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Everything posted by gvopedz

  1. This appears to be the 3 September 1971:
  2. The new release of the 1962-1966 album includes: “We Can Work it Out (2023 Mix) – from (2015 Mix)” – might be the first time I see something referred to as a mix from a mix. https://www.amazon.com/Beatles-1962-1966-2023/dp/B0CK57KYGG/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2PWSXIN8CZYMM&keywords=beatles+1962-1966+vinyl&qid=1698577533&sprefix=beatles+19%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  3. For those who have no problem with Yoko Ono:
  4. Yep, check it out: https://www.loc.gov/item/2014572475/ Hopefully, someone is in the LOC writing a good biography of Max Roach. More details about the Max Roach Papers: https://findingaids.loc.gov/exist_collections/ead3pdf/music/2016/mu016007.pdf
  5. If you can understand Spanish, you might find these lyrics to be....you be the judge:
  6. I'll be watching the Max Roach documentary. Just before the Max program, PBS will be showing The Last Mambo.
  7. I hope he recovers. Recently, a baritone had a heart attack on stage and died: https://www.classical-music.uk/news/article/distinguished-baritone-dies-mid-performance
  8. Nate Chinen talks with Dave Chisholm who writes graphic novels about jazz musicians: https://slate.com/podcasts/working/2023/09/dave-chisholm-on-the-challenges-of-writing-a-graphic-novel-about-miles-davis
  9. With regard to the origin of jazz, some people bring in Mexico: https://www.trinity.edu/krtu/news/how-porfirio-díaz-changed-course-music-and-influenced-origins-jazz By the way, I would like to hear Ritchie Blackmore's reaction to your statement that "heavy metal...crystallises in reaction to punk in the late 70s."
  10. There is enough detail for me.
  11. Yesterday's CBS morning segment on Santana included the "rant" episode in detail. You can watch it below, starting at around 5:30, and then make a judgment: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/carlos-santana-on-music-and-spirituality/
  12. I would say, when Carlos Santana talks, he loves to use metaphors. Decades ago I saw him on Ted Koppel's Nightline. Koppel would ask Santana a question, and Santana would reply with a range of metaphors - my impression was that those replies were better than the replies I heard some politicians give on Nightline.
  13. gvopedz

    Bob Dylan corner

    Well, some people (not me) thought Dylan was good enough for the Nobel Prize in Literature. In my opinion, Dylan should have followed the example of Jean-Paul Sartre and declined the Nobel Prize.
  14. That sounds like what my friends and I did. I also remember sitting in classes in high school and, while the teachers were explaining something, a friend and I would have a conversation that went something like this: “I bought the band’s most recent album.” “That’s not a good album. You should’ve bought the band's previous album.” “It IS a good album.” “It is NOT a good album.”
  15. I have discovered the same thing sending media mail Houston-Miami and Dallas-Miami, the item arrives in 3 days.
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