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Alexander Hawkins

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Everything posted by Alexander Hawkins

  1. Peter's an incredible musician. I really love this record on Clean Feed - fantastically imaginative reworkings of some standards, in effect. Often what really gets me about his playing is the exuberance - sort of the same buzz as with some Freddie Hubbard/Johnn Griffin etc...you just hear the joy of *really* playing hard!
  2. I did. Attended a couple of very enjoyable concerts in Silk Hall - a string orchestra that opened my ears to Alwyn's Sinfonietta for Strings and a marvellous quartet/quintet concert doing Britten/Ireland/Elgar. I prefer the concerts there as you have good sight lines whereas in the Abbey the orchestra is crushed at the end. The only disappointment was the new commissions concert in the Abbey where the new commissions were very tame. You need to organise an equivalent to Evan Parker's Freezone at the old Appleby there, Alex! Might bring the average age of attendance below 80! Looking forward to the solo record. Interesting - to be completely honest, I'm not sure I even knew the Alwyn existed! Yes, the sight lines in that space are fantastic - and I always think the sound is particular kind to strings...a shame I was away for most of the weekend. Actually - that's not a bad thought about trying to organise a Freezone-type thing...I may drop them a line...it being my home turf, I'm sure I can scare up a contact address from somewhere!
  3. Will be great to see you!!! I can't wait for this one...Louis was on simply awesome form last month when we did a few things... BTW - did you happen to catch any of the EMF this last weekend?
  4. If anyone's interested, here's at a festival last month, featuring a number of Blue Notes/Brotherhood-related tunes... Psyched to hear Procession for the first time...a real rarity in being 1) Brotherhood with Dyani; and 2) Brotherhood playing 'You Ain't Gonna Know Me...'
  5. Yeah!!!...Sonny and Louis would be no joke...phew.......
  6. Actually - while I think of it - this recent one with Joe McPhee, and me playing Hammond, may be appropriate for this thread..!
  7. Ah - I wish (Paris tomorrow...that's as French influenced as I'm scheduled just now!)
  8. If anyone's interested, a new one from The Convergence Quartet is still warm from the presses! It's here, from NoBusiness - unless anyone fancies picking one up from me at a gig sometime soon..
  9. They were on pretty glorious form in London a couple of months back - a concert the BBC recorded. It's available to listen again for this week only, in fact: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01rl306. Plus - Misha was on board!
  10. Ah wow, I'm flattered! We had a lovely night at Oto, actually...was a lot of fun...somewhat stressful, as due to an accident on the motorway, we completely missed a final rehearsal of the piece, and only had time for a 20-minute talk through before we hit...however - the 'terrible sound check, great gig' principle rode to our rescue! The Beeb were fantastic actually - I was set no parameters at all, apart from a rough guideline as the length of the piece. However, the more I thought about it, the less there was any need to contrive influence, because I realised there were so many parallels between the genres (whether conscious or not)...I did actually write some quite extensive notes for the session here where I try to go into a few of the ideas I was working with...but ideas of dance, repetitive structures, counterpoint, and so forth all fed into it. Plus, Ellington is where my heart is, so 'The Hot Bach' was also an important organising principle for me!
  11. The costs are fairly prohibitive...although I hope it may be possible to do it somehow...I don't know, it's tricky though. The issue with larger ensembles is also rehearsal time...that many people together for a few days is logistically unfortunately never straightforward. But - I certainly hope there might be a way!
  12. Thanks so much! It should be very soon - as in, within a couple of weeks...I must confess, I don't have the precise release date, but I'll post here to confirm when I know for sure. At any rate: it's coming on NoBusiness Records...and was recorded live at the London Jazz Festival in 2011!
  13. Thanks for the interest! This is all new music...the parameter I set myself was that I wouldn't use anyone from my current working bands, in order to help try to make something distinctive from my sextet writing. I suppose it's true to say that there are a couple of structural models at various places which I've played around with with other groups - but substantively, it's all new material! As for the instrumentation/arrangement - personally, I only use software for presentation/legibility purposes...I always work in manuscript first; usually, although not exclusively after working at the keyboard). I never use software compositionally - I suppose one small exception being that if there's a passage which I just can't play at the keyboard (e.g. too many lines/too many rhythmic layers), then I may listen to it after scoring it out on the computer...but for me, there's a risk with composing at the computer that you 'do' because you 'can'. Also, I'm sufficiently basic with my software that the built-in sounds are fairly awful, so you can't really get the sense of what instrumental blends sound like. For me, I have these in my head, with reference points being recordings I know, or scores of works I know, etc. For example, there's a passage which floors me in the latest Threadgill/Zooid, where the bass flute and trombone are in unison, and make a wonderful sound...so this was a guide for me in a passage in the last movement of this piece, where I paired alto flute/euphonium. The other thing I'd say about software is that it's tyranically accurate, in terms of tuning and rhythm. I suppose it's obvious that living, breathing musicians inflect things, pull them around, get them slightly wrong even - but the more I hear computers, the more I realise how indispensable this is to the performance!
  14. For anyone interested, I was recently commissioned to write a 50-minute work by the BBC, as part of their 'Baroque Season'. It's being broadcast for the first time tomorrow evening on Jazz on 3 - would love for you to check it out if time! And of course, it'll be on the iPlayer for the next week... Anyway, although there are only 8 musicians on stage, there are a lot of 'doublers', so it really I think feels like large ensemble music...so it's something of a rare foray for me... The band: Peter Evans - trumpet Percy Pursglove - trumpet/double bass Byron Wallen - flute/euphonium Oren Marshall - tuba Pete McPhail - flute/alto flute/sopranino/alto/baritone saxophones Chris Cundy - bass clarinet/contrabass clarinet Hannah Marshall - 'cello Mark Sanders - drums/percussion
  15. Gibo Pheto - brother of Pule, who has the piano chair on the record Agree - love that record! And I know the question wasn't 'records with 4 basses and tuba', but...
  16. Thank you! p.s. totally right about the pianist - I just didn't want to colour the opinion of others
  17. Thanks for the kind words about the Convergence Quartet...couldn't pass comment on the pianist, but the other three aren't half bad (FWIW - we have a new album coming out at the end of March - I'll post when there's a firm date!) Re Clean Feed - I'm a big fan of my friend Harris Eisenstadt's work on the label - September Trio, Canada Day, and Guewel are all great. Also had on the Sclavis/Rainey/Taborn 'Eldorado Trio' the other day, which I enjoy a lot...
  18. MIne's pre-ordered. I think the new Convergence Quartet's due on No Business - maybe that's what you were thinking of? Both feature AH after all and I think he may have posted the info somewhere - or my imagination's playing fast and wild again..... Yes, it's that way around! The record with Joe is on OTOroku - should be out very very soon indeed (I believe the sleeves have just been held up at the printers, but the records themselves are pressed). The new Convergence Quartet record should be out in March, and that's on NoBusiness
  19. Another big recommendation for Luis Russell...IMHO some of it represents a really interesting bridge between collective improvisation and the beginnings of Henderson-esque arrangement...
  20. Huge fan (of course) here. Good call on 'Mingus at Antibes' - possibly my favourite Dolphy w/Mingus...he's absolutely blazing on that one... YES on Hill's 'Point of Departure'. And of course, huge fan of Outward Bound and Far Cry in particular (and WOW - Jaki Byard plays some incredible piano on these...) Another standout track for me is 'Feathers' from 'Out There'. p.s. Allen - and I have to relegate this to a p.s. to avoid massively derailing the discussion - but thinking of bassists, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aGb53dNa6k?
  21. Thank you! No trouble at all, and I hope you enjoy the album!
  22. Thanks for the kind comments everyone! Ah...yes...so - some copies did exist in print in 2011; but official release was April this year...slightly convoluted story - but so much to say: you're not imagining things!!!
  23. John - wow; thank you so much for the tip off...I'm flattered !
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