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Dave Garrett

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Everything posted by Dave Garrett

  1. Also not a box, but Kino Lorber has quite a few Blu-rays on sale at Amazon at discounts up to 55% off retail: http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/movies.php?studioid=280&page=1 On the list and likely of interest to some folks here is PARIS BLUES for $13.49.
  2. I guess it's not a complete surprise that mistakes like this keep being made, given that the home video divisions of the majors have been cut to the bone. Many of the longer-tenured employees that had deep institutional knowledge are gone.
  3. Read the Amazon reviews for this carefully before deciding to buy it. There's a long and complicated history surrounding THE FUGITIVE on DVD and replacement music cues. The previous, more elaborate "Most Wanted Edition" complete-series set was recalled upon initial release due to the incorrect music cues being used by mistake in many places, and then a "corrected" version was rereleased about a year later. Even after all that they still managed to screw up some of the music and had to ramp up a disc replacement program for customers who'd bought the rereleased set. You'd think they'd have managed to get this lower-cost, no-frills set right given the previous history, but apparently that isn't the case and there's yet another disc replacement program for it. If you're willing to jump through the hoops to make sure you've gotten the correct discs, then this new set can't be beat for the price.
  4. I got emails from both Amazon UK and Amazon Germany this morning announcing this and urging me to sign up for Prime. Guess they're just blasting out emails to anyone who's ever purchased from them and isn't a Prime member in the respective countries. The free 30-day trial is a clear indication that this is all about getting more people to sign up as Prime members, figuring that once they've tried it, they'll be hooked, thus guaranteeing more recurring revenue for Amazon.
  5. I caught the tail end of tonight's show via an unofficial audio stream, and have seen a fair chunk of the Santa Clara shows via the various YouTube bits that have been posted. Gotta admit that I've found myself more interested in these shows than I thought I would be - I had fairly low expectations, but was intrigued by the idea of the "Treyful Dead" more than I ever was by any of the other post-Jerry attempts to resuscitate the band. From what I've seen, they've acquitted themselves as well as could have reasonably been expected, and one is definitely conscious of all the history that has gone before, knowing that this is likely the last time we'll ever see these guys onstage together playing these songs. It's really not any of that. That history and nostalgia might bring you to the shows, but the show tonight was just plain enjoyable. Trey was good; there was not enough of Hornsby's piano (there were problems with the mix). Bob's voice was pretty good tonight (considering), and Phil's was a little better. I also liked that they didn't play to nostalgia with their "greatest hits"; instead, we got a lot from Blues For Allah and out-of-left-field choices like Mason's Children. And I loved that the encore was Ripple (rather than, as has been trumpeted, Brokedown Palace - because of the tie-in with the "Fare Thee Well" theme). I was bopping in front of my computer. Hey, $30 - how can you go wrong? I've never understood the antipathy that many Deadheads have toward Phish. I can't claim a lot of familiarity with Phish's music, but from what I've seen/heard of Trey during these shows, he's been very good. I've only heard Help>Slip>Frank and Ripple from last night's show, and he was particularly impressive during Franklin's Tower. Just saw the setlist, and there's definitely a lot to like there. I bet they'll close Sunday's show with Brokedown Palace.
  6. I caught the tail end of tonight's show via an unofficial audio stream, and have seen a fair chunk of the Santa Clara shows via the various YouTube bits that have been posted. Gotta admit that I've found myself more interested in these shows than I thought I would be - I had fairly low expectations, but was intrigued by the idea of the "Treyful Dead" more than I ever was by any of the other post-Jerry attempts to resuscitate the band. From what I've seen, they've acquitted themselves as well as could have reasonably been expected, and one is definitely conscious of all the history that has gone before, knowing that this is likely the last time we'll ever see these guys onstage together playing these songs.
  7. Looking at eBay, there are two copies of the NKC set on CD with respective BINs of $899 and $999 and a sealed LP set with an opening bid of $750 and a $1500 BIN. But if you look at the completed listings, all of the recently sold copies of the CD set (at least the ones with visible prices - there are a couple of "best offer accepted" ones) are between $300-400. That would seem to indicate that the real market value is a lot closer to $300-400 than $600-700, significantly less than it was just a couple of years ago.
  8. Can't say that I do - I only remember print ads and handbills from the late 60s/early 70s advertising local wrestling matches that billed him as Wahoo McDaniel. I don't think I ever ran across a mention of what his real name was.
  9. Well before then. It is scheduled to go into effect on July 10.
  10. That should be the Mucky Duck, a fine establishment that it's been way too long since I last visited: http://mcgonigels.com/Music+Calendar/Nels+Cline+and+Julian+Lage+-+October+27+2015+730pm
  11. I do not wear a watch, have not worn a watch since 1974, don't even own one now, and can still find a way to know what time it is when it matters. And if I ever do buy a watch, it's not gonna be from Apple You know what else goes on your wrists? Handcuffs. Speaking of which, I don't wear a wedding ring either, and have remained faithful for every day - and night - of my marriage. So when Apple comes out with their iCockring, I'll not be getting that either. Gotta admit to being mightily amused at the thought of Tim Cook or Craig Federighi onstage at a future WWDC exhorting the Apple faithful to "Imagine a Fitbit, but for your dick." On second thought (and after a quick trip to Google), I might have guessed that someone not only already had the same idea, but actually developed it: http://wgrd.com/oh-good-theres-now-a-fitbit-for-your-dick/
  12. $15.98 at Amazon for a 3CD set is more than reasonable. Not sure if this is a mistake, but I didn't hesitate to preorder at that price.
  13. There's a European Columbia CD from the Jazz Originals series that contains the correct take of "Up and Down, Up and Down": http://www.discogs.com/Duke-Ellington-And-His-Orchestra-Such-Sweet-Thunder/release/6563425 The track length is 3:06, as opposed to 3:00 on the f'd up newer discs. Not sure how available the Euro CD is, as Discogs doesn't list any for sale. I've had it a long time, and think I may have gotten it at Borders back when they used to still have a reasonably impressive CD selection.
  14. My wife has an old (about 6 1/2 years) laptop that only has a dual-core processor and 3GB RAM. For what she uses it for (light websurfing, editing MS Office documents and presentations, accessing her corporate network via VPN), it's still perfectly adequate.When it was new, it came with Vista installed. I'd had a sealed, retail Win7 upgrade CD that I got for really cheap ($30, IIRC) when Win7 was first released, and kept intending to use it to upgrade the laptop to Win7, but inertia and a lack of the necessary free time to do so had me procrastinating until the middle of last year. The upgrade was trouble-free and as quick as one could expect an OS upgrade to be, and after a day or two of pulling down all of the Win7 updates and double-checking the config on everything, I was surprised at how much better the performance was with Win7 than it had been with Vista. Boot times are significantly faster, and there's no longer an interminable wait after user login until all the startup processes load and you can actually start using the machine. Plus, no more godawful Vista User Account Control to deal with. I was thinking that we'd probably have to buy a newer laptop soon, but the upgrade has extended the old one's useful lifespan for a while longer. I should've tackled the upgrade a lot sooner. Vista flat blows compared to newer versions of Windows.
  15. If they released a big box of surviving recordings from 65-67, I'd be all over it, despite a lot of that stuff having circulated over the years. But I can't really get excited about this new set when I'm not that interested in about half of it, especially at the price they're asking for it.
  16. IIRC the upgrade to Win10 for existing Win7 and Win8.x machines will be free for a year after it's released. I have two Win7 desktops that I have no intention of upgrading right now, but will probably reassess that decision when the window for the free upgrade is close to closing. I also have a Win8.1 laptop that I'll almost certainly be upgrading, as I'm not a big fan of Win8/8.1 and I expect Win10 to be an improvement, if only an incremental one.
  17. I once had a CD that literally had multiple teeth marks in it from where my late German Shepherd had gotten hold of the package as it came through the mail slot (she always felt strongly that one of her primary duties was to protect us from the unspeakable danger posed by incoming mail). It wouldn't even play, but I was able to rip it using EAC and burn a CD-R that played fine. It took several hours to rip, however, and EAC's error correction indicator was maxed out for most of that time. The next time something similar happened, I wasn't as lucky. Had a package punctured by a sharp object in transit, shattering the jewel case inside and leaving a visible dent in the CD-R within the jewel case. The track that was affected by the dent would play, but started skipping and locked up as soon as it got to the damaged section. Tried ripping it with EAC, but unfortunately lightning didn't strike twice.
  18. That thought has crossed my mind more than once, but I'm still having trouble processing that a team that was expected to do well to break .500 this year is actually trading the best record in the AL back and forth with the Royals. 162 games is a long way in the future, though, and who knows what will happen between now and then?
  19. If I lived in the UK and had PEN 15, I'd have to register it with a Lotus Esprit, as a nod to a long-ago Usenet acquaintance who owned one and referred to it as his British Roadpenis. Recently this guy made the local news with a plate that slipped by the Texas agency responsible for vetting vanity plate applications. After the news reporter pointed it out to them while seeking comments for his story, they indicated that they were going to recall it. Killjoys.
  20. Posted this in the "Post A Pic" thread before remembering this one: https://www.facebook.com/adam.nedeff/media_set?set=a.10153848803898102.1073741832.608003101&type=1&pnref=story
  21. Apple is trying to force streaming services to kill free tiers: http://www.theverge.com/2015/5/4/8540935/apple-labels-spotify-streaming
  22. It's possible that they have big houses because they *haven't* spent a large chunk of their income on amassing large record/book/movie collections.
  23. Increasing densification of housing is the wet dream of the New Urbanists. To them, single-family dwellings in suburban areas (or areas that used to be suburban) are the misbegotten poster children for the evils of Sprawl. Those who aren't on board with this line of thinking are to be roundly shamed. Another data point that overlaps with this somewhat like a Venn diagram: the tiny house movement.
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