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Everything posted by AfricaBrass

  1. I hear they blend well with Ayler's horn. I love their version of Ayler's Spirits Rejoice!
  2. Sorry to get you going! I've got too much going on right now to visit shops and get all reved up. Unfortunately, the internet and many ASATs are just a click away...
  3. This too, is my favorite Kenton album. :rsmile:
  4. When and where is that? I'm just getting back into guitar-playing after decades out of it, so I really haven't been aware of the show. Oh no! Here comes G.A.S.!!!! And that's why I haven't been to it in 3 years. You're a wise man! Man... I'm suffering from the worst case of G&L ASAT G.A.S. since you were talking about them a couple weeks ago...
  5. When and where is that? I'm just getting back into guitar-playing after decades out of it, so I really haven't been aware of the show. Oh no! Here comes G.A.S.!!!!
  6. That guitar was part of the Scott Chinery collection. If you're looking for it in the future, that's how I found it. I remember seeing photos of it a few years ago, before Chinery passed away. It's a wild guitar!
  7. This is the strangest D'Angelico that I have seen. Is this what you're looking for?
  8. Bully. Please don't go there, Wes! Ubu, I really appreciate your post on this. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you and those who have been hurt. I have enjoyed this board because of all of you. I really hope we can find a way to come back together and make this place a hoot again.
  9. Yeah, ol' JN really brings on the GREEZE and the CHEEZE! Mmmmmmmmmmmm.....!!!
  10. How'd I miss that one? I've been looking for that set forever.
  11. Firstly, I seriously DIG Couw and Catesta. You are both people I like and respect. I'm at a loss about what to say on this one because I have so much goodwill towards you. I'm sorry that anyone was offended by the idea of "chilling out". I really never meant it that way. I only thought we needed to work out the issues between ourselves. I just know unresolved anger helps no one. I NEVER meant to make light of someone's feelings about this. I haven't even read through that Israel thread. I really don't want to. I appreciate anyone who's trying to improve the situation there. That's my attitude on it. Since I can't do anything about it, I'm keeping my mouth shut. I figure there's been enough "turd slinging" by now that whatever Che said in that thread has been equalled in offense by all the "fuck you's" directed to him after the fact. There have been threads about how awful a person he is. That's pretty insulting. So, his initial offense may be been great, but the continued offense by those offended is probably just as bad by now. This is how wars get started. Like I've said before, if you have a problem with the guy, send him a PM and tell him how much he hurt your feelings. Honestly, do any of you feel better being filled with contempt/hatred for this guy? I miss the good times around here with you guys. I agree that he brought much of this on himself, but I do believe he has tried to play nice around here. I hope there's room for grace towards him. I'm not taking sides. I don't play that game.
  12. Al, Thanks for the great pictures and the great captions! Maybe I should add Dallas to my short list of potential places to move... I wish I could have been a the show.
  13. Still on the fence about it. I also just spent a bunch of $$$ on paint and furniture sprucing up the house. The credit card statement is looking heavy. Where's that GD tax return??? Man... I COMPLETELY understand! I still think you'll be able to come out ahead, either way. That's always nice.
  14. It really is a nice playing guitar. I like the look of it much better now as well. I might keep it a while and see how it goes. I've got the fever for guitar projects and I just spent over an hour looking at strat bodies on Ebay. I will probably sell the Cort when I'm ready to pull the trigger on a new project. That's cool, Scott! Guitar modding can be quite addictive. You should check out this website. These guys love to modify guitars. http://www.telemodders.com I don't know if you've played Teles, but they are amazing guitars...
  15. Nabors is a fantastic musician who's severely underrated. I wish I could spread the gospel of him to jazz lovers everywhere. One of my favorite periods was in the early seventies when he replaced Joe Zawinul in the Cannonball/Nat Adderley group. I hear he was playing stuff so BAD that Miles made an offer for him to join his group. To Nabor's credit, he stayed loyal and kept burning up the keys with Cannonball. I was lucky enough to find a photo from this period:
  16. I know this is a real late reply, Joe. I'm sorry if the Epiphone isn't working out for you. I know they did sell out, so you could probably sell yours for a profit. Actually, I hope you got over your buyer's remorse and are playing the heck out of it. :rsmile:
  17. Nice! So... Are you still going to sell it? Or have you grown attached to her?
  18. Some people only post when they have something to say. Strange concept I know. So what is the definition of having something to say? Are we only allowed to post a message that adds to jazz scholarship in general? I used to think this was a place where we could just shoot the breeze. To tell the truth, all these comments on junk posts, etc... have taken a lot of the fun out of this place for me. I no longer post in reply. I used to do so because I know how much it stinks to post something cool and feel like it was ignored. I know that "stupid questions" thread was annoying to many, but to those participating, it was a lot of fun. Maybe this place has been sour at times because the good-natured fun has been discouraged around here. I guess I better go write a thesis so I can post something worthwhile here. I'd hate to see an Organissimo forums get together. Would we just stand around and only utter profundities, or would we just be cool and talk about the weather or our kids, etc... These are the kinds of things that build goodwill towards each other. I don't mean to be offensive, but I really hate this attitude. I live with enough rules in my real life. Maybe we could have a thread or section of the forum for those of us who (as some believe here) are junk posters. That way, the intellectuals won't have to deal with those of us who are beneath them. I'm off to work on my next post. It will be about the morning of April 14, 1965 and what type of toothpaste Lee Morgan used. Most biographers believe it was Crest, but I have an alternate theory. There seems to have been a shift in his sound and I attribute it to a different toothpaste. You know how a fresh mouth makes you feel... Jeff, I think you are reading way too much into my initial post. Tough day? I was really replying to something that has become a consistant theme around here. I'm just tired of feeling there's supposed to be a post ettiquite around here. I'm sorry if I offended you at all. :rsmile:
  19. Clever. It's pretty freaky. I saw one site that had a bunch of this stuff with the various redesigned bills.
  20. I wish I had done that. I just found it in my internet travels.
  21. I really wish we could hash out our differences around here.
  22. Tony... you sure live dangerously! Actually, you do. I watched that video clip of your car club. You guys were screaming down those roads... hmmm.... looks like fun!
  23. I just hope they don't use Diebold voting machines... They'll end up with the Dalai Llama as Pope. Actually, that might not be a bad idea.
  24. I like the one that's the current avatar. He's movin'!
  25. It looks great, Jim! Sorry to go off on a sidetrack, but I just love Elvin.
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