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Hank Mobley "The Flip"


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I was so excited to pick this one up on 'Conn D-Day' over at Tower Records that I actually broke tradition and left the political forum for a brief spell in order that I might cobble together a serious, enthusiastic, somewhat disjointed, high school level technical review. I'm devastated that you missed it.

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I'm devastated that you missed it.

Well give me a link. Since we seem to live in separate realities politically, I take some cheer in the fact that there is something we appear to agree on. Least common denominators of human nature and all that...

Sensitive new age leftist enviro pinko that I am, I don't want to lose too much sleep imagining you ensconced in some palatial Washington area loft in the depths of depression.

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  • 5 months later...

I recieved The Flip only yesterday, and must say I enjoy this session much more than I thought I would after a cursory listen in a shop over headphones and the comments here on the sound and the playing of the non-American sidemen.

I find nothing wrong about Vince Benedetti's piano playing, and the piano is not out of tune, just recorded in a rather disadvantegous way: He favors the upper register and the chord vamps he plays can get on your nerves with this not very warm piano sound. More middle and low frequencies in the piano sound, and a little further down in the mix, and it would be okay. Alby Cullaz, the bassist, swings and keeps the groove, no qualms about him either. All three horns play very well, Dizzy Reece in particular sounds like he might have been a major inspiration for Woody Shaw?

I hate to say this, but I think Philly Joe Jones is the one here who almost spoils the session. The late 1960's were a hard time for him, he was pretty strung out on his habit, had problems supporting himself. He plays far better on his own date for Black Lion from 1968. Here he sounds like he was a little too stoned - his rhythmic coordination with the pianist and bassist is sloppy, and some of his fills are too loudly played and inappropriate. His playing here is way below his usual level.

Still I'm glad I filled this last gap in my Mobley collection.

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  • 4 months later...

Just got this Conn the other day. It's fun. Philly Joe is definitely not 50s' Davis quintet mode, Mobley is not in top form either, but the session as a whole has a loose and unforced swing to it that's pleasing to the ears in a quirky kind of way and I just don't think this disc deserved the bad rap it gets in the reviews I've seen.

Edited by trane_fanatic
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Guest akanalog

i have gotten sick of a lot of hard bop and have mostly sold a lot of my more "rote" stuff. i sold all my mobley actually...except this album. don't know why-there's something i really like about it. it probably is the looseness. it sort of reminds me of that walton/mobley "breakthrough" album on muse.

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This is not my favourite Mobley session but it is far from being the one I like the least (Reach out is a strong contestant!).I really like the rhythm section on this CD although I feel Art Blakey would have done a better job here.For a 1969 BN session I have heard worse!!! I am playing it right now and it sounds good.Lovely album :w:w

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I agree with Jim on this one. I admit it took me a lot longer to dig this one than, say, THINKING OF HOME (one I really liked right off the bat), but this one is good in its own sweet way. I like everything I have with Mobley as the leader. Can't wait for X-Mas; I'm getting the Hank 50s Mosaic!

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