednesday Ann and I will drive to Detroit (really Westland) to pick up our daughter (Carla) and continue across Ontario to Buffalo (really Tonawanda) to spend the holiday with our son Eric and his new family. He got married in July and acquired a delightful 9 year old daughter in the process. This is our 4th or 5th trip east to spend Thanksgiving with him. He's a chef so the meal and leftovers are always fantastic.

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For years, come to think of it my entire childhood was spent at my Grandparents ranch. IIRC there were about 7 different families gathered and it was always a big event. My Mom's mother (actually her aunt, My mom's parents died when she was young) married a Sicilian and she inherited an amazing pasta recipe, so in addition to turkey and all the fixins we had spaghetti as well. YUM!! In 1996 my Grandmother died and the family fractured apart soon after. Since then we just had a quiet dinner at home, mom and pops and assorted invited guests, but it was always quite small, 5-7 people. This year my aunt and a few from her family (my cousin and her hubby and 4 year old son). So now the count is up to 13 (including Miranda, my gf) and a freind of my moms who has come to T-Day dinner for the past few years. Aparently my uncle, my moms brother hasn't been invited yet, but if he does come that will increase the party to about 16 people...assuming he brings HIS family. It was always like this, but instead of 7 families its now only 3. My parents have a small house, and this will be the most people in it at one time since my parents stopped drinking! The best part, home is about 30 minutes away!! :) I can be with my family and still sleep in my OWN bed that night. :)

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We're staying home this year rather than making the trek to the sister-in-law's as usual. It's fine with me; it'll probably be my only day off that week, after just tomorrow this week, so I won't be in the mood to waste any of it on the road. Unfortunately, after finally seeming to get a control on my weight (have lost eight pounds; I know, but it's a start), the wife is fixing a turkey (with associated pigout sides) for just the two of us. Well, damn it, there's going to be plenty of left overs! Oh well; I'm not picky...I can eat turkey for a week. I guess I'll have to... :lol:

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I'm going over my sister-in-law's house, in Brooklyn and only about 20 minutes away. There's supposed to be about 20 people, so I'll be making two turkeys, a few pumpkin pies, some cake and a few other goodies and then loading it all into my little car with my wife and son . I do get to go home and sleep in my own bed, so that's nice. But it is a lot of work with all the shopping and cooking- Thanksgiving morning finds me hard at work in the kitchen around 7-8 A.M. and continuing until we leave around 3P.M.

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I'm on the radio from 12-5:45 p.m. (new-kid-on-the-block duties, but I actually love programming jazz on the holidays), and then my wife & I are driving up to Indpls. for that rarest of events--the convergence of my entire family in one spot. Hoping to sneak in some time to watch the new 2-disc DVD of THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, which is a perennial Thanksgiving Day favorite of ours.

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Staying at home and eating Turkey with my two sisters. Could be at my house; could be at theirs; haven't decided yet. I handle the stereo and adopt a totalitarian approach as far as music selections. :P We'll play some games; I like the NFL, but might now watch it as my sisters don't get into it. We have fun; and old Conn will get up there and try to rekindle all the dance moves.

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We go to my in-law's house for the feast, since my folks live in New England, 3,000 miles away. Then we usually drive somewhere for a weekend gettaway. Haven't decided yet if we'll go north or south this year. For some reason my kids think it's a real adventure to stay in a hotel. They love it!

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Weizen, you have my sincerest, most heartfelt sympathy. Be brave, my good man, and fortify yourself with some of Europe's finest brewed beverages. :mellow:

Do they serve potent potables at DisneyWorld? (I'm decoding Weizen's post to mean the kids are dragging their parents to Orlando for Thanksgiving -- is that right? We took our son to Disneyland ONCE, for one day, when he was 10 -- I did most of the rides, while dad hung out in "Old New Orleans" and really enjoyed the live band -- when mom and son caught up with dad, he was hanging briefly with the clarinetist on break -- I think they made each other's day, with dad saying he never expected to hear blowing like that in "the happiest place on earth" and the clarinetist saying he was glad somebody noticed!)

As for this Thanksgiving, my son will be home from college -- I'll make turkey with wild rice stuffing and gravy, plus sweet potatoes, cranberries, some garlic-slathered green and/or leafy vegetables...

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Both Helen's and my family are all in Ohio and Virginia, and as we are traveling that way in April for my brother's wedding, we're not traveling that way BEFORE April.

So we're staying home. Going to have steaks, mashed potatoes, artichoke hearts and a salad (with the obligatory avacado!) And maybe go to see a film that weekend (Gothika and Timeline are possibilities, and I'm not sure if The Missing will be out but that looks tempting too!)

And I'll squeeze as much listening to music as I can in. . . . I was hoping to have my new monoblocks in the house by then, but they're not ready to ship yet. . . !

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