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Everything posted by Dmitry

  1. Sorry, wrong cover. Ahh, what the heck...
  2. Saw him with Michele Rosewoman sometime last year. At the Jazz Gallery here in NY.
  3. Hey, Jim, are all of these in your collection? Like Mnytime's snakes.
  4. The mighty Kareem A.J. thread put me on a tangent. I'll start off with the easy one - Woody Allen[has a band, made Sweet and Lowdown in which I heard the only reference to Buck Clayton in the movies]
  5. I have no clue either. I saw this photo for sale and thought maybe one of the gurus might have an idea...
  6. Looks like it could be from around the same time when Louis Armstrong was young. I wonder who could it be.
  7. What a sad story. I know Woody was a long-time drug user, and that didn't help in his recovery. Too bad for his kids...he was still a relativley young man.
  8. About 500 Lps in my back-log. Maybe 4 cds.
  9. Phish bassist Mike Gordon, 38, was arrested Monday, August 11th, on charges of child endangerment after he was found with a nine-year-old girl in a secluded boathouse during a show by the Dead in Jones Beach, New York. According to New York's WNBC television, Gordon told police that he was taking "art photos" of the girl. I'm not passing judgements before the actual judgement takes place, but as a father of a baby-girl, I'd smack him real silly.
  10. This is fascinating! Thank you very much for being shameless. Please tell more about the actual techniques you employ, the ideas. Basically, how the pictures come about?
  11. This is the one to have. And this. And this.
  12. Without going into details and particulars, I must say that I do not enjoy the recent RVG treatment of many classic BN titles as well as his recent engineering jobs. But that's just my opinion.
  13. Weren't you the one who suggested to me to put Johnny E. Bush in the cement boots and give Greg electro-shock therapy? Or was it vice versa? Anyway, I agree.
  14. Nothing beats Ikea for the inexpensive storage units and hi-fi racks. I wish I had just bought mine, instead of sweating over it...
  15. Bro, this must've been someone else. As you remember, I made my own storage units for both the LPs and the cds. You can too. There're about 1000-1200 records in this pile. Sorry for being a procrastinator about the email replies. I'm almost as bad as you.
  16. Whoa. You're talking about bus fares? $10? Used to be like $50 or so. ps-Palmieri rocked!
  17. This one is just a plain lie. What is that?
  18. I have this LP. It is indeed an excellent album!
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