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About tkeith

  • Birthday 02/03/1970

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    New Hampshire
  • Interests
    Music, Food, Baseball, all things Horace Tapscott

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  1. Gotta fill the plate where and when you can, man.
  2. Nay, sir. I do not appear anywhere on this test, but I take that as a HUGE compliment as this player has appeared in multiple Down Beat polls (another HUGE hint). You say "potato," I say "no thanks, I'll have the rice."
  3. Correct, sir! (sorry, got now update about this post and just saw it). At the soft mid-ish month point, figured I'd do an update: 5 ID'd by Dan Gould 6 ID'd by Dan Gould 7 ID'd as The Tribe (JSngry), but nothing further. 8 ID'd as Dewey (JSngry), but nothing further. 9 ID'd by mjazzg 10 ID'd as Dwight Trible (Randy Hersom) from the album Cosmic (mjazzg) So here are a few hints: I'm not surprised that 1-4, 11 have not been ID'd, as they will be exceedingly difficult.
  4. That would be my vote. I'd like to say more, and will by month's end, but for now, I'll leave people to sleuth it out if so desired.
  5. No, sir, but a fair comp. CORRECT, sir!
  6. Ouch! My foot! Actually, Dan, thanks for doing this. I brain-farted and was thinking i had more time. Welcome aboard mjazzg!
  7. If you're talking about the swell behind the bari, I hear horns (which matches the personnel list). I will say, I have seen this band in person and anything is possible.
  8. That's the album. Though, I'm going to walk that back a step -- coming home last night, Miles' version with the sextet came on... it's awfully hard to beat that one.
  9. Not certain. Sadly, I sold it years ago. But sound-wise, could be either. Nay... but I like your logic! My dude, you're going to set off the smoke alarm.
  10. The record with Warren Vaché when I was a kid. Still my favorite version of On Green Dolphin Street. My father was certainly a BT fan, and it was common ground (a lot of places weren't when I first got into the music).
  11. Missed this post, Dan, sorry. Yes, this is the album and that is the correct track. No, sir. A bit later and, I'd argue, a bit edgier.
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