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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. was spinning: Mauricio Kagel - Exotica - (DGG original), side two now: New Phonic Art - Meeting in Baden-Baden (Wergo) free improvisation with Michel Portal, Vinko Globokar, Jean-Pierre Drouet and Carlos Alsina. Wild stuff!
  2. Ken, I hope, not Andy...
  3. The LP jacket lists the order of soloists on the back, which coincides with drummers starting side 2. I hear you, though.
  4. Huh. On my LP, Bailey's at the beginning of side one. How did Atavistic do the reissue?
  5. Happy Birthday!!! PM me when you get some free time and I'll buy you a beer!
  6. Well, at least one (probably Van Hove's) is prepared...
  7. As long as we're on Schoof (?!)--Is European Echoes worth picking up? The lineup is excellent, but I'm wondering what differentiates this from the dozens of others with similar personnel. It's making the rounds at a reasonable price... It's great, and it has an urgency that makes it profoundly different from some of those other records. They're on FIRE...
  8. Yeah, I saw him opposite Byard last year in NYC. He was surely a distintive personality and musician, and will be missed. RIP.
  9. Speaking of prime European jazz, when is somebody going to reissue all that Manfred Schoof Quintett material from the '60s? Great shit!!!
  10. Meant Ra, not Murray - I think Cecil is an extremely interesting individual, poetry included, but I just don't think his sexuality outweighs other aspects of his personality/art. That's what I'm afraid sometimes happens, same with Ra. There are so many other levels on which these people operate that one trumping another seems unfair. I would also never argue that music trumps all - certainly the temperament IS the music in so many ways. I'm with you on the cultish aspect of Ra, though. I think that's pretty interesting, especially if one were to compare it to earlier big band touring/rehearsing/living practices.
  11. One of my favorite Murray LPs! Yeah, that Murray band was pretty wild. Was lucky to hear them live quite a number of times. Sonny Murray live is a total experience! I'd have given my first-born to see that band live. Wow!
  12. I've had three copies of that, different pressings, all having a crappy side 1. Bad luck? Who knows...
  13. Yeah, I remember that. Nothing seems to have come of it, according to AMG at least. The few titles that were out several years ago are all I see. I thought Afrodisiaca was reissued, but no evidence here...
  14. Oh, was that what this thread was about?
  15. Tone? You mean the sound he makes? MG yeah sound, it's weak and very uncertain , wavering around much of the time, I have to assume it's deliberate I haven't listened to it in a couple years, but I don't remember "feeling" it as much as I was hoping to. Maybe that's why, but it doesn't stick out in my mind. I'll have to listen to the record later and jog the memory.
  16. I'm certainly not one to bemoan the valuable interest in the personality and the man - if I were, then interviewing musicians and artists wouldn't be a passion of mine, mythology and all - but I've just heard the "are they or aren't they" debate w/r/t Sunny and Cecil a number of times and, frankly, to me it gets a little boring. They're complicated and eminently fascinating individuals, whatever their sexual orientation (and cosmic, and literary), so I'm willing to take it all as part and parcel of the equation AND enjoy the music.
  17. No, I'm with you Tony on the amateurs - a couple of training buddies were ex-domestiques and they were insane riders. Probably still are. But my point was, as you said, that doping is all through cycling, and the demands placed on the human body to complete those races have always required pharmaceutical assistance, among other things. Sobeit. If Landis loses the title, can you trust #2 not to be doped as well? Doubtful. Still, I had high hopes for Landis making the podium this year, well before the race begun. Scandal or no, he was strong and things fell into place for him. That's not a result of doping, and never is.
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