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Everything posted by RonF

  1. Those are fascinating stories Chris, as usual. I remember hearing Lulu's name years ago. Can't quite remember if she was in British Pop. Personally, I thought she sang the hell out of Drown In My Own Tears. I missed the very start so there may have been mention of a Tom Jones connection to that blues scene, I don't know. Regardless, there was way too much of him for my taste. I thought all of the interviews were interesting. And Rosetta. Man! B)
  2. RonF

    Virginia Mayhew

    Jim, Babble On in on her new one. I had heard her name mentioned for the last year or two and also didn't know much about her. She really makes a statement with this project...and with a very good band. Don't know if you've communicated with Father Thorne on these boards. He heard her live with this band in Anchorage earlier this year. Knocked his socks off.
  3. I've had a chance to do a quick preview. There are six songs written by Cassandra. I'll need some time with those. She does Fragile by Sting and I very much like what she does with that. It stands up to the wonderful recent version by Andy Bey. She also chose Dylan's Lay Lady Lay which, frankly, I don't understand...yet. An odd choice for her and the arrangement didn't do much for me. Willie Nelson's Crazy is one of the highlights, imho. Several singers are doing Crazy these days...it seems to fit Cassandra's style very well. Then there's If Loving You Is Wrong (I Don't Wanna Be Right).... I'll reserve comment. Who did that? Bobby Blue Bland? And Muddy Water's Honey Bee, which at first listen, for a classic charging blues, seems to be lacking....something? Herlin Riley and Teri Lynne Carrington provide the drumming. Reginald Veal is the primary bassist. Fabrizio Sotti and Brandon Ross - guitars. Like I said...a quick preview. Curious to hear other opinions. I too learned to like Belly of the Sun, btw.
  4. Damn, those are very cool! I was a Crumb fan back in the day but I've never seen these jazz greats cards. Where did you get them?
  5. Very nice! One of my favorite people! B)
  6. I was just looking at a forum and saw the "Demon" again. Logged off and this time nothing. Is the hacker lurking? Or embedded?
  7. Randy, Depending on how large your hound is, an old tried and true remedy is giving them a bath with tomato juice. Believe it or not, it works....the citric acid has something to do with it. Last year we were turned on to a product called De-Skunk made by Mensa Products out of Fort Lauderdale. It was in one of our local pet stores. It works well too and the dog doesn't smell like a Bloody Mary for a week.
  8. Well, at the risk of being redundant, this cd cooks. All of the previous adjectives apply, these cats are professionals! Congrats Jim, Joe and Randy on an excellent album. Beginning around 1966 or so, at Xmas time, my bro and I would head back home from college and we'd celebrate the holidays to Jimmy Smith's The Organ Grinder. It became a long standing tradition. As someone said, you guys do JS proud. I'm also really impressed with the recording quality. The sound is great! And Ron Blake! Man, what a great compliment to the group. I've been listening to Ron's new one Lest We Forget with Joey D, David Gilmore, Greg Hutchinson and Christian Mcbride. Organissimo is right there with 'em. Hang in there you guys!
  9. RonF

    Jazz Vocalists

    Almost four months since a post in "vocalists". Thought I'd perform CPR. There were some great releases this summer. Curious if anyone heard any of these impressive vocalists: Dianne Reeves - A Little Moonlight - Blue Note Kate McGarry - Show Me - Palmetto Connie Evingson - Let It Be Jazz: Sings The Beatles - Summit Stacey Kent - The Boy Next Door - Candid Jackie Allen - The Men In My Life - A440 Shirley Horn - May The Music Never End - Verve Madeline Eastman - The Speed Of Life - MadKat Jackie Ryan - This Heart Of Mine - OpenArt Patti Wicks - Love Locked Out - MaxJazz
  10. Got my notice from CD Baby. It's on the way. Can't wait to do the Boogaloo!
  11. When the Giants went ahead with 11 sec to go, I turned off the set and went to bed. Next morning on Sports Center I saw what I dumb shit I was. Amazing game.
  12. Congrats Jim! Time will start flying faster now.
  13. SS1, I hope you didn't put a lot of money on those picks. Crazy Sunday huh? The Broncos looked pretty good against the Bungles but Plummer lived up to his Arizona reputation as The Interception King. Denver fans are happy with the win but nervous as hell about Plummer.
  14. Vocalists don't seem get a lot of attention here but this album is exceptionally good. Peter Martin - piano, Reuben Rodgers - Bass, Greg Hutchinson - drums. Special guests: Romero Lubambo and Nicholas Payton on one track. On Blue Note. Loads of Love, I Concentrate On You, Reflections, Skylark, What A Little Moonlight Can Do, Darn That Dream, I'm All Smiles, Lullaby of Broadway, You Go To My Head, We'll Be Together Again. After winning consecutive grammies for best female jazz vocalist for In The Moment - Live and the perhaps overly produced The Calling: Celebrating Sarah Vaughan she is rock solid and completely at ease with her terrific small band. Peter Martin is very tastey and Rodgers and Hutchinson are about as good as it gets. She effortlessly demonstrates her superiority as a jazz singer with impeccable pitch and experienced story telling ability. And finally, her song selection is consistent and fine. Listen to A Little Moonlight and you might come away thinking that everyone else is just trying to sing jazz. Dianne Reeves is at the top of the heap. Highly recommended.
  15. Ditto weiz. Beer tales and photos on a seperate thread please.
  16. Beri, I too am sorry to hear about your Mom's terrible luck. My wife's parents both dealt with cancer and insisted on being treated at MD Anderson in Houston. It has a wonderful reputation. Best to your Mom.
  17. What an absolute kick this thread is. If these gems were in a book, I'd buy it! Priceless.
  18. Marathon Elvis song record broken Thursday, August 21, 2003 Posted: 10:41 AM EDT (1441 GMT) OSLO, Norway (Reuters) -- A Norwegian Elvis impersonator set a record Wednesday by singing the King's hits non-stop for a voice-wrecking 26 hours, four minutes and 40 seconds. "This is just fantastic, I can't find words for it," a hoarse Kjell Henning Bjoernestad, 35, told NRK radio after his marathon. Fans in the bar where he performed cheered and handed him red roses. Dubbed "Kjell Elvis," Bjoernestad had aimed to sing 100 of Elvis' songs, ranging from "Hound Dog" to "Jailhouse Rock" over and over again for 30 hours to win a place in the Guinness Book of Records. But the performer, who once won an award as the Nordic region's best Elvis look-alike, gave up shortly after beating the previous record of 25 hours, 33 minutes and 30 seconds, set by Briton Gary Jay.
  19. Hey, isn't that Gary Busey's hot trio?
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