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Everything posted by gmonahan

  1. Listening to the live things on disc 10. Some nice Lucky Thompson and Howard McGhee!
  2. The Teagardens, Kenton Presents: Rosolino, and the Basie Roulettes, but I like most of 'em.
  3. Excellent news! We miss you when you're gone! Greg
  4. I was gone and just caught up on Westworld last night. Some good Ed Harris. That series continues to be fun.
  5. That's funny. I'm just reading this as I finish the Bigard/Auld stuff on disc five. Bigard and Tatum are up next! On the whole, I'm really enjoying the variety on this set so far. There have been some pleasant surprises (Mike Lo Salzo, anyone?!), and I'm hoping for more.
  6. Mine arrived in Portland yesterday. I'm just finishing disc one as well. Some lovely Pee Wee Russell, and as a long-time fan of Bechet, I'm always delighted to hear more. Great booklet. I think I'm really going to enjoy exploring this set!
  7. Ditto. Now it has to make its way out here to the Best Coast! gregmo
  8. I still have all those Spotlite LPs, even though I long ago replaced them with the Complete Savoy and Dial Recordings box. It was a considerable point of pride for me back then when I managed to get hold of those LPs. And the music was--and is--so very fine! gregmo
  9. If you type "Keynote Box" in the search box you'll find a couple of discussions of it. gregmo
  10. Yes, it was, and you're probably right, but hope springs eternal! Thanks for the response. gregmo
  11. I liked the first two episodes well enough to stick with this one. gregmo
  12. I'm bumping this one in search of some info. I recently bought (off a discount bin) Basie's "LET'S GO TO TOWN" on Sounds of Yesteryear. It gives no personnel and no recording dates. Some sites claim the four sequential shows (numbered 237, 238, 239, and 240) are from 1957. Lord lists the first six (of 22) tracks as "poss. 1962" and gives one personnel, then lists other tracks from three different shows as "poss. 1960." I don't think it's '57. Joe Williams is on hand for all four 15-minute shows and is constantly referred to as "one of our graduates" by Basie, so he was just guesting. And it can't be from two different years if the shows are sequential. Does anyone out there have accurate info for this one? The sound is very good, and there's some especially nice Williams on the disc. gregmo
  13. Me too, regardless of how it's spelled! gregmo
  14. I agree. I think it's the most "Trek" of the recent CBS shows. gregmo
  15. Yes, but who knows how it will all come out in the wash? We'll see. I do note that my card has been billed, which could mean the set will soon be on its way! gregmo
  16. I just saw this thread (I travel a lot this time of year). Like most of you, I sort three sections: Classical (by composer), other (alphabetically by artist), and Jazz--that massive 90%--sorted alphabetically by artist with each artist's stuff chronological. But, like others, I do goofy shit, especially with compilations and various artists. There I sometimes choose the artist I like most and put it under that name, and occasionally by title, if it would make it easier to find. And, defying all these rules, I shelve my "Jazz in Paris" collection separately and organized by NUMBER, because...well...I just like the way it looks that way! The irritating thing is when I forget a given set (like a Mosaic set) has an album by a given artist, I see that separate album in a store and buy it, then come home to discover I already have it in a set. But then, I buy other dups now and then because my aging memory sucks. So it goes! gregmo
  17. Well, I went ahead and reordered immediately, then sent a note to Scott telling him (in a friendly way) that I hoped I wouldn't end up getting two sets! I told him he'd be forgiven if they worked on a Lionel Hampton 40s Decca/MGM set. Got a short response that included this: "I know Michael and I have kicked around the idea of a Decca Hamp but we should re-visit it again." Hope they do! gregmo
  18. That's a good choice. I think I'd choose the Bee Hive set as the one that might seem most similar. gregmo
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