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About gmonahan

  • Birthday 10/23/1953

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    Portland, Oregon

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  1. Both great, but that Teagarden album is to die for.
  2. I agree it is a bit overlong. I go back and forth on the music. A lot of important things are communicated in the lyrics, and that sort of reinforces the artificiality of their existence. Certainly an interesting movie. I saw "The Order" last night and thought it was very good, especially Jude Law's performance as a slightly burnt out FBI agent.
  3. Absolutely essential, IMHO.
  4. I love the Anecdotes book. It has a quote from Zoot Sims about what it was like playing in Russia with Goodman. Zoot said, "Every gig with Benny is like playing in Russia." I know BG had his fans, but both Crow and Phil Woods were somewhat less than complimentary!
  5. Me three! I only just returned from a long overseas trip to find the box waiting for me. I've always liked Mosaic's remastering, but I have to say they've outdone themselves with this one. The sound is really wonderful!
  6. Yes, I've read accounts of his...er...eccentricity?! He was apparently a dreadful husband. We've talked here many times about artistic geniuses who turn out to be pretty lousy human beings. All that said, "Dr. Strangelove" is a masterpiece, and Sellers is fabulous in it!
  7. Saw "Conclave" last night. A bit slow, but a fine performance by Ralph Fiennes.
  8. He came late to the "age" of sincere standards singing, but he made a really fine career out of it. I like those Kapp records. RIP.
  9. He really did have a lovely voice.
  10. Ah, Rose Discount Records on S. Wabash. Be still my heart......
  11. Oddly, or maybe not so oddly? this album isn't in Lord's discography. I was curious who played trombone on the instrumentals. It doesn't sound like Dick Shearer, but I guess it could be. On a somewhat different note, I'm still exploring the later recordings of this guy
  12. I don't think Mosaic has much access to that catalog. If they did, I'd want that massive Gene Ammons set first!
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