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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. I often feel the same way. Two is just not always enough. Why have two when there's the possibility of three. Folks spend way too much time thinking about 4' 33" when there's other issues to explore. Word. Make 'em squeal like Alan Silva's bass, is all I have to say on it.
  2. I often feel the same way. Two is just not always enough.
  3. 6'6" though the rest of it is subjective! Thanks, Patricia!
  4. My mom works for the Rothko Chapel. She's pretty fired up on Feldman, and hopefully they'll get their shit together and have the piece performed publicly for the first time in a while. Happy Birthday Morty! And thanks, 7/4, for posting those wonderful photos. But who is that guy from Sunburned Hand of the Man standing with him?
  5. A New Conception would make a nice RVG. It's a great record, though the rhythm section isn't the most sale-able. But Galper and Ellington (and Herbie Lewis) are great - Steve Ellington is a criminally underrated drummer.
  6. So the Gigolo is that good, eh? Should I feel like a dick for passing up $20 original LP copies because I thought it would sound like the other Lee boogaloo records I have? Have I answered my own question?
  7. Aren't test pressings usually done up on lesser vinyl that doesn't hold up as well? I always think of them as something to check that the plates are correct, and thus the sound on first play, rather than any longevity.
  8. I like the Brooks a lot, but quite a few have the same "Blowing Session" criticism of it that you do. Then again, there are many, many titles in the BN catalog fitting that description to a tee. Still, it's one of those recordings that, if not a 'clarion call,' still signifies that period of post-bop jazz as good or better than many, strictly because of the caliber of playing and tightness of the band. It's been some time since I pulled it out - and it's probably still in a moving box - but I'm now primed to revisit it with some detail. Thanks for the reminder!
  9. Whoa. Anyway, I didn't much care for the major drops over Greenland flying back to the US from Scandinavia. I didn't realize such large aircraft could fall so far, so fast, and so repeatedly. Yuck. I think I was actually crying and slobberiing on my then-girlfriend's lap... Recently had a hell of a bumpy run into LaGuardia, and thought we might be landing in the drink - luckily it didn't happen, but that was probably the craziest landing I've ever had.
  10. I heard there was a party...? Happy Birthday, belatedly, and glad it was a good one (as they all should be). We Capricorns know how to roll.
  11. Belated and hope your upcoming shenanigans are worthwhile... as they should be!
  12. Thanks for the well-wishes; I've been busy acclimating to Texas and haven't been on the board much (in fact, starting the 8th I've been moving into a new crib), but will try to chime in when I can... Thanks, guys!
  13. Michel Pilz - a truly insane bass clarinettist from, I think, Luxembourg (originally, anyway) But hey, re-discovery is sometimes even more interesting, and you can do that every day!
  14. This is a pretty cool thread - would love to have seen any/all of the gigs mentioned... I too would like to know who was in the Gilmore quartet. Maybe analogous to the "Turkish Women at the Bath" date?
  15. Like at contemp-SF's dinner party!
  16. Jen Hughes at Aveda - Minneapolis (Downtown) did my mop right, though my last girlfriend was a stylist too so that was cheating... I think my criteria on dating must include ability to give a good 'do, not to mention do me right...
  17. Ouch, this hurts. RIP, Mr. Bailey, and thanks for all the sonic peace you have given us... Man, oh man, oh man.
  18. That duo with Hamid Drake on his new one on RogueArt is great. Saw her a few times years ago in Chicago with Boykin, and remember enjoying quite a bit. Funny Savoir Faire being brought up - I remember playing a really nice gig with him in Chi-town a few years back - two drummers, two guitarists, violin and cello - really heavy stuff!
  19. It's not just BNs - Impulse, Prestige, even crappy late-issue FMPs have been nuts this year. I thought I'd seen it all with $40 Polvo records, but I guess it doesn't matter what it is - as long as it's vinyl!
  20. I third the Yoshi's set. Was just listening to this stuff earlier tonight, and it's unequivocally great stuff. This, coming from somebody who spends most of his time in the "Ayler-esque."
  21. I'm not even gonna take Clem's bait beyond the fact that I'm not anti-intellectual or cool, or anything else other than what I am. So fuck off, already.
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