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three vices

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Hot tea (with a dab of milk like the English do)

Conn500: Man, I'm glad you know how to drink hot tea properly. Ever since I lived in England, in the very late seventies when I was in my early teens, I've never thought hot tea was complete till a little milk was added.

I remember seeing a friend, a couple of years ago, when he made himself a cup of hot tea (he even had some PG Tips imported from England :wacko: ). He was about to drink the tea with only the tea and a little sugar. I made the comment, "Your not really going to drink that, are you?" He gave me a puzzled look when I mentioned he needed to add some milk to complete the hot tea experience. He replied that coffee required milk but the idea of tea with milk, he said, was disgusting. Hmmm... he'd never been to England.

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Hot tea (with a dab of milk like the English do)

Conn500: Man, I'm glad you know how to drink hot tea properly. Ever since I lived in England, in the very late seventies when I was in my early teens, I've never thought hot tea was complete till a little milk was added.

I remember seeing a friend, a couple of years ago, when he made himself a cup of hot tea (he even had some PG Tips imported from England :wacko: ). He was about to drink the tea with only the tea and a little sugar. I made the comment, "Your not really going to drink that, are you?" He gave me a puzzled look when I mentioned he needed to add some milk to complete the hot tea experience. He replied that coffee required milk but the idea of tea with milk, he said, was disgusting. Hmmm... he'd never been to England.

You put things in your tea? Yek! I add nothing but heat. <_<

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As stated before, in no particular order (the food items are always subject to change depending on my *mood*) :w

1. Gummi worms (has to be worms, not bears) and/or Kit Kat Bites (preferably frozen).

**Sheldonm: TJazz and I have almost perfected the Kit Kat experience.**

2. Ketel One or Belvedere: depends on whether mixed or on the rocks.

3. Anything Pat Metheny. If I don't have it, I know "a guy"... ^_^

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I have more vices than I care to admit.

Will stick to the number 3 limit:

- fast cars, I have really slowed down on this but I started to drive back when there was no speed limits (yes, there was a time like that) and among my first cars were two Alfa Romeos that I could drive up to unmentionable speeds,

- Havana cigars, have smoked these ever since I returned to civilian life several decades ago. Never cared for cigarettes but give me a good Havana to smoke and I am in vice heaven. The people around me tolerate the smell,

- andouillettes, this could be compared to the chitlins from the South. The people around me do not tolerate that smell but it's pure yummy. Charles Mingus discovered the delicacy when he came to France and ate tons of those whenever he traveled here.

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I had a 1964 Spyder convertible Alfa, with a detachable hard top as well, from 1976 to 1977. It was beat, but ran like a top. I had to park it in the winter time because it was too light for use in the Ohio snows, and it had no heater! My brother moved it out of my parents' garage to fit a car of his in when I was out of town for two weeks on vacation. That was enough to destroy a big area of the frame somehow. . . . I parted the car out and made more money that way than I did purchasing it, but it remains the favorite of any car I've had. . . the 1967 Camaro would be next.

Mine didn't look as good as this at all, but is the same car and color scheme:


Edited by jazzbo
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Yes, it was with great reluctance that I didn't drive that sucker in the winter; I used my four door 1964 Dodge 440 for the winters (with its push-button automatic!)

I think I could have put up with the slipping and sliding and a few bags of sand in the trunk did wonders. . . BUT . . . when you can't defrost a window it's dangerous! :o Apparently a heater is an option for the 1964 Alfa that was rarely chosen; not needed in the Riviera I guess! Alfa did not import on its own to the US til a few years later, not sure where mine came from, but the previous owner had raced the HELL out of it.

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Yes, it was with great reluctance that I didn't drive that sucker in the winter; I used my four door 1964 Dodge 440 for the winters (with its push-button automatic!)

Whoa. My very first car was a beat-to-shit Rambler with "Flash-o-Matic" transmission. Not only a stupid idea, but the Reverse button kept falling behind the dash, so I'd use it with reluctance, giving me a four-wheeled impossibly large motorcycle...

I had no idea any other manufacturer had fallen for this idiocy! :lol:

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and among my first cars were two Alfa Romeos that I could drive up to unmentionable speeds,

Alfa Romeo!! :tup

At one time my dad owned a 1974 GTV and a 1975 Spider. The GTV was kept until the mid-eighties. The car was very fun to drive.

Mama Mia! Those Alfa Romeos!! First one was an Alfa 1300GTV coupe model bought secondhand which proved to be amazing. Had lots of fun with it. Then I got the 2000GTV version of it but our boy was born shortly after I purchased it.

Took the wife and baby on long journeys with it. Problem was the back seat which was really for legless short people. Bags were piled on the second fronseat. Wife and baby were in the back. Never understoood why my wife wanted to change cars :rolleyes: Should add that the beautiful twincams engine was used to warm the baby bottles during stops. When my better half wife gets angry, the episode is still mentioned.

I'm sure that the Alfa made its next purchaser damn happy.

Stuck with more sedate cars nowadays. And those speed limits eliminated a lot of fun out of driving...

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Well, I thought about it a long time, and came up with these three...

1) Eating too much

2) Spending too much on jazz

3) The Organissimo Political Forum

Unfortunately, I've now given up number three, so I'm looking for a substitute. I'm torn between wife beating and crack cocaine, but I'm open to suggestions. Besides, she hits back...

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Unfortunately, I've now given up number three, so I'm looking for a substitute. I'm torn between wife beating and crack cocaine, but I'm open to suggestions. Besides, she hits back...

howzabout "send a lot of gifts to people you hardly know, particularly those whose moniker starts with "c" and ends with "ouw" ???"

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and among my first cars were two Alfa Romeos that I could drive up to unmentionable speeds,

Alfa Romeo!! :tup

At one time my dad owned a 1974 GTV and a 1975 Spider. The GTV was kept until the mid-eighties. The car was very fun to drive.

My brother has two of these!!! And a Singer. His vices - besides cars - are antiquities and the never ending rebuilding of his house.

Mine? Buying CDs, browsing the internet too long too late at night, and being as lazy as I can ...

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